

Læknablaðið - 15.02.1989, Blaðsíða 40

Læknablaðið - 15.02.1989, Blaðsíða 40
74 LÆKNABLAÐIÐ Ekkert verður fullyrt með vissu um möguleika á innlendum smitunum nema útbreiðsla blóðmaura í landinu sé könnuð og einnig er nauðsynlegt að kanna hvort I. uriae ber B. burgdorferi. Hvernig svo sem því er varið má telja víst, að einstök tilfelli geti borist hingað hingað meðal innlendra eða erlendra ferðamanna. HEIMILDIR 1. Steere AC, Malavista SE, Snydman DR, Shope RE, Andiman WA, Ross MR, Steele FM. Lyme arthritis: an epidemic of oligoarticular arthritis in children and adults in three Connecticut communities. Arthritis Rheum 1977; 20: 7-17. 2. Steere AC, Broderick TF, Malavista SE. Erythema chronicum migrans and Lyme arthritis: Epidemiologic evidence of a tick vector. Am J epidemiol 1978; 108: 312-321. 3. Centers for Disease Control. Morbidity and Mortality weekly Report: Update: Lyme disease - United States. 1984; 33: 268-70. 4. Burgdorfer W, Barbour AG, Hayes SF, Benach JL, Grunwalt E, Davis JP. Lyme disease - a tick borne spirochetosis? Sience 1982; 216: 1316-19. 5. Steere AC, Grodzicki RL, Kornblatt AN, Craft JE, Barfour AG, Burgdorfer W, Schmid GP, Johnson E, Malawista SE. The spirochetal etiology of Lyme disease. N Engl J Med 1983; 308: 733-40. 6. Magnarelli LA, Anderson JF, Barbour AG. The Etiologic Agent of Lyme Disease in Deer Flies, Horse flies and Mosquitoes. J Infect Dis 1986; 154: 355-8. 7. Hárd S. Erythema cronicum migrans (Afzelii) associated with mosquito bite. Acta Derm Venereol (Stockh) 1966; 46: 473-476. 8. Richter SH. Ixodes ricinus á ísiandi. Dýralæknaritið 1981; 2: 14-17. 9. Stiernstedt G. Tick-Borne Borrelia Infection in Sweden. Scand J Infect Dis Suppl 1985; 45: 1-70. 10. Richter SH. Munnlegar upplýsingar. 11. Burgdorfer W, Balfour AG, Hayes SF, Péter O, Aeschliman A. Erythema chronicum migrans - a tick borne spirochetosis. Acta tropica 1983; 40: 73-83. 12. Bcnach JL, Bosler EM, Hanrahan JP, Coleman JL, Habicht GS, Bast TF, Cameron DF, Ziegler JL, Barfour AG, Burgdorfer W, Edelman R, Kaslow RA. Spirochetes isolated from the blood of two patients with Lyme disease. N Engl J Med 1983; 308: 740-2. 13. Johnson RC, Hyde FW, Rumpel CM. Taxonomy of the Lyme disease spirochetes. Yale J Biol Med 1984; 57: 529-37. 14. Marcus LC, Steere AC, Duray PH, Anderson AE, Mahoney EB. Fatal pancarditis in a patient with coexisting Lyme dieaese and babesiosis. Demonstration of spirochetes in the myocardium. Ann Intern Med 1985; 103 (3): 374-6. 15. Clark JR, Carlson RD, Sasaki CT, Pachner AR, Steere AC. Facial paralysis in Lyme disease. Laryngoscope 1985; 95 (11): 1341-5. 16. Lennhoff C. Spirochaetes in aetiologically obscure dieases. Acta Derm Venereol 1948; 28: 295-324. 17. Binder E, Doepfmer R, Hornstein O. Ubertragung des Erythema cronicum migrans von Mensch zu Mensch. Hautarzt 1955; 6: 494-6. 18. Malawista SE, Steere AC. Lyme Disease: infectious in origin, Rheumatic in expression. Advance Intern Med 1986; 31: 147-66. 19. Steere AC, Duray PD, Kauffman DJH, Wormser GP. Unilateral Blindness. 20. Steere AC, Batsford WP, Weinberg M, Alexander J, Berger HJ, Wolfson S, Malawista SE. Lyme carditis: Cardiac abnormalities of Lyme disease. Ann Intern Med 1980; 93: 8-16. 21. Shrestha M, Grodzicki RL, Steere AC. Diagnosing early Lyme disease. Am J Med 1985; 78: 235-40. 22. Snydman DR, Schenkein DP, Berardi VP, Lastavica CC, Pariser KM. Borrelia burgdorferi in Joint Fluid in Cronic Lyme Arthritis. Ann Intern Med 1986; 104: 798-800. 23. Barbour AG, Burgdorfer W, Hayes SF, Peter O, Aescliman A. Isolation of cultivatible spirochete from Ixodes ricinus ticks of Switzerland. Curr Microbiol 1983; 8: 123-6. 24. Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay and Indirect Immunofluorescence Assay for Lyme Disease. J Infect Dis 1984; 149 (3): 465-70. 25. Steere AC, Hutchinson GJ, Rahn DW, Sigal LH, Craft JE, Desanna ET, Malavista SE. Treatment of the early manifestations of Lyme disease. Ann Intern Med 1983; 99 (1): 22-6. 26. Steere AC, Pachner AR, Malavista SE. Neurologic abnormalities of Lyme diease: successful treatment with high dose penicillin. Ann Intern Med 1983; 99 (6): 766-72. 27. Heneson N. Preventive Strategies for Lyme Disease and Babesiosis. ASM News 1986; 52: 519-20.



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