Reykjavík Grapevine - 06.08.2008, Blaðsíða 24

Reykjavík Grapevine - 06.08.2008, Blaðsíða 24
24 | REYKJAVÍK GRAPEVINE | ISSUE 11—2008 CONCERT REvIEW By sigurður KJartan Kristinsson — photo By gasCD REvIEWS I have to note that going to a Trentemöller concert is a special event for me. Arriving at Tunglið, I pon- dered if it would be a challenge to remain comple- tely unbiased in my review. The night before I had witnessed a bulletproof performance by the Da- nish DJ at Kaffibarinn, something which undoub- tedly increased my admiration for the disc-jogging prodigy substantially. To my surprise, I soon found out that the night would prove more of an ordeal than a treat. The doormen at Tunglið started off by giving me and my companion the finger when we said we were with the Grapevine. To our luck, one of the promoters glimpsed at us and immediately rectified that mistake. Once I entered the crowded and immensely sweaty dance-floor, packed with e-popping, pink-tank-top-wearing hooligans stuck in ’92, the additional sound system brought in for the event blew me away and made a genuine club atmosphere. Trentemöller is not hard to describe but his jogging structure is dazzling, and his enigmatic shifts between tunes are top-notch and offer a uni- que chance to lose yourself on the dance-floor. His mind-blowing dynamic had all my attention until I found a gooey dash of liquid drip down my shoul- der. I gave the unwanted visitor a sniff assuming it was only beer, a common companion to Reykjavík night life, but the smell was heinous and not a bit beer-like. My head went spinning in the astronomical fright that someone’s special liquid had bombar- ded me and I decided to have some fresh air. When my thoughts had cooled down the aforementio- ned doormen wouldn’t under any circumstances let me in again. They told me Grapevine was al- ready in so I had to call up the promoters yet again. Kudos to the doormen at Tunglið, real gentlemen. In a rather bad mood I followed Trentemöller’s last tunes and when I walked home the thought about his fine music being destroyed by the lousy atmos- phere and tedious behaviour of the venue’s staff couldn’t escape my mind – a newly laid egg in a bowl of shit. A Midsummer Night’s Boogie enjoyIng trentemöller IS SerIouS buSIneSS WHO Trentemöller WHERE Tunglið WHEN Friday, July 18 THE vERDICT Outstanding performance by Trentemöller obscured by lousy ambience. THE vERDICT Trashy idea from producer best thrown out with the trash. LISTEN & bUY merzedesclub THE vERDICT Despite the isolation on the cover, new Andrúm al- bum glows right through. LISTEN & bUY andrummusic With DJ Sammy and Basshunter as their top friends on Myspace, it wouldn’t be a surprise if Merzedes Club aspire to play sun drenched parties in the Balearic Islands. Barði Jóhannson, the producer behind the project, failed to score the Icelandic Eurovision entry for ‘Ho, Ho, Ho, We say Hey, Hey, Hey’ so it’s a failure on all counts. The act has sparked controversy for some scandalously vain stage performances, but unfortunately on record it’s not even half as interesting. Even tak- en as a joke, the irony won’t flip the frown upside down after you’ve listened to this. It’s unfortunately all tackiness without the wackiness – think Lasgo and not Junior Senior. Alternatively, think a big steam- ing pile of Europop shit. They can’t even be a one hit wonder. The opening bars of the new Andrúm LP suggest impending doom but when Jóna Palla’s vocals envelope the minor key, the listener is ushered into comfort. Eventually this title track builds into a rock-out, which you wouldn’t always expect from a post rock crescendo but it’s a poppy little touch that’s more than welcome. The second track ‘Nozinan’ can be dubbed aquatic rock with the drip drops at the end, while ‘Hugurinn Reikar’ is a beautiful late gaze out the window over Reykjavík. The lyrics in ‘Pictures’ are largely irrelevant – “An empty chair, I feel the raindrops falling down on me” – evokes loneliness like the album cover. However Palla’s tongue, whether in English or Icelandic, pollinates with the guitars to create blissful company for the listener. MerzeDeS CLuB I Wanna Touch You ANDrúM Andvakar revieweD By MarCus waLsh revieweD By MarCus waLsh Licensing and registration of travel- related services The Icelandic Tourist Board issues licences to tour operators and travel agents, as well as issuing registration to booking services and information centres. Tour operators and travel agents are required to use a special logo approved by the Icelandic Tourist Board on all their advertisements and on their Internet website. Booking services and information centres are entitled to use a Tourist Board logo on all their material. The logos below are recognised by the Icelandic Tourist Board. List of licenced Tour Operators and Travel Agencies on:
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Reykjavík Grapevine

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