Reykjavík Grapevine - 06.08.2008, Blaðsíða 38

Reykjavík Grapevine - 06.08.2008, Blaðsíða 38
38 | REYKJAVÍK GRAPEVINE | ISSUE 11—2008 TOP TOP TOP ICeLANDIC FILMS reSTAurANTS IN ICeLAND PLACeS OuTSIDe reykjAvík THE LIST By oDDur sturLuson — photos By gas ENGLAR ALHEIMSINS I haven't seen many films let alone Icelandic ones but if I had to choose I'd have to include Englar Alheimsins because the acting is good and the script as well. vEðRAMóT This movie by Guðný Halldórsdóttir is a touching film, very well directed and based on a true story. MEð ALLT á HREINU Undeniably good and makes me laugh every time. It's also unique in its own way as it was mainly improvised. NóI ALbíNóI Nói came to mind quickly as I like the script and the locations and the actors and everything. fUGLASTRíð Oh wait I must be mixed up, anywhere close to the sea is good place to get away from it all. Bryndís was born in Reykjavík in 1987, and lived in Vesturbær, Akureyri and London until she was 12. Her interest in music awoke at a young age and she now studies at The Icelandic Musicians Union (FÍH). She recently did an album with a London based Anglo/American named Sam Frank as well as Barði Jóhannsson, Marteinn Örn and her mother, Ragnhildur Gísladóttir. She ap- preciates writing songs as a great way of expressing yourself, ridding oneself of whatever goes on between the ears. She also makes hand-painted necklac- es and other stuff which she finds calm- ing and a good alternative, creatively, to writing music. After her first tour of Iceland is over she'll be off to Denmark where she's got a few gigs booked for the early autumn. Ási is a 25-year-old fashion designer and stylist, born and raised in Si- glufjörður. Since graduating from the Iceland Academy of the Arts he has designed clothes for The Naked Ape, supervised Silvía Nótt’s wardrobe when she competed in Eurovision and has most recently been working on the 2009 spring collection for E-Label. Last year he worked in Copenhagen as an Assistant Fashion Manager for the mag- azine Cover. He has also worked as an illustrator and done pieces for foreign magazines, a CD cover and has been in- vited to take part in exhibitions abroad, most notably the Arnhem Fashion Bi- ennale which featured such artists as John Galliano, Gareth Pugh, ThreeAs- Four, Lanvin and Cassette Playa. The reason he does what he does is to make an imaginary world real. Jón Atli Helgason A.K.A. DJ Sexy Lazer is a 28-year-old hairdresser, DJ, pro- moter and musician. He was born and raised in Hvolsvöllur and currently cuts hair at Gallerí Gel as well as working on the upcoming Hairdoctor album. Jón Atli is also one of the three men who make up the event company and record label Jón Jónsson which are currently organizing a GusGus concert at NASA (scheduled August 16) and a Sebastien Tellier gig at Rúbin (sched- uled August 28). For more information see or SæGREIfINN Great if you want to be a little politically incorrect and eat some whale meat. HóTEL ALDAN Situated in Seyðisfjörður, dining on sea-food soup after a good drinking binge in the countryside is perfect. TAPAS bARINN I think it's absolutely splendid to pay one price and get an array of meals. I recommend ordering the surprise dish; I tasted puffin for the first time and when I did I didn’t regret it. OSTAbúðIN The Cheese Store on Skólavörðustígur is fantastic for grabbing a healthy and tasty meal with your coffee. The Chicken Salad with Berry Sauce is extraordinary. SUSHIbARINN Sushi at the end of the day is exquisite, the only problem is that you can't order wine or sake with the sushi. HRAfNTUNNUSKER One of the most amazing places I've ever been. The rocks are completely black and have a special shine to them, it's beautiful. fIMMvöRðUHáLS Right by Þórsmörk, Fimmvörðuháls has one of the most beautiful views in Iceland. TINDAfjALLAjöKULL I have a lot of childhood memories from Tindafjallajökull, sledding and skiing with the family and stuff like that. It's also just a really scenic place. SEYðISfjöRðUR A really good vibe surrounds this little town, a kind of forgotten Euro- pean atmosphere which I really like. HvALfjöRðUR A really cosy, nice place, just outside the city, good for quick escapes. 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 Ásgrímur Már Friðriksson Bryndís Jakobsdóttir Jón Atli Helgason
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Reykjavík Grapevine

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