Reykjavík Grapevine - 06.08.2008, Blaðsíða 31

Reykjavík Grapevine - 06.08.2008, Blaðsíða 31
REYKJAVÍK GRAPEVINE | ISSUE 11—2008 | 31 “They put on such a beautiful meal for us. We had the most amazing freshest fish I've ever had in my life. It was all so perfectly cooked too...Beautiful!” Jamie Oliver’s Diary Free of charge. union literature devoted to asserting that it isn’t really din- ner. All the bands turned in great performances at the Akureyri show, and while attendance was limited, the small crowd did include three clergymen. The team that made it to Akureyri’s swimming pool this morning related a funny story involving an over-enthusiastic pool-worker that came at them yelling; “May not! Can not! Bannað! Nakinn! Sund- laug!” for reasons they’ve yet to fathom [those cries were later incorporated in a Borko song]. Tonight, we are sleeping in boats. This is as worrying as it is exciting. fRIDAY – SEYðISfjöRðUR Last night’s show was the best one yet. We packed the house and all the bands performed triumphant sets in front of an enthusiastic audience. Borko did a sweet cover of Morðing- jarnir tune Eiturlyfjafíklar, and I made an accidental vocal cameo during the latter band’s set. The touring machine was well lubricated when we ar- rived in Seyðisfjörður earlier today. We had acquired a bull- horn via special delivery, and made a grand entrance to the town, jogging around town in our suits, calling out the group slogans [“There will be joke!” “There will be guitar-solo!”]. Now, post-soundcheck, we are taking in the beautiful sur- roundings and basking in the artsy atmosphere surrounding the Lunga festival. Later: This is hilarious! The show went great. Reykjavík! played second, in front of a drunken audience of screaming teenagers. Playing music is awesome and you should do it. Also, a funny thing happened while I was manning the merch booth during Benni Hemm Hemm’s impeccable set. A blond, longhaired dude stepped up and shoved his debit card in my face, wordlessly indicating that he would like to purchase a ticket. He then grabbed MY beer and downed it, slapped me an unsolicited five and strode into the venue, like a sneering Mad Max. I bemusedly scratched my head and wondered. Now, we sleep. Oh, and Baldvin Esra still hasn’t finished his transla- tion. He made us calculate prices yesterday morning. Slave- driver. SATURDAY – HöfN Höfn is a ridiculously beautiful town, doubly so in this weather. We tried doing our little run around town gimmick to little avail, as there simply wasn’t anyone around. This was disconcerting, and made us worry about attendance. After dining on The Worst Lobster Soup Ever, we made it alive to the venue – the local maritime museum – to discover we had managed to draw a small crowd of Höfn music lovers (the tourists present were too cheap to pay the 1.000 ISK admis- sion fee, opting to enjoy our concert from the hallway). Legend has it that Icelandic bands are at risk of being severely beaten in Höfn, and there are several verified stories that back it (a recent one involves the member of a pop act getting his throat slit). As I write this, just before bed at three a.m., the group has yet to encounter any seriously hostile lo- cals. There was a confrontation, however, that I will list for the record: As bearded punkers Atli and Haukur from Morðing- jarnir shared a cigarette with Reykjavík!’s Bóas, a sports car drove by at a leisurely pace. All seemed normal, until some- one angrily yelled out the window: “Have you ever heard of an invention called a razor!?!” The car then sped away. rIght: there waS guItar Solo! left: reykjavík! do theIr thIng In akureyrI we haD aCquireD a BuLLhorn via speCiaL DeLivery, anD MaDe a granD entranCe to the town, Jogging arounD town in our suits, CaLLing out the group sLogans [“there wiLL Be JoKe!” “there wiLL Be guitar-soLo!”]. © Cafe Victor | Hafnarstræti 1-3 | 101 Reykjavík | tel: 561 9555 | | Situated in the heart of Reykjavík Seafood-grill mix with risotto, salad and 2 types of sauce Grilled Salmon with salad, lemon sauce and baked potatoes Grilled Halibut baked in garlic butter with salad and corn of the cob Oven baked Bacalao in a tomato-basil sauce with capers and olive’s Hashed sh (Icelandic specialty) in mild curry sauce with rye bread Fish and chips with sauce and salad Icelandic lunch Menu Life music
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Reykjavík Grapevine

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