Reykjavík Grapevine - 13.07.2012, Blaðsíða 4

Reykjavík Grapevine - 13.07.2012, Blaðsíða 4
Dear A. Woman. I am honestly sorry that this has become a part of your life. It is not acceptable in any circumstance. The only thing that occurs to me is that from now forward - the biggest ef- fort has to begin with the children. Real men do not rape. It has to begin with real fathers educating sons, and mothers educating girls to not accept this kind of behavior. And it takes a serious legal and medical system, dedicated to not tolerate any form of sexual assault. And, what do we do with a society that promotes the idea that sex is a casual part of a party society? What do we do with accepted situations that put women in this position and then ignore the results? What- ever is done, something has to be done. Best wishes, A. Man Dear A. Man, Thanks for taking the time to comment on A. Woman’s article, “Have Some Rape With Your Coffee, Guys.” It’s nice to see that this important subject is not falling on deaf ears, that people aren’t entirely apathetic when it comes to this. Here’s what other people had to say about it: “Yo, Please transmit to the wonderful anony- mous writer A. Woman my sincere appre- ciation and respect for her words. That was an air-punchingly good opinion piece and it meant a lot to me to read it.” - R! “I agree with most of what you have written, A. Woman, but one thing I must challenge you on. It's not a man's problem or a woman's problem, it's a human problem. Both men and women are capable of sexual assault. On either gender. Men rape men, men rape women, women rape women, women rape men. Let's call a spade a spade and address the problem in its entirety. Other than that, I wholeheartedly agree. It's a sad situation and I applaud the people brave enough to share their stories.” - Ingunn Margrét Blöndal “Frábær grein - you took the words right out of my mouth. The fact is að way too many straight guys have the attitude að "I don't rape, so I'm innocent", en auðvitað eru þeir allir guilty to some extent. They control the government, banks and major industries, og á meðan þeir nota ekki that power til að stop their mothers, sisters and daughters being abused, þá eru þeir no less guilty than those actually committing the rape. WLT.” - Tony Peralta “It's a good article but I disagree. Men can- not come together to stop rape. I've seen men try to take advantage of drunk girls in downtown Reykjavik countless times. I've done stuff about it, like letting the bounc- ers know and try to get the guy kicked out. Driven home girls or walked them to taxis. Many times they were drugged. It's getting super serious right now, much more than just a few years ago. There's a RAPE DRUG epidemic going on people! The men who are going out to rape (yes they plan their whole weekend out with that in mind, and they see nothing wrong with it) they are going to be there this weekend and the one after that, with countless potential victims to choose from. THE ONLY THING WE CAN DO TO STOP THEM is to educate the 18-22 year olds about DRUGS and EVIL MEN. Make them REALIZE THE THREAT, NOTICE THE SIGNS that someone might be drugged, take care of their friends and help others. Call the police, notify bouncers. CATCH THE GUYS IN THE ACT! /RANT” - Bóas Kristjánsson Thank you, all of you, for taking the time to care. Say your piece, voice your opinion, send your letters to: Sour grapes & stuff MOST AWESOME LETTER: MOST AWESOME LETTER FREE GRAPEVINE TEE HEE HEE! There's prize for all your MOST AWESOME LETTERS. And it’s a scorcher! Whoever sends us THE MOST AWESOME LETTER each issue will receive a cool new REYKJAVÍK GRAPEVINE T-SHIRT, featuring the majestic G that adorns our cover. So you should make sure to keep writing us fun and/or interesting letters This new Grapevine tee surely is the SHIzNIT (whatever that means)! It was designed by our very own art director man, HöRðUR KRISTBJöRNSSON, and it’s good for posing in front of a mirror, impressing folks with your impeccable taste or picking up men or women of all ages (no minors). DON’T PANIC if your letter wasn’t picked AWESOME LETTER. You can still get a tee for a low, low price over our website, WWW.GRAPEVINE.IS Now, if you're in the market for free goodies next month, write us some sort of letter. Give us your worst: LETTERS@GRAPEVINE.IS Dear, We offer regular quantity of Used Cooking oil. The details is : Used Cooking oil Details: palm base with FFA 5% Max & MNI 3% max Packing: 22 MT in f lexitanks ,20'FCL; 200 kg in steel drums , 16 mt in 20'FCL Usage: biofuel, biodiesel, animal feed, soap and other industrial applications. Please do not hesitate to contact us with your request, confirming destination port, appli- cation and quantity. Best regards Ivy Dear Ivy, How many times do we have to tell you that WE DON’T WANT YOUR USED COOKING OIL. Please stop emailing us. And could you also tell that guy who is trying to sell us glass beads from China that WE DON’T WANT HIS GLASS BEADS either. Jeez. We are a magazine and we get enough emails as it is. So that guy, the one selling the glass beads… well, we replied just for fun. We told him: “Dear Sir, Thanks, but we're good on glass beads from China. Best, Anna,” and he actu- ally replied. You know what he said? He said, “Dear Anna, Perhaps we have better quality, more favourable price. Best, Roc.” Come on! What on Earth would we do with a product called “BS6088 A & B JT-T446- 2001/JIS AASHTO Type I & Type II EN1423/EN1424 AS2009” used “For sand blasting from 43 microns to 1180 microns” and “For abrasive from 710 microns to 5000 microns.” UNSUBSCRIBE US NOW! The Grapevine Hi there, I wondered if anyone at the Grapevine knew from where I could book the house on El- liðaey? I'm hoping to visit in July! Thanks, Graham Robert. Hi Graham, I'm not sure! A site called Zamaan reported that it was given to Björk a while back: http:// there-is-a-house-in-this-picture-2776 We think this is a lie. Your best bet is to contact someone in the Westman Islands. Maybe these people: Good luck! Höfðatorg Tower 105 Reykjavik Tel: 575 7575 Opening hours: Sun.-Wed. 11.00 – 22.00 Thu.-Sat. 11.00 – 24.00 BE SQUARE AND BE THERE THE MBURGER Gullfoss and Geysir are surely a must-see in Iceland, but neither is something you eat. That‘s why we have 14 brilliant and creative hamburgers at the Hamburger Factory. The Reykjavik Grapevine‘s Best of Reykjavik panel awarded the Hamburger Factory “Best specialty burger 2010“ and “Best veggie burger 2011“. It made us happy. Because we aim to please. The Factory offers Iceland‘s best selection of gourmet hamburgers with a nice selection of salads, meat courses and delicious desserts. And of course we only use 100% fresh high-quality ingredients, directly from the Icelandic nature. Located on the ground floor of the highest tower of Reykjavik, with an amazing view of Höfði, the meeting place of Ronald Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev, the Hamburger Factory has been packed with burger-craving customers since its opening in april 2010; among the regulars is Iceland‘s best known fisherman, Eric Clapton. Attention: Our hamburger buns are not round. They are square. Does it taste better? You tell us. HOW TO GET HERE SOME TIPS ON HOW TO GET TO US WHILE LOOKING COOL AND LOCAL From that point on you are in good hands. Be there or be square! “Íslenska Hamborgarafabrikkan, takk” („The Icelandic Hamburger Factory, please“) This is what you say to the taxi driver or when asking locals for directions: “Sælar! Hvað er að frétta” (Hello! What‘s up) When you arrive you tell the waiter: “Ég er þokkalega svangur, get ég fengið hamborgara” (I‘m quite hungry, can I get a hamburger)
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Reykjavík Grapevine

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