

Læknablaðið - 15.04.1980, Blaðsíða 18

Læknablaðið - 15.04.1980, Blaðsíða 18
80 LÆKNABLADIÐ abatement system. Usually a composite of new techniques is required. It must be monitor- ed for effectiveness even after it works well so as to maintain the negligible level of exposure to the toxic agent. Generally respirators and masks, local pre- breathing filtering are less effective because of discomfort to breathing, poor fit and forget- ting to use them as compared to environmen- tal controls. However, in extremely dusty situations with one or two workers exposed, as in cleaning air handling equipment, flues, etc, complete air supplies at pressure supplied to hoods or skirts compressed from a clean filtered source are effective and economical. Each occupational situation has its own peculiar problems so that the general rules need to be applied with insight and their effect on the worker’s lung function and symptoms monitored for effectiveness. Concurrent air monitoring then establishes no effect levels for continuous monitoring thereafter. Finally the effectiveness of abatement stra- tegy or its failure is demonstrated by a plateauing of decrement of function on prospective follow-up, using a worker panel and the most sensitive and reliable tests. Frequently the process of analysis of effect and abatement must be repeated or recycled as factory processes are modified or new agents introduced. As experience is gained it works more quickly and with greater effectiveness. In a country such as Iceland worker’s experience with silica, asbetos and chemical toxins is relatively brief, that is still within the latent period for clinical recognition. Strategy should aim at reduction of levels to below standards used in the United States, Nordic countries and Great Britain coupled to sur- veillance for early manifestations of disorder. It would be tragic to repeat the mistakes of the past here hesitating when total preventa- tion is still possible. ANNOUNCEMENT on the courses to be held in 1980, arranged by the Institute of Occupational Health, Helsinki, Finland, and sponsored by the Nordic Council of Ministers. Nordic participants will be given preference, however, a limited number of researchers from outside Nordic countries can be accep- ted. The laguage of all the courses will be English. For further information, please, write to the course secretary, Ms. Outi Teperi. Institute of Occupational Health Haartmaninkatu 1 SF-00290 HELSINKI 29 FINLAND tel. (09)413 622 Course fee: The fee for Nordic participants will be USD 50, and for others USD 300. The fee does not include meals or accommodations. International course on occupational respiratory diseases Date: 22 — 26 September 1980 Location: Hanasaari Cultural Centre. Deadline for applications: 12 May 1980. Applications should be sent to the secretary. Advanced course on occupational accident research Date: 29 September — 3 oktober 1980 Location: Hotel Haikko, Porvoo, Finland Deadline for the applications: 19 May. Applications should be sent to the secretary. Advanced course of chentical agents in industrial hygiene Date: 24 — 28 November 1980 Location: Institute of Occupational Health, Helsinki, Finland Deadline for the applications: 20 June 1980. Applications should be sent to the secretary.



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