Jazz - 01.05.1947, Page 9

Jazz - 01.05.1947, Page 9
opea m {1 », : s, 1 - : w I n I C:«t I d' : t 11 ; t I d' I- :- I- :- r o - ver Greal lovea from lit - tle friend-ships grow. So, {$ -J-.i frj. =J= 3^ % =f=PT =l==^t ^7 F7 Cm7 ” opTo ___ °JK> F7+ Akm7 d!>7 Gk °Pí? Gm7 C9 2 ||n :- lt, .d :-.r I - :- I - ;d Id :- I r, |- :n, I f, :s, | 1,. ,lt .1«, £ lav . Please dorit say “No’L_ Lb :J. , say ‘‘May - be’ And though I’d wiohyoudcon-fees, P ij pf rf 3= í bI> 07 open ■9- El>6 w F9 r É {1- :t< d :r | n f* Ddim Cm7 TF -p-. -------'Cm7 cm prn Ddim nm ÆH .Frn . Fm . rTTT TttT - :n If :n | 1, :- II, .n | .la, :d .r In .n r f.-jgw rightnow I'd eet-tle for less, . ~hk _ Be-cause in tixne, ba-by, You’ilwindupsay-ing gife -J--).J - Sfff F7 f F7 D7 Cm7 rs: F9 G9- G7 C7 Eom6 »■* ; d :- 1 P i! - open t : 1 i; . . .1 — ‘ ' ' .. .1 i:. 11 L



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