

Læknablaðið - 01.04.1943, Blaðsíða 9

Læknablaðið - 01.04.1943, Blaðsíða 9
LÆK NABLAÐIÐ GEFIÐ ÚT AF LÆKNAFÉLAGI REYKJAVÍKUR Aðalritstjóri: ÓLAFUR GEIRSSON. Meðritstjórar: KRISTINN STEFÁNSSON og ÓLI P. HJALTESTED. 28. árg. Reykjavík 1943. 8. tbl. " ! The treatment of Burns by Charles C. Thonias Lt. Comnidr., M. C. USNR.1) It is my purpose in presenting this short paper to review some of the more popular methods of treat- ment of burns, and to formulate from them what I believe is a sui- tahle method of treatment. The basis for selecting our method rniist he several fold in its purpose. Our therapy must he workable under varied conditions; it must be as simple as jiossilde; it must be ef- fective in lowering the mortality and morbidity, as well as securing as good a functional and cosmetic result as is posihle. During the period since the last great war, numerous new methods of treatment liave been brought out, and each has its advocates. The very fact that there have been several different methods of thera- py, each of whose proponents feels sure that his selected form of treatment is the hest, is the finest argument that, so far, no one single method is the final answer for all conditions. Certainly some met- hods of treatment are better for handling burns of certain areas than other methods, and this should be emphasized. There is no i) Read liefore L.R. nóv. 1942. one method which does not have certain adventages as well as dis- advantages. May I repeat the requirements for a successful method of treat- ment ? First there must he a satisfactor- ily low mortality rate. Second — there must 1>e a low incidence of the infection and mor- bidity rate. Third — there must he relief of pain. Fourth — there must be prevent- ion, as far as is possible in the formation of scar contractures. 'J’his factor is extremely importanr, as herein lies the cause of both poor functional and cosmetic results. Fifth — there must he great gentleness in tlie handling of the burned area. This factor is also extremely important, in tlie mini mizing of the production of scar tissue. Sixth and last — there must he ease in handling of the patient. In general, I helieve that is the least important feature, but, in case of 3 severe bomloing, or any other con- dition in which it is ‘necessary to handle a large numher of casuals rapidly, a great tax is placed on



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