Reykjavík Grapevine - 06.08.2008, Blaðsíða 20

Reykjavík Grapevine - 06.08.2008, Blaðsíða 20
20 | REYKJAVÍK GRAPEVINE | ISSUE 11—2008 Set in a giant galaxy tens of thousands of years in the future, EVE Online offers the largest single-server virtual universe in the world. In 2006, CCP expanded its reach to China and now boast offices in Shanghai, Atlanta and London. However, the company’s headquarters remain in Reykjavík, where it all started. After a day at CCP’s three-floor office down by the Reykjavík docks in Grandagarður, the Grapevine learned many intriguing things about the company and its history. The unique relationship between the play- ers and developers is what keeps the game going, and dedicated fans run several web- sites that have become an integral part of the players’ community. Every great suc- cess story has humble beginnings, and this is definitely true for CCP, who’s first years were “a real struggle”. In fact, the seed capital for EVE’s development consisted of earnings from a surpise hit family board- game called ‘Hættuspil’ – this kept CCP afloat through crucial times. The company has grown rapidly since, and as their first virtual world is such a huge international success (last year’s annual FanFest at Laugardalshöll attracted more than 1.000 people from around the world) the plan is to make more. vIRTUAL WORLDS: THE NEW MONEY MACHINE CCP policy insists that their employees go on vacation at the same time, so the office was rather quiet when I arrived for the visit. Luckily, my tour guides of the day, PR Director Valerie Massey and HR manager Helgi Már Þórðarson, were very nice and talkative. Þórðarson, sporting a T-shirt that read: “Impossible is what we pour on our cereal in the morning” tells me they have a lot of T-shirts and other merchandise, as those kinds of things boost the morale. “Unfortunately I’m not wearing my EVE socks today,” he adds. Our first stop is at the heart of the of- fice (and every office): the coffee machine. I learn it is a popular one, and even has its own Facebook fan-club (after tasting its brew, I asserted that the machine deserves every bit of praise it gets). As we walk along with our mugs in hand, the first thing to grab my attention is a game room with a huge flat screen TV and video games stacked up. “This is where we lay off some steam and play Rock-Band. That’s actually research,” says Massey. The office features some more fun things for the staff. There are pool and ping- pong tables, an electronic drum-kit and the second largest privately owned aquarium in Iceland. The tour goes on. EVE is a capitalist society and features a massive player-controlled economy, so the money business is just as complicated as in real life. Prices are decided by the play- ers that comprise game’s economy, and the world expands every second of the day. EVE has thus long reached the point where they need a full-time on-line economist to keep track of things. In 2007, CCP hired Dr. Eyjólfur Guðmundsson to handle the ever-increasing demand for economic informa- tion; he collects data created within the game world, analy- ses inflation, economic growth and price trends, and issues reports on the economy’s development. Having a full-time position for a real-life economist is a first time ever in the his- tory of MMO’s. “We stole him from the University of Akureyri!” Massey says proudly, but Guðmundsson was the Dean of the Faculty of Business and Science at the University. Do you like it better here at CCP? I ask him: “Yeah, definitely, in the sense that this is just such an awesome phenomenon. From an economic standpoint, the depth of the society was much greater than I had ever expected. The complexity of it is just awe- some.” Guðmundsson tells me about a recent conference on “innovation and gover- nance in virtual worlds” that he lectured at in London. It was organised by the Virtual Policy Network and BERR, a unit within the UK government that helps businesses for- mulate regulations and communicate with the government. The conference looked at what should be done to make the UK a competitive environment and put the focus on virtual worlds. “We were basically giv- ing policy advice to this committee to help them figure out what is happening with vir- tual worlds. It’s quite interesting because it tells us virtual worlds are now catching the eye.” Has the Icelandic government shown any interest? “No, I’m sad to say. They probably haven’t realised the tremendous opportu- nities that lie in the field. Consider the fact that you can basically have a market of 2 to 3 billion people, steady subscribers, even though you’re firmly located in Iceland. Today, CCP is the biggest exporter of software in Iceland, and we don’t even sell software, we sell subscriptions.” SO MUCH MORE THAN A WORKPLACE As we continue our walk, Massey introduces me to more staff members, preoccupied with their computers. Some of them have been with the company since the very beginning, which I’m told is quite unusual for a gaming company. Ev- eryone tries to distribute as much as they can to keep the company on the top, whether it’s creating graphics for the website, producing videos or designing spaceships. One part of their job is also to play the game. “To be able to keep track on the market I have to be active on the market,” explains Never Underestimate the Power of Play Reykjavík based game developing company CCP was founded in June, 1997. In May 2003, the company launched its first Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game (MMO), EVE Online, which took the on-line world by storm. The founders, Creative Director Reynir Harðarson and Chief Financial Officer Ívar Kristjánsson spent years of hard work, to- gether with a staff under 50 to make the virtual world of EVE a reality. In 2004, CEO Hilmar Veigar Pétursson joined the group and helped lead the company’s explosive growth. Now, 11 years later, they reap the rewards – CCP now counts over 300 employees on three conti- nents, 250,000 active players, and is undisputedly one of the world’s largest independent game developers. fEATURE By steinunn JaKoBsDÓttir — photo Courtesy of CCp Grapevine spends a day at CCP’s Reykjavík headquarters to learn about their strategic plans for on-line and off-line world domination AbOUT CCP GAMES CCP is an award-winning privately held Icelandic game developing com- pany, founded in 1997. CCP specializes in Massively Multiplayer Online Role- Playing Games (MMO’s), and launched EVE Online in 2003. The company employs more than 300 people and has become a pioneer in the industry, with offices in Reykjavík, Atlanta, London and Shanghai. In November 2006, CCP and Atlanta- based role-playing company White Wolf Publishing an- nounced the two company’s merger, which took the business up to a whole new level. Today, CCP is recog- nised internationally as a pioneer of the single-server persistent universe archi- tecture and can take pride in the fact that EVE Online is played in nearly every country in the world with more than 250,000 players. For more info on CCP see:
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Reykjavík Grapevine

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