Reykjavík Grapevine - 06.08.2008, Blaðsíða 6

Reykjavík Grapevine - 06.08.2008, Blaðsíða 6
6 | REYKJAVÍK GRAPEVINE | ISSUE 11—2008 INTERvIEW By sigurður KJartan Kristinsson — photo By gasOPINION IngIbjörg SÓlrún gíSladÓttIr: InternatIonal welfare IS SerIouS buSIneSS What exactly is The Iceland Crisis Response Unit, and what are its functions? The Iceland Crisis Response Unit is our contribu- tion to peace cultivation in the world and is consid- erably new. Its actions are merely civilian, not war related at all. Some peace crisis response units are inclusive in a military setup, but of course we don’t possess an army of our own so that’s not the case here. Let’s keep that straight; all of our employees are merely civilian and not soldier-like at all. The unit’s main role is elaborate but it basically consists of developing communities damaged in warfare, the basic precondition for the ICRU’s arrival is that actual military conflicts have ceased. What are the main goals of this Icelandic peace movement and how do you plan to at- tain them? Well, the main goal is to do our best to encourage development following military confrontations. We emphasise the protection of women and children and the extensive difficulties faced by women and children in demanding times. A lot of them have suffered repulsive abuse; the strategy of using rape as an instrument of war is well known. This is but part of the substantial aftermath to conflict that needs to be dealt with. We try to achieve our goals with pragmatic assistance and useful instructions. Many of the areas patrolled by the ICRU are rife with animosity against interfering West- ern forces. Have diplomatic methods always sufficed to meet ICRU goals? Have they resort- ed to more hostile approaches? No, the ICRU has never been involved with anything of the sort. Our people do not possess the knowl- edge or training mandatory for extreme measures such as military operations; they have not been trained in warfare so it is really impossible. It is still a well-known and heavily criticised fact that some of the unit’s personnel, for in- stance the ones in Afghanistan, carry weap- ons on a standard basis. Are you insinuating that these people have not had the appropri- ate training for carrying arms, and are incom- petent? No not at all. The ones working at the airport in Kabul carry weapons, and those people have re- ceived substantial training. We like to think that al- though they carry weapons, it is only for protection but not for any professed military responsibilities. The security in Kabul is military operated, though, and we have to abide to their control. Do you think it is proper to mix development aid, which you say is the main role of the ICRU, with military actions such as in Kabul? It is of course rather obvious that development aid isn’t exactly our main goal in Kabul. Although our professed agenda comprises of various objectives, such as development assistance, there are certain “advanced activities” that are not included in it. So we are apparently taking part in various militaristic activities. but who decides the unit’s projects? Is it the Icelandic Govern- ment? Yes. It’s merely us that decide where, how and why we operate. Is the ICRU established to fulfil Iceland’s inter- national commitments? Not at all. Its establishment was a contribution to in- ternational welfare. However, it was always a goal that it would measure up to international criterion. But again, no, we weren’t under any international pressure at all. This is our idea, our policy formula- tion and our decision. The present cost of sustaining the ICRU is about 600 million ISK a year. What are your future plans for it? Will you augment the bud- get? Yes. It is on our agenda to increase funding for de- velopment assistance and co-operation, and that includes amplifying the ICRU, which will become a much more established organisation in the com- ing years. Was revoking the ICRU’s member based in Iraq some sort of statement? If so, have you received any feedback? Of course it was a statement. I was against the Iraq invasion from the beginning, and I think the whole situation was a genuine fiasco. When I came into office we reached the conclusion that we wouldn’t take part in any operations based in Iraq. Regard- ing feedback; everybody seems to have concurred with my decision, at least I haven’t heard any com- plaints. It is on your agenda to obtain a seat in the UN Security Council. Is operating the ICRU per- haps a strategy to further that goal? I mean, of course it’s connected to our bid for a seat in the Security Council. Any nation that sits in the council has to be familiar with the realm of the present conflicts, as they constitute the bulk of the council’s work. Your annual report cites Dr. Martin Luther King’s famous quote: “We have to contribute to peace in a non-violent way”. Isn’t that a bit sarcastic, since you operate armed divisions? There is a crisis going on in Afghanistan and the UN Security Council has ordered squads there to be armed for security’s sake. So I wouldn’t say it un- suitable to call our measures non-violent. I am not particularly fond of their bearing arms, and even think it might only entertain a false sense of secu- rity. But if experts have ordered them to carry arms for their own personal safety, I won’t dispute their verdict. It is after all they who face the dangers of that environment. I hail from a surfers’ paradise in the Caribbean, where the ocean gets rowdy and unpredictable with undertows and strong currents. The most dangerous beaches all have warning signs, which do not prevent tourists from splashing in the seem- ingly calm waters only to require rescue or, even worse, resulting in drowning. From this personal experience, when I learned of the couple who nearly drowned in Dyrhólaey and of the subsequent controversy about whether a warning sign should be erected, I sided with the Environmental Agency of Iceland. It announced that warnings can be risky because tourists then assume that any place without a sign is safe. It also creates a slippery slope. Once you put one sign up, more will follow and then when will it stop? As a tourist, you have to be aware that the sublime and pristine nature of Iceland is also vola- tile and unforgiving. It deserves respect, whether that be not standing so close to the shore or not entering an ice cave in the summer months when the ice is melting. The weather here is extremely erratic, especially in the highlands. It can change within a few minutes and drastically at that. I experienced this first hand while I was hik- ing along the stark desert landscape adjacent to the Dyngjufjöll Mountains. A windstorm of mam- moth proportions sprung out of nowhere. I was being pelted by tiny rocks with gusts of winds so strong that it felt like I was being shot at with bb guns. The wind swayed me like a paper doll and I had to crawl to get to the car. Once I got to the mountain hut, the ranger in charge told me in what direction I needed to park my car in order for it not to flip over like a Tonka toy. If you are embarking on a trip that stares Mother Nature in the eyes, it will be remarkable but you may be at jeopardy. This is true in any country. If Iceland were to put a warning sign in places that are deemed perilous, most of the country could be dotted with the word ‘danger’. Tourists have perished on the hike from Land- mannalaugar to Þórsmörk due to sudden changes in weather, does that deserve a sign? Blue solid chunks of ice have collapsed from an ice cave kill- ing an adventurous tourist. Should there be a sign by the many ice caves tourists visit each year? The foul-mouthed British celebrity chef Gordon Ram- sey recently recounted his near-death experience after falling off a cliff trying to catch puffins in the Westman Islands. Should all cliffs where tourists perch on its ledges to capture a close-up of a puf- fin have a warning sign? I say no. Contributing to International Welfare Ingibjörg Sólrún Gísladóttir talks about the Iceland Crisis Response Unit i aM not partiCuLarLy fonD of their Bearing arMs, anD even thinK it Might onLy entertain a faLse sense of seCurity. But if experts have orDereD theM to Carry arMs for their own per- sonaL safety, i won’t Dispute their verDiCt. To Warn or Not to Warn, That is the Question By aLexanDra herteLL A few years ago, the Icelandic government decided to contribute to international peacemaking and established an organisa- tion known as The Iceland Crisis Response Unit, ICRU . Its activity is still somewhat of a riddle to many and some of its operations have been heavily criticised. The stated purpose of the squad is to promote stability in war-zones and other areas in need of help, but various critics consider the unit nothing more than a fledgling “Icelandic Army”. Some of the unit’s person- nel are armed at all times and the ICRU's employee based in Iraq was even withdrawn when Ingibjörg Sólrún Gísladóttir, Iceland’s cur- rent Minister of Foreign Affairs, took over. Just after the release of their 2007 Annual Report, Grapevine caught up with her and picked her brains about this unique state-operated movement.
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Reykjavík Grapevine

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