

Læknablaðið - 01.04.1943, Síða 24

Læknablaðið - 01.04.1943, Síða 24
LÆK NA B LAÐ 1 Ð 128 Jónassen (1882) acc-ording to clin- ical invéstigations came to the con clusion that 1 of every 60 was in- fested. Magnússon (1913) estimat- ed 1 of 240 clinically sick from echinococcosis. The present survey is based on 900 autopsies from the State Hospital in Reykjavík from 1930 —1941 (inclusive). Children under 2 weeks were omitted as well as foreigners. Among these 900 autopsies 41 hydatid cysts were found, or in •one of every 21. The occurrence ot' hydatid cysts increases with in creasing age, and no cyst was f-ound in persons under 20 years of age. In those who were 71 years or older one or more cysts were found in 21%, and in those who were 61 years and older hyda- tid cysts were found in 16%. All these cysts were old, most of them dead and calcified, and it must lie assumed that most if not all of these people have been in- fested in their youth. Probably about every 6th person above 30 years of age has been infested with echinococcosis 30 years ago in this country. Lccalisations of growth. Of the 41 cysts 37 were found in the liver. One was found in the spleen and two in the heart. Disappearence of echinococcosis. The absence of hydatid cysts in children and young people as oom- pared to the frequent occurrence of old and dead cysts in old people clearly indicates a vanishing dis- ease. The causes of this disappear- ance are: 1. Better living conditions and increased cleanliness of the popu- lation. 2. Widespread knowledge of the parasite and its liíe cycle through doctörs, schools, etc. 3. Reduced numbers of dogs and systenratic yearly treatment oí every dog with an anthelminthic. Theeffectof this measure isevident from the disappearence of all kinds of helminthic cysts in sheep, also the coenurnus cerebralis. 4. Increased control og slaught- erhouses in order to prevent dogs from having access to hydatid cysts from sheep. 5. Changes in sheep-breeding. The lambs are now slaughtered 4 —5 months old insted of breeding 3—4 years old rams as was for- merly customary. Most of the lambs do not gr-ow old enough now to produce fertile hydatid c\rsts. Heimildir: 1) Schleisner, Island undersbgt fra et lægevidenskabeligt Syns- punkt. Kbh. 1849. 2) Jón Finsen, Iagttagelser an- gaaende Sygdomsforholdene i Is- land. Kbh. 1874. 3) Jónas Jónassen, Ekinokok- sygdommen, Kbh. 1882. 4) Guöm. Magnússon, Yfirlit yf- ir sögu sullaveikinnar á íslandi. Fylgirit Arbókar Háskóla íslands. Rvík 1913. 5) Niels Dungal, Echinokokkus des Herzens. Act. Pathol. et Micro- biol. Scand., 1938, XV, p. 90. Afgreiðsla og innheimta Læknablaðsins er í Félagsprentsmiðjunni h.f., Reykjavik. Sínii 1640. Pósthólf 570. Félagsprentsmiðjan h.f.



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