

Ægir - 01.05.1982, Page 13

Ægir - 01.05.1982, Page 13
^agnýting fiskafla árið 1981 -0rskuT— ísfiskur Fryst Hert Niðurs. Söltun Innanl,- neysla Mjöl- vinnsla Alls Vsa ■ 1 m 84n 176.541 502 422 460.579 61.033 54 RRO Ufsi "' 42 514 7 ^42 67 294 3.594 32 18 Karfj’ 11.092 * 24 Unga‘ * 83 026 59 1.215 1 93.349 3.348 7 8?7 Keila ’ 1 482 771 5 102 * 1 Skðtu’tllr ' ’'' 9 145 97 1 8.237 441 Skata e‘Ur 8 * 78 33 15 229 Lúöa Urhöad 6 006 139 71 2.152 11.430 3 3 164 1 1.012 * 8 76 15.455 aJ k°1i .. * 28 13 3.840 81 --^natfisku^ jTTjt 48 — — — Samtals botnfiskafli Silð Hw fekja t :" ■ 40.907 95 265 344.646 14.603 557 1.868 2.520 7.822 10.186 154 133.408 17 67 150 230 4 189.028 24.246 6.066 4.640 39 1 4.044 507 639.988 * 14.778 716.741 39.544 640.562 1.868 2.520 8.147 10.186 21.266 htILDARAFLI \%YlSkaf,inn: 41.267 382.352 133.425 451 219.340 4.680 659.317 1.440.833 |980 !979 "■■■■... |97b >«77 ■■•■■•... |976 '97$ '' ■ 1974 •■•■■•.. >973 ••■■ :: >972 •■•■ 40.907 344.646 133.408 67 189.028 4.640 4.044 716.741 52.757 365.478 80.384 104 153.057 4.858 6.432 663.302 41.850 372.056 30.144 24 125.569 6.021 16.393 592.057 28.140 319.220 7.596 97 115.310 5.194 38.010 513.567 11.310 294.798 31.225 235 133.633 5.713 26.023 502.938 12.021 278.170 28.603 295 122.158 5.361 29.274 475.882 17.775 271.439 8.769 282 133.932 5.148 6.393 443.738 19.474 243.615 9.237 58 126.649 4.025 19.458 422.520 19.818 231.852 12.891 220 110.494 4.887 17.918 398.084 Sí/tf. ‘98Í 20.398 243.337 3.344 184 108.032 5.015 5.405 385.715 980 '■•• >979 ■•■•■.. >978 ■•■•■...:: 1977 "••••. '976 ••••....;; I974 14.603 150 24.246 39 507 39.544 2.628 13.381 . 264 36.683 - 302 53.268 _ 17.129 _ 1.588 25.899 3 461 45.079 _ 8.020 _ 1.002 27.719 - 591 37.333 _ 6.372 _ 321 21.907 - 325 28.925 12.788 1.895 - 211 14.923 4 154 29.975 1973 20.253 1.506 - - 11.625 49 33.433 1972 •■•■•..:: 38.891 682 - - 618 - 280 40.471 42.748 377 _ - - - 240 43.365 >• S ■•••... 38.298 2.166 5 570 16 500 41.546 979 •■■.... _ 2.425 17 - - - 639.988 642.430 978 2.283 3.906 963 - - - 752.870 760.022 977 ■■••... " _ 11.123 1.159 - - - 951.275 963.557 976 •■•.... •• 360*** 1.613 _ - - - 964.768 966.741 975 ■••■...; 3.394*** 6.496 69 - - 15 802.693 812.667 974 ■■•.... •• 8.839** 6.724 _ - - 67 443.138 458.768 w 40.309** 1.506 _ - - 1 459.218 501.093 ‘972 419 24.279 - - 53 - 437.479 462.230 _ 21.500 - - - - 420.037 441.537 - 7.034 - 40 - 5 269.890 276.969 ÆGIR — 237



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