Reykjavík Grapevine - 02.11.2007, Blaðsíða 47

Reykjavík Grapevine - 02.11.2007, Blaðsíða 47
Services Useful Numbers Emergency number: 112 Police: 569 9000 Medical help: 1770 Dental emergency: 575 0505 AA: 551 2010 Information: 118 Telegrams: 146 Tax Free Refund Iceland Refund, Aðalstræti 2, Tel: 564 6400 Post Office Post offices are located around the city as well as in the countryside. The downtown post office is at Pósthússtræti 3-5. For a full list and info on opening hours visit www. Stamps are also sold in bookstores, gas stations, some grocery stores and tourist shops. Embassies and Consulates United States, Laufásvegur 21, Tel: 562 9100 United Kingdom, Laufásvegur 31, Tel: 550 5100 Russia, Garðastræti 33, Tel: 551 5156 China, Víðimelur 29, Tel: 552 6751 For a full list visit Ministry for Foreign Affairs: sions/icelandic-missions/ Internet Access Most coffeehouses have wireless Internet access. Computers with Internet connections are available at: Ráðhúskaffi City Hall, Tjarnargata 11 BSÍ Bus Terminal, Vatnsmýrarvegur 10 Ground Zero, Vallarstræti 10 The Reykjavík City Library, Tryggvagata 15 The National and University Library, Arngrímsgata 3 Tourist Information Centre, Aðalstræti 2 Icelandic Travel Market, Bankastræti 2 Opening hours Bars and clubs: According to regu- lations bars may be open until 01:00 on weekdays and 05:30 on weekends. Shops: Mon-Fri 10-18, Sat 10-16, Sun closed. The shopping centres Kringlan and Smáralind as well as most super- markets and tourist shops have longer opening hours. Swimming pools: weekdays 06:30- 22:30, weekends 08:00-20:30 although some may be open an hour longer. The State owned ÁTVR liquor stores: Mon-Thu 11-18, Fri 11-19, Sat 11-18. Banks in the centre are open Mon-Fri 09-16. Laundry Service HI Hostel, Sundlaugarvegur 34, Tel: 553 8110, Úðafoss, Vitastígur 13, Tel: 551 2301, Getting Around Public transport The only public transport system in Reykjavík is the bus. Most busses run every 20 minutes and price per fare is 250 ISK for adults and 75 ISK for chil- dren. Complete route map at: www. Tel: 540 2700 Busses run from 07:00-24:00 on week- days and 10:00-24:00 on weekends Rent a bike Borgarhjól, Hverfisgata 50, Tel: 551 5653, HI Hostel, Sundlaugarvegur 34, Tel: 553 8110, Tourist Information Centre, Aðalstræti 2, Tel: 590 1550, Taxi Hreyfill-Bæjarleiðir, Tel: 553 3500 or 588 5522 BSR, Tel: 561 0000 For disabled travellers: Reykjavík Group Travel Service, Brunastaðir 3, Tel: 587 8030, www. travel_service/ Car rentals Átak Car Rental, Smiðjuvegur 1, Tel: 554 6040 ALP, Dugguvogur 10, Tel: 562 6060 Avis, Knarravogi 2, Tel: 591 4000 Eurocar, Hjallahraun 9, Tel: 565 3800 A.G Car Rental, Tangarhöfði 8-12. Tel: 587 5544 Atlas Car Rental, Dalshraun 9, Tel: 565 3800 Berg Car Rental, Tangarhöfða 8, Tel: 577 6050 Hertz, Flugvallavegur, Tel: 522 4400 Airlines Air Iceland, Reykjavíkurflugvöllur, Tel: 570 3030, Air Vestmannaeyjar, Tel: 481 3255, Bus Terminal BSÍ, Vatnsmýrarvegur 10, Tel: 562 1011, A reasonable choice for the budget traveller. You log on to the website, choose your destination and hopefully find a travel buddy to share the cost. Cultural Centres and Tourist Offices The Intercultural Centre The Intercultural Centre throws oc- casional cultural events and confer- ences but its main purpose is to be an information and counselling centre and serve as an advocate for the rights of immigrants in Iceland. Hverfisgata 18, Tel: 530 9300 Icelandic Travel Market Bankastræti 2, Tel: 510 5700, Information on day tours, accommoda- tions, car rental and everything else you need to know when travelling in Iceland. Iceland Visitor Lækjargata 2, Tel: 511 2442, A travel agency offering travelling package trips and custom-made tours as well as car rental, day tours and accommodations for visitors. Tourist Information Centre Aðalstræti 2, Tel: 590 1550, Offers information for tourists as well as providing internet access, book- ing service, a phone centre, money exchange service, tax refund and selling the Reykjavík Tourist Card. The Reykjavík Tourist Card gives admis- sion to city busses, various museums, Reykjavík swimming pools, The Family Park and Reykjavík Zoo, The Culture House and the National and University Library. The Icelandic Tourist Board Lækjargata 3, Tel: 535 5500, All information needed before travel- ling in Iceland. Goethe Institute Túngata 14, Tel: 561 5921, A cultural institute that offers movie screenings, lectures and German language courses. Nordic House Sturlugata 5, Tel: 551 7030, The Nordic cultural centre organises various cultural events, conferences and exhibitions. All major tourist spots in Reykjavík also offer brochures, maps and information for travellers. Useful Information Where to learn Icelandic as a foreign language Icelandic on the Internet, Mímir Continuing Education, Skeifán 8, Tel: 580 1800, Námsflokkar Reykjavíkur, Fríkirkjuvegur 1, Tel: 551 2992 Fjölmenning, Laugavegur 59, Tel: 511 1319, The Icelandic College of Engi- neering and Technology, Höfða- bakki 9, Tel: 577 1400, Iðnskólinn í Reykjavík, Skólavörðuholti, Tel: 552 6240, The University of Iceland – De- partment of Continuing Education, Dunhagi 7, Tel: 525 4924, Religious movements The national church in Iceland is the Evangelical Lutheran Church. Masses are generally held on Sundays at 11:00 in churches all around the capital. Service in English is at Hallgrímskirkja every last Saturday each month, starting at 14:00. The Roman Catholic Church also has masses in English and Polish. Other religious movements in Reyk- javík are for example: The Muslim Association of Ice- land, Ármúli 38 Ásatrú Association, Grandagarði 8 Bahá’í, Álfabakka 12 The Church of Evangelism, Hlíðasmári 9 The Icelandic Buddhist Move- ment, Víghólastígur 21 Reykjavík Free Lutheran Church, Fríkirkjuvegur 5 Pentecostal Assembly, Hátún 2 Roman Catholic Church, Hávallagata 14 Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- Day Saints, Ásabraut 2 Jehovah’s Witnesses, Sogavegur 71 Seventh-Day Adventists, Suðurhlíð 36 Zen Buddhism in Iceland, Reykjavíkurvegur 31 Independent Church, Háteigsvegur 101 The Russian Orthodox Church in Iceland, Sólvallagata 10 The Cross, Hlíðasmári 5-7 Trade Unions The Icelandic Federation of Labour, Sætún 1, Tel: 535 5600, The Federation of State and Mu- nicipal employees, Grettisgata 89, Tel: 525 8300, The Association of Academics, Borgartún 6, Tel: 581 2090, Efling, Sætún 1, Tel: 510 7500, The Commercial Workers’ Union, Kringlan 7, Tel: 510 1700, Union of Public Servants, Gret- tisgata 89, Tel: 525 8340, Useful Websites (The official tourist website of Reykjavík) (Information about the gay scene in Iceland) (The Multicultural Centre) (Hostel International in Iceland) (Public employment services) (The yellow pages) (Rent a flat) (Icelandic telephone directory) Where to get … Work and residence permit: The Directorate of Immigration, Skógarhlíð 6, Tel: 510 5400, Insurance and benefits: The State Social Security Institute, Laugavegur 114-116, Tel: 560 4400, Icelandic citizenship: Unless you come from a Nordic country, foreign citizens have to have had an unre- stricted residence permit in Iceland for at least seven years in order to get an Icelandic citizenship although some exceptions exist to that general rule. Applications are at the Ministry of Justice and Ecclesiastical Affairs, Skuggasund, Tel: 545 9000, Unemployment benefits: Director- ate of Labour, Public Employment Service, Tryggvagata 17, Tel: 515 4800, Icelandic social security number (kennitala): National Register, Bor- gartún 30, Tel: 560 9800, Driver’s license: Those who have a foreign license don’t need an Icelandic one for the first six months. After that time you have one month to apply for an Icelandic driver’s license. Applica- tions are at police stations. Tax card: Tax office, Laugavegur 166, Tel: 563 1100, Rent subsidies: Social Service Office, Tryggvagata 17, Tel: 411 9000 Ultimate Survival Guide | Reykjavík Grapevine | Issue 17 2007 | 31 Laugavegi 7 • 101 Reykjavík Sími 561 6262 • Annick Goutal, Bonpoint, Farmers Market, Orla Kiely, Sonia Rykiel, Jamin Puech, Petit Bateau, Steiff ... Don’t miss Kisan when in downtown Reykjavík. A truly unique concept store carrying world known brands as well as local delights like the quality sweaters from Farmers Market – only place in downtown. Do you know your pension fund rights? • Are you obliged to pay into a pension fund? • What do your pension rights entail? • Why is your pension payment taxed? • What benefits do you gain by paying into a pension fund? The answers to these questions and many more can be accessed at The Icelandic Pension Funds Association


Reykjavík Grapevine

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