

Læknablaðið - 15.10.1985, Page 45

Læknablaðið - 15.10.1985, Page 45
LÆKNABLAÐIÐ 273 HEIMILDIR 1) Smith RM. Traceelement needs of speciesin relation to body size. In: Gawthorne JM, Howell JMcC, White CL. eds. Trace element metabolism in man and animals. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1982: 9-13. 2) Klevay LM. Dietary copper repuirement of man. In: Kirchgessner M. ed. Trace element metablism in man and animals. Institut fur Ernahrungsphysiologie, 8050 FreisingWeihenstephan 1978; 307-11. 3) Varley H, Gowenlock AH, Bell M. Practical clinical biochemistry, vol. 1. General topics and commoner tests. 5th ed. London: William Heineman Medical Books Ltd., 1980; 927-51. 4) Underwood EJ. Trace elements in human and animal nutrition. New-York: AcademicPress, 1977: 56-108, 196-242. 5) Carelli G, Altavista MC, Aldrighetti F. Flameless atomic absorption determination of urine copper. Atomic Spectroscopy 1982; 3: 200-2. 6) Parker MM, Humoller FL, Mahler DL. Determina- tion of copper and zinc in biological material. Clin chem 1967; 13: 40-5. 7) Di Giorgio J. Nonprotein nitrogenous constituents. In: Henry RJ, Cannon DC, Winkelman JW. eds. Clinical chemistry priciples and technics. New York: Harper & Row, 1974: 503-63. 8) Weissmann N, Pileggi VJ. Inorganicions. In: Henry RJ, Cannon DC, Winkelman WJ. eds. Clinical chemistry, principles and technics. New York: Harper & Row 1974: 639-754. 9) Lifschtiz MD, Henkin RI. Circadian variation in copper and zinc in man. J Appl Physiol 1971; 31: 88- 92. 10) Bartter FC, Delea CS, Halberg F. A map of blood and urinary changes related to circadian variations in adrenal cortical function in normal subjects. Ann NY Acad Sci 1962; 98: 969-83. 11) Hellwege H H. Tagesrhythmische schwankungen des serumzinkspiegels. Klin Wochenschr 1970; 48: 1063- 4. 12) Dawson JB, Walker BE. Direct determination of zinc in whole blood, plasma and urine by atomic absorption spectroscopy. Clin Chim Acta 1969; 26: 465-75. 13) Helwig HL, Hoffer EM, Thielen WC, Alcocer AE, Hotelling DR, Rogers WH. Modified zinc analysis method and serum and urinary zinc levels in control subjects. Am J Clin Pathol 1966; 45: 160-5. Landstinget Kronoberg / södra Sverige - DISTRIKTSLÁKARE (vikariat 6 mánader) Allmánmedicin Referensnummer: L 83/85. Arbetsplats: Várdcentralen i Álmhult, Álmhults primárvárdsomráde. Lön och anstöllningsvillkor enligt avtal. Tilltrade: 85-12-01. Sista ansökningsdag: 85-11-13. Upplysningar: Distriktsöverlákare Sture Lorentzon, Várdcentralen Álmhult, tel 9046-476-135 50 eller perso- nalsekreterare Astrid Johansson, tel 9046-470-881 17. Ansökan till: Personalavdelningen, Centrallasarettet, S- 351 85 Váxjö, Sverige. Var god ange referensnummer i ansökan!



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