Reykjavík Grapevine - 06.08.2008, Blaðsíða 4

Reykjavík Grapevine - 06.08.2008, Blaðsíða 4
4 | REYKJAVÍK GRAPEVINE | ISSUE 11—2008 LETTERS Sour Grapes say your pieCe, voiCe your opinion, senD your Letters to or text +354 893 9589 Welcome Card Reykjavík Enjoy the Thermal Pools, Museums, Public Transport and discounts. 24 / 48 / 72 hour cards - Great Value For Money Sold at the Centre and most Reykjavík hotels. I recently completed my second trip to Iceland, during which I was amused by Nethaniel Flagg’s self hating article about Americans. Things have changed in Iceland from 4 years ago, and not for the better. Icelanders used to be hap- py to see any tourist - even us terrible Americans (sic), as tourism was a great boost to an economy that had stagnated for generations. I still will recommend Iceland to anyone who has never been there, but warn them of the backlash against tourists also. Roving gangs of very drunk ENGLISH tourists should not ruin the party for everyone, and that goes for just about every european country these days.. As for Mr. Flagg’s article, well, I know he is young and impressionable and all that - but really now. His refer- ence to an “unarmed” nation is really funny, considering that US air force base at Keflavik that has defended the island for decades. Icelanders won’t be kick- ing us out any time soon; they are not that stupid, and it is a great bargain for them. As for all his naive pronounce- ments about what an international crim- inal the US has been recently, yawn, per- haps he should have a listen to what all his heros in the democratic party were saying in the lead up to the Iraq inva- sion, as well as exactly how they voted for it also. Al Gore would have invaded Iraq the same month that Mr. Bush did - sad to say. Many european nations were and/ or are still in Iraq with US forces. A friend of mine in the dutch military was there himself. Are they all global bandits also ? And what of the troops from Iceland (carrying flowers instead of guns, right ?) who are in Afghanistan ? Oh wait, that’s the “good” invasion, right ? If europeans were indeed so an- gry at the US and did not want to feed its militarist adventures, perhaps they could stop smoking and end their fi- nancial support of some of the states’ most conservative politicians in North Carolina and Virginia. Or stop visiting the US and spending their tourist dollars here. But that’s not going to happen any sooner than Icelanders kicking the US air force out of Keflavik, now is it ? Mr. Flagg should take note that people are people wherever you go, and defining someone by the decisions of their country’s leaders - be they good or bad - is rather stupid, no matter where you are. If he is so interested in uphold- ing the Geneva Convention and the UDHR, perhaps now would be a good time to remind him of this part of it: “I will maintain the utmost respect for human life from the time of concep- tion; even under threat, I will not use my medical knowledge contrary to the laws of humanity.. Similarly, I will not give to a woman an abortive remedy. I no harm.” Yeah, I don’t think the “good” americans in the democratic party will be talking too much about that part. Nor will Mr. Flagg. Lastly, I’d like to urge all Iceland- ers, a people I still have much affection for, to accept that you have a big and growing hard drug problem in Reyk- javik. Perhaps that Iceland airwaves festival wasn’t such a great idea after all. And perhaps you could even con- front the scourge of Iceland - the high- est breast cancer rate in the world - by realizing that steroids are just as harmful and cancer causing to women as they are to men, even if it’s called “birth con- trol.” Sean Cannan Charlottesville, VA USA Dear Sean (I believe that’s a derivative of the name Sveinn) Although I am on vacation, and was on vacation during the issue Flagg’s piece ran, I feel I must answer some of the points you raise in your letter. 1. The “American” Nato base in Keflavík has been closed for over two years. It now houses a university. We probably are just that stupid. 2. As for Gore would have invaded Iraq on the same date as Bush did, well, I guess we’ll never know, will we? Seeing as his election was stolen and all. 3. Pointing out that other nations did the same mistakes in invading Iraq does not justify you own invasion. Take care of your own backyard buddy. As for “the Icelandic Troops” in Afghanistan, a few PR agents on a peace keeping mission can hardly be called ‘troops,’ but what- ever... 4. As for the tobacco industry... I couldn’t agree with you more. It is a bad habit anyway. Let’s quit. 5. I didn’t read Flagg’s article as say- ing that he would judge a whole nation based on the decisions of its leaders. He did say that the decision of its leaders to invade Iraq was one of the causes for the blow to international perception of US citizens as a whole. This may not be fair. But I do think it is the truth. 6. Blaming the Iceland Airwaves festival for growth in hard drug use in Reykjavík makes about as much sense as... I’m at a lack for words here. It just makes no sense at all. 7. Cancer and steroids. Interesting! Thanks for reading, Sveinn Birkir Björnsson Dear TRG... Happened to pick up your issue #10 right at the door of the plane as I was leaving Amsterdam for Reykjavik... I work on cruise ships and am spending two nights here in town between jobs. Totally loved your entire paper as it gave me a much better sense of what your great country is all about, including lots of real-world, hands-on tips for tourists like me who don't have time to figure out the local scene on our own! I felt like a local and had a great time checking out the night life thanks to you. Especially loved the "Fear & Loath- ing in Reykjavik" story (sorry, couldn't find a by-line for the author)... well done with lots of tips for all tastes. I checked out the Q-Bar and had a fantastic time. Doubt I would've found it without your suggestion. I made sure I told them where I heard about them too! I was here for a quick one-nighter last week and had read elsewhere about the great Reykjavik night life. Was really disappointed as I got in at 12 AM and couldn't even find a quiet pub for a beer! Great to talk up the fun that's getting bet- ter all the time, but might be helpful to let folks know that weekdays are pretty quiet. Next time I have the opportunity to visit, first thing I'm looking for is the Grapevine... Please keep up the fantas- tic work; kudos to you and IcelandAir for the best free publication in the land!! Wishing you continued success... Cheers! John Thanks, John! We love you too!
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Reykjavík Grapevine

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