Reykjavík Grapevine - 02.07.2008, Blaðsíða 50

Reykjavík Grapevine - 02.07.2008, Blaðsíða 50
an icelandic senator has called me childish because i want to protect nature , which i find peculiar because i actually find it so incredibly childish , when the whole world is holding its breath because global warming might kill all the humans within 50-100 years, to increase our co2 emission by 19 tons per capita, which places us in third place worldwide, just after australia and the u.s.a. 10 of those 19 tons are caused by the three already existing aluminium plants. do we aim at even more, if we build more aluminium plants, at húsavík and helgu- vík ? will we be at the top ? will we be the worlds top polluters ? child- ish or grown-up ? questionable ... ? the already existing plants will stay, that cannot be changed. nonetheless i find it strange that we sell this energy at a third of what alcoa pays in europe and america. we could afford to have three times less power plants if we got the right share of the profit. at the same time, we export everything raw and unprocessed instead of designing and producing useful things we could brand as “made in iceland”. why dont we produce these things before we go on smelting ? why are we, just like when fishing cod , only interested in the first step, i.e. providing the raw material, instead of processing it all the way ? why are we still playing the part of the colony ? whether it is for the danes, the u.s. army or alcoa, we dont get much in exchange. Isnt it childish to sell oneself that cheap ? the senator mentions “ the brutal withdrawal of the army “ why should alcoa not become as brutal some time in the future ? most of the icelanders who were employed by the army have now found a new job, and we should be glad they did. jó- nas frá hrifla once said that halldór laxness was childish, because of his views on nature conservation. laxness fought for the protection of gull- foss, the golden waterfall. was prime minister ólafur thors also child- ish, because he granted the u.s. army permission for only one military base, when they were asking for four ? sure, they would have rewarded us and paved road nr 1 all around iceland, and we would have then “gained” quite a lot that way. but then iceland would have followed the cold war in its fall, and been hurt by brutal unemployment. we would have been unable of attempting anything without asking first the u.s. for permission. not unlike the dependency of greenlanders on denmark today. why should we stay so dependable on others ? i think it is childish. maybe the senator thinks the icelanders struggle for independence was childish. was jón sigurðsson, our national hero, just a romantic dream- er when he said that icelanders should take everything in their own hands, which is of course the much harder way : to care for the grass root , to start from scratch and build up a whole country takes a long time, why should we bother when it is so easy to let the danes/usa/al- coa take care of us ? i wish to point out to the senator that i know a few things about grass root , contrary to his statement . mine is a nearly 30 year experience . from the very start, when we were offered contracts by skífan and steinar, we decided to do everything ourselves and to this day i never sold myself. the sugarcubes could have accepted big offers from big companies, but we never wanted to belong to others or owe them anything. i have always refused to do commercials . i have met many foreign musicians who had a similar job to mine in terms of fame and record sales, and at one point got tempted and signed the “big contract” : in doing so they sold their independence, and when things weren´t going too well , they could not get anything published or they had to write music under orders from the record companies . we have all heard many stories like that . it is not good to put oneself into such a weak position, to have to obey others. senator , you are right when you say that i dont know what it is to be unemployed in a small village out in the country, but i do know what it is to start a small company, to take care of it and believe in it when no- body else does, and resist to the temptation of selling oneself to larger companies when things just start taking off, one has to go on watering and persevere through the difficult times in order to deserve the fruit when they finally come. one has to protect one´s plant during all those years, until it reaches full growth. your plant will not be healthy and unique if you havent had the patience to take care of it meticulously . it is then necessary to defend purity , refuse corruption and temptations, such as “short cuts” into “big time”, and i can assure you that building one of the biggest aluminium plants in the world with alcoa is one of those “short cuts”. i can smell it . i wish to point out to the senator that i come back to iceland more than once a year. since 1993, i have spent half of my time here ; the members of sigur rós still live here, and it is worth a mention that they built a re- cording studio in mosfell, and have created and recorded most of their music there. when i said that icelands image was important for icelanders who are working abroad, i was not thinking about myself or sigur rós. i´m not worried about us. i have in mind all the other export goods such as skyr, water, fish, bio lamb meat, tourism, geothermal experience ; even our president, the honourable ólafur ragnar grímsson, has started giving lec- tures abroad about icelands green energy. and not to mention what could happen if we do manage to stay green. in my opinion, there are so much more possibilities for us to survive if we do so . we could for instance sell bio vegetables grown with geothermal energy, health products, cosmet- ics, dairy products and so on and so on. but what i essentially believe in is the imagination of this nation . If you give it a chance it will think of more fertile things than smelters . in that field also , senator , i do have some experience. icelandic music which was just an imitation of foreign music was never successful abroad . art and business have that in common : original thinking helps. prime minister geir haarde was recently rewarded by newsweek as the greenest prime minister in the world. if we build more aluminium plants we will not be greenest any more. we will become one of the biggest smelting pots in the world and, per capita, the most polluting nation on earth. many business opportunities will be ruled out. many companies have already announced that they will in the future deal exclusively with green businesses and countries. our chances to cooperate with google, for instance, will fade away if we dont take the green stance . because unfortunately we cannot be green and non-green at the same time. látrabjarg, the largest bird colony in europe, could become a suc- cessful natural park. the inhabitants of that region have shown a keen interest. but they intend to allow a oil refinery as well. those simply do not work together. if we harness all the rivers, all the reproduction areas of the cod would be disturbed, perhaps irremediably. the choice for us is : cod or dams ? there is another thing , senator , i have always considered as very child- ish : to have such a uniform economic system in such a small country. how often did we get burned , for instance when everybody was fishing herring, and when the herring disappeared the economy collapsed ; do you remember when everybody wanted to open video rental shops and half of them went bankrupt (the tanning booth craze is memorable ... ) we can possibly cope with the three already existing aluminium plants, anyway we have to ; but why not go for diversity and create the lacking jobs from so many other fields ? without selling ones soul to a company which ignores human rights, produces weapons and is on black lists in many parts of the world. there was no 1 miracle solution when icelanders began their struggle for independence. nor is there any now . fertile , creative societies are not the product of uniform solutions. you might be right, senator , when you as a proud countryman do not to listen to the advice of a 101 reykjavík arty kernel (anyway she is never in iceland, she is always just drinking champagne with foreigners abroad) but why do you then have to kneel down to alcoa, if you are so indepen- dent and self-sufficient ? moreover, i think its no longer right to connect this pro-con aluminium quarrel to some alleged countryside-city an- tagonism. the situation is not black and white, because in recent years all kinds of companies have started outside reykjavík. small grassroots beginnings, but will continue to grow , who can foresee the results after 5 years ? 10 years ? think about the húsavík whale centre, musicians all over the country, the scholars at hólar, villimey in the west fjords, geoplank in grindavík, vogafjós in the mývatn district, the bird collection at mývatn, hvíldarklettur sea angling in the west, the settlement centre at borgarnes, the sorcery and witchcraft museum strandagaldur in stran- dasýsla, the rapidly expanding akureyri university, the pirate museum at patreksfjörður, the aldrei fór ég suður festival at ísafjörður, skálanes and lunga at seyðisfjörður . i would love to hear more from those people . a lot of scientists think solar energy is the future. why not do some re- search in that field and join the pioneers ? many things have already been accomplished : for instance the blue la- goon (obtaining the licence for running the business took 10 years, it was considered too utopian), icelandair, össur, marel, marorka, whale watch- ing and museum at húsavík and 3x steel at ísafjörður. CCP employs today 350 people thanks to a video game idea one individual got 10 years ago. let us not forget the carbon fibre plant at sauðárkrókur, which will create 60 new jobs. minimal pollution and visionairy ! (planes will be made of carbon fibre instead of aluminium). these, and others are in the grassroots, and will grow and thrive for a whole century ; and we havent of course listed everything yet, because as jón sigurðsson knew, as ólafur thors knew also, and halldór laxness and all of us icelanders know, just by placing our hand on our hearts , whether we are for aluminium plants or for the protection of nature, what is most beneficial for the icelandic nation is what we build things ourselves from scratch, although it is much more difficult and takes much more time than if we do it in the service of foreigners. our harvest lies there . by björk guðmundsdóttir:
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Reykjavík Grapevine

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