Reykjavík Grapevine - 13.07.2012, Blaðsíða 36

Reykjavík Grapevine - 13.07.2012, Blaðsíða 36
36 The Reykjavík Grapevine Issue 10 — 2012 Whoa, someone likes the Velvet Under- ground don't they? “Get It Together,” which opens this tawdry album, is— probably by design—exactly like an outtake from that band’s Doug Yule era. You know, where he tries to sound like Lou Reed and almost does, to generally dumb effect because he isn't him. And neither is Black Valentine, though they would doubtless love to be. Elsewhere you've got B-side stuff like “I Don't Wanna Go Out With Him,” which is kind of like “Summertime Rolls” by Jane's Addiction, except played on a Wurlitzer organ. Turns out that's a high point; sludgy sub-acidy demos like “Until I Saw the Fire” and “Oh My God” recall that absolute twat bunch of self- obsessed dicks, the Brian Jonestown Massacre. Worst of all, “Icing on the Cake” sounds horribly like U2 covering “Every Breath You Take,” with a Bon- tempi organ burbling away on preset rhythms in the foreground. - JOE SHOOMAN As an album, Polygamy... is a decent EP Black Valentine Polygamy Is Alright With Me tel. 578 Lækjargata 8 Opening hours: mon-thu 11:30-23 fri 11:30-06 sat 12-06 & sun 12-23 Heavenly pizzas! Home delivery See our menu at Music | Live Monsters Spread The Clap Consistent droves of Icelandic families flushed through Fríkirkjuvegur in an- ticipation of the free outdoor concert at Hljómskálagarðurinn. This Saturday night included more than just tipsy- trendy-twenty-somethings—finally an opportunity presented itself for tweens and young adults alike to claim tem- porary residence in 101 Reykjavík, and use the chance to see one of Iceland’s fastest claims to fame: Of Monsters and Men. Their look was foolproof, with co- vocalist Nanna Bryndís Hilmarsdóttir rocking her floppy fedora signature piece, and her male counterparts—five in total—sporting an array of tightly tailored suit jackets paired with dark- toned flannels. If hipsterdom and indie chic were to be found sipping on soy lattes at Hemmi og Valdi—a coffee shop where most artists convene simply to convene—it may be comparable to ‘the monsters’ in their element: perfectly composed and inarguably appealing to the times. The garden was exceptionally full, but bodies were comfortably dispersed, allowing just enough room for a mass of bobbing to coalesce. A noticeable lack of smoke was probably a nod towards the age average—hovering at about six- teen—as wide eyed innocents preferred activities such as taking artsy photos of one another at obscure angles and jumping up and down in synchronicity. Maintaining a steady 4/4 melody, they worked methodically through their single album ‘My Head Is An Animal’ with little lag between tunes. Like a layer cake, every song fit proportionally on to the next, as the audience waited eagerly for what they knew would be the topper, ‘Little Talks.’ With a few uplifting words from the band about their experience at the key- boardists’ lake house before perform- ing “Lakehouse,” and a comment on how “all we really need is family and friends,” the typically cold-tempered Icelandic audience began picking up enthusiasm with no shortage of overly exuberant beat clapping. By the time they reached the finale, clapping had actually imbued their performance with a deep collaborative sense, featuring ‘ayo!’ as its accompaniment. Yes, the hopefulness of youth hung blissfully in the air as any false sense of self-worth was pushed aside for the glory of na- ïveté. The whole package was precisely that: a package. From the miscella- neously strewn string lights and mul- ticolored lanterns that decorated the aerial sphere of the stage, down to the finely polished and obviously wisely produced performance, it is no shock that these youngsters (all between the ages 21 and 25) were headed for star- dom. Having only formed in 2010 and already hitting top charts in Iceland and the U.S., they have undeniably found a sweet spot in the alt rock scene. Not un- like Edward Sharpe And The Magnetic Zeros, they have nailed that co-vocalist bantering, ‘free-spirited’ aesthetic that caters perfectly to the increasingly nos- talgic era we are now entertaining. MELKORKA LICEA ANDRI MARINÓ
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Reykjavík Grapevine

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