Reykjavík Grapevine - 13.07.2012, Blaðsíða 24

Reykjavík Grapevine - 13.07.2012, Blaðsíða 24
24 The Reykjavík Grapevine Issue 10 — 2012 our BeSt oF reYKJaVÍK lISt is here! again we’ve spent count- less hours compiling the thing [via your suggestions, e-mails, Face- book comments and bar-talk], and as always we are sure you are more than ready to contest and challenge every single entry. and this is the point. we should strive to spend our time having conversations about stuff in our environment that contributes to our quality of life. we need to care about our surroundings and show love for the things we are thank- ful for. as we like to lazily copy/paste on this occasion: “we love the great city of reykjavík. we really do. In fact, we love it so much, we named our magazine after it—and most of us choose to live here for extended periods at a time. It really is an excellent little city, all things considered. of course it’s lacking in many things a city will need. Decent public transport, actual neighbourhoods, a variety of ethnic eateries, clubs for late night partying on weekdays and about a million people, to name but a few. But we still swear by it, and if you’re reading this, chances are you do too.” what follows are some nice tips on some of what makes reykja- vík-life worthwhile, some good entries into a hopefully neverend- ing discussion. the primary pur- pose of this BeSt oF reYKJaVÍK thing is celebration! It’s about big- upping stuff, giving mad props to it and patting it on the shoulder. our list is of course by no means a scientific one, and it is certainly contestable. It should be used as a starting point for a conversation; something for you to read, verify, distrust, totally disagree with, argue over, send us angry rants about and enjoy. Here’s how we do it: Ever since spring 2009 we’ve been accept- ing readers thoughts on what’s BEST at, as well as conducting random polls on our Facebook, on the street and at the bar. Using your suggestions and arguments for guidance, we then assembled a couple of panels of tasteful folks that represent most genders, in- come brackets and political af- filiations. Below are the results. Enjoy, and remember to send your suggestions to bestof@ for consideration in our 2013 edition. Grapevine readers, friends, enemies and staff do the choosin’! By: the usual gang of idiots BEST BURGER: GRILLMARKET Hamborgarabúlla Tómasar has won this category ever since we started com- piling our BEST OF list back in aught nine, and for good reason: they make delicious burgers. While Búllan is still a popular choice among Reykjavík’s burger lovers, there’s a new burger in town that simply can’t be ignored—its sheer tasty, meaty, juicy, burgery, ba- cony deliciousness ensures its status as Reykjavík’s best burger bar none. We are of course talking about Grill- market’s hamburger, what with all its glorious 220 grams of high quality, fire- grilled ground beef topped with crispy bacon sandwiched between freshly baked, mustard-smeared buns (served with a side of curly fries, pickles and a cherry tomato!). Anyone who has tried it will attest that the Grillmarket-burger is leagues beyond any other burger in town, and at 1,890 ISK it comes at a fair price. The only downside is that it’s only available as part of the restaurant’s lunch menu, served ‘til 14:00 daily. Runners-up: Hamborgarabúlla Tó- masar (“They reintroduced proper burger culture to Iceland, and they still kick ass”), Vitabar (“A no-fuss, qual- ity burger served in a neighbourhood bar”), American Style (“The classic Icelandic burger, whether you like it or not”) (2011: Hamborgarabúlla Tómasar 2010: Hamborgarabúlla Tómasar 2009: Hamborgarabúlla Tómasar) BEST VEGGIE BURGER: HAMBORGARABúLLA TÓ- MASAR As our food critic says: “Veggie burg- ers are a science and the journey to the perfect veggie burger will teach you every major food principle worth knowing...along with some chemistry and basic nuclear physics.” It was cer- tainly not an easy choice, but we think Hamborgarabúllan is doing something right these days. Sindri Már Sigfússon of Sin Fang tells us that it’s especially good when you top the patty with Búl- lan’s fries, pickles and Béarnaise sauce. Previous winners, Hamborgarafab- rikkan (which gives you the option of replacing the meat from any of their burgers with Portobello mushrooms) and Saffran (which goes the extra mile to make their veggie burger vegan) are still pretty good, though. (2011: Hamborgarafabrikkan 2010: Saffran 2009: Drekinn) BEST ‘SPECIALTY BURGER’: VITABAR’S ‘FORGET-ME- NOT’ Slathered in delicious blue cheese and garlic, Vitabar’s ‘Forget-me-not’ burger is the gold standard that other non-standard burgers will eternally be judged by, and it takes the cake yet again. With its divey, authentic charm, Vitabar remains a reassuring place to feast on a burger and a beer—if that feast happens to contain mas- sive amounts of rich blue cheese, then that’s all the better. Their regular burg- ers are pretty great too. Runners-up: Roadhouse (“The donut burger and the Empire State are lus- cious, tempting and kind of evil”) Fab- rikkan (“The Rudolf burger, made out of reindeer, is only available around Christmas, and it is SO YUMMY”), Búl- lan (“Búllan is overrated, but their steak burger is a wondrous concoction.”) (2011: Vitabar 2010: Hamborgarafabrikkan 2009: Vitabar) BEST SLICE: DEVITOS Deli’s sporadic opening hours seem to be working against them in the ‘best slice’ category this year (along with our eradication of the category ‘best drunken slice’), keeping them from winning for the fourth consecutive year. After much debate, our panel of experts declared Devitos Pizza by Hlemmur as the king of the Reykjavík slice, noting that “their slices are always consistent in quality,” and “they were the pioneers of pizza by the slice in this country, and they are still the best at it.” As always, Devitos get bonus points for the deli- cious oils and spices on offer. Runners-up: Deli (“Varied toppings, never stale, always delicious.”). (2011: Deli 2010: Deli 2009: Deli)
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Reykjavík Grapevine

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