

Læknablaðið - 01.04.1943, Síða 16

Læknablaðið - 01.04.1943, Síða 16
120 LÆK N A B LAÐ 1 Ð This will keep the load down on the hospitals where large numbers o.f casuals are being cared for. Htospital treatment. First. — Further, ntore adequate treatment of shock. This should be similar to that outlined for the emergency tratment, but, of course, more thorough. The .use of the Trende- lenburg position, with the further usa of p'asma, cortical hormone, and oxygen are to be prescribed. The ámount of plasma needed can be determined by frequent red blood cell counts and hemoglobiu determinations. Next, the use of the combined tetanus and gas gangrene antitoxin should be urged. Care should be taken to not inject into those sensi- tive to horse serum. As the eschar formation produces an ideal locus for the growt of anaerobic organ- isms, the use of the antitoxin is imperative. As soon as possible with the condition of shock existing, the patient shuld be removed to the operating room and given intra- venous sodium pentothal anae- sthesia. Careful, gentle, and I strese gentle, cleansing of the burned area is to be done. This should be done by careful removal of dead tissue. and irrigation with warm mormal saline. Next, spraying of the af- fected areas, excepting the face, hands and genitals, with tlie triple dye is done. Spraying every hour for 8 hours is usually sufficient to produce a fine eschar. The eschar loosens in from 10 to 14 days. Where grafting is neces- sary, it should be done as soon as posible after removal of the eschar. I stnongly reconnnend the sul- phonilamide, and tulle gras method for treatment of the hands, face and genitals. Therfore, I propose to use the triple dye for burns of the torso and upper extremities, with the sulphonilamide and tulle gras for the hands, íace, forearms and genitals. In case of burns of the hands, motion should be insti- tuted at once, and as soon as pos- sible grafting done where needed. One of the great deformitv jtro- ducing conditions of the hands is the involvement of tendbns in scar, and early motion and graíting help to reduce this to a minimum. To recapitulate therefore, first treat the shbck, adequately and throughly, by the use of morphine, heat, stimulants, plasma and oxv- gen. Tlien treat the burns locally as suggested, with the triple dye for general body burns. and the sulphonilamide, tulle gras and saline fbr the burns of the hands face and genitals. Early motion and skin grafting are urged. I believe that this will result in a decreased mortality rate, a decrea- sed morbidity, increase t’ne percen- tage of good cbsmetic and funct- ional results, and minimize the necessity for plastic corrective proceedures.



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