

Læknablaðið - 01.04.1943, Qupperneq 15

Læknablaðið - 01.04.1943, Qupperneq 15
L ÆKNABLAÐIÐ it must be expected. Tertiary shock, is rarely seen in ordinary times. However, this is seen in increasing numbers in war time, where the large numbers of casuals have strained the efficency and promptness 'of treatment. It may be considered as a prolongation of secondary shbck, due to further loss of plasnta. Here the blood con- centration Ijecomes so great that spontaneous thrombosis and ent- bolus formation,with death, occurs. This stage has an extremely grave prognosis, and every effort to pre- vent its occurence should be made. Normal viscosity of l)lood which is 2.4, is increased to 6 or 7 in this type of shock. I should now like to outline what I believe- is a satisfactory method of treatment of burns. I am greatly indebted to a recent article by Fox, whose ideas largely coincide with mine. The outline is similar as to treatment tb the one suggested by him, with the addition of special consideration for the care of the hands, face and genitals. The entire treatment can be divided into two parts, emergency and hospital treatment. And these two steps are further divided into general and local treatment. Again let us stress the importance of the treatment 'Oí shock, for no matter what the local treatment is, it is our successful treatment 'of shock which largely determines whether we save the liíe of the patient or not. Emergency treatment. First. — Treatment of shock. This is done by keeping the patient as warni as possible, the use 'of stimulants, the use of morphine liberally and the use of plasma. Morphine, in the adult, should be given generously in grain doses, and repeated as necessary to alle- 119 viate pain. This cuts down on the incidence of shock. Liberal use of morphine is mandatory, and timi- dity in its use is inexcusable. It is alntost impossible to kill this type of patient by the liberal use of morphine. Next, the liberal use of plasma is also mandatory. We must be liberal and use enough. It is not the loss of erythrocytes that we have to worry about, buí the loss of plasma, with the result- ing hemoconcentratibn. The amount to be used in emergencv treatment would depend only on the severity of the case, and the cjuick availabilty of the hospital. It is therefore necessary that at first aid stations, adequate plasma be on hand, for it is here that the battle for the patient’s life may be won or lost. Next as a stimulant, adrenal oortical hormone shoulcl be used in 2 cc doses and repeated as needed, and the use of oxygen through a suitable mask is recom- mended if available. Local emergency treatment. I am going to recommend the use of the triple dye instead of the sulfodia- zene, triethanolamine for various reasons. It is easier to ])rocure, is far cheaper, and is almost as effic- ient. It may be procured in a water soluble jelly base and easily applied for first local treatment. Further- more, and I believe this is impor- tant, eschar f'ormation takes place within 8 hours while with the sul- fodiazene-triethanolamine, it requ- ires four days. Where personnel is taxed by large numbers of cases, this becomes increasingly inqtor- tant. Ambulatory cases, ancl these should not include burns of the hands, face or genitals, can be kept at the first aicl station until the eschar fdom the triple dye forms.



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