The White Falcon - 26.02.1971, Side 2
Page 2
February 26, 1971
not affected
in reduction
Caller: Is there a specific instruction or order prohibiting
motorcycles on the base?
C.A.L.: Yes. ComNavIce/NavStaKeflnst P5560.2, page 5, paragraph
3, states: "Motorcycles, motorscooters and motorized go-carts are
prohibited on the naval station. ____________________________________
Caller: What can be done when
deportment and language of tran-
sients at the Guest House becomes
C.A.L.: Call the OODor Secur-
ity and advise them of the situa-
tion. Problems will be promptly
Caller: Why can't the Navy Ex-
change clothing store carry more
medium-sized clothing?
C.A.L.: The NEX stocks more
medium-sized clothing items than
any other size. They just go
faster because there's a greater
demand for them.
Caller: I noticed when I fin-
ished shopping the other day at
the Navy Exchange my bag of good-
ies wasn't stapled. Why?
C.A.L.: It's a new Navy-wide
policy not to staple bags closed.
Caller: Coming out of the
laundromat the other night, I
stepped on a rock and twisted my
ankle because it was so dark in
the area. Can a light be instal-
led outside the laundromat?
C.A.L.: Public works looked
into the situation and agreed with
you. A light will be installed
outside the laundromat.
Caller: Icelandic contractors
replaced windows im my quarters
but did not clean up the broken
glass. It's a safety hazard. Can
anything be done?
C.A.L.: Public works was in-
formed and immediate action has
cleaned up the broken glass.
Caller: Must I have a spare
tire in my car? Is it an Ice-
landic law?
C.A.L.: According to the Ice-
landic police station, there is no
Icelandic law to that effect.
U-of-M registration
deadline, March 12
Registration continues for Term
IV of the University of Maryland
program. The term will begin on
March 15.
The deadline for registration
is March 12for defense force per-
sonnel, American and Icelandic
employees, and adult dependents.
Courses to be offered in Term
IV are: American Government; La-
bor Relations; Public Speaking;
Introduction to Psychology; Prob-
lems of World Politics; Intro-
duction to Mathematics; Principles
of Economics II and Icelandic
MARINES ON THE MARCH — A platoon of Marines from the naval sta-
tion's Marine Barracks take off on a hike instead of spending part
of their regular training time in the classroom. The march took
place February 11, and covered over five miles.
One of the early out programs
not affected by the recently an-
nounced reduction in cut backs is
the early release for college,
university or vocational techni-
cal schools.
Commanding officers are still
authorized to separate, or transfer
for separation, enlistpd members
for the purpose of attending
school. The requested date of
separation shall be within three
months of the member's expiration
of active obligated service and,
within this limitation, not ear-
lier than ten days prior to the
class convening date as prescribed
by the educational institution.
Members desiring to move their
families to a location near the
school and members returning from
an overseas duty station may be
separated up to 30 days prior to
the class convening date. In each
case the early out must be with^
three months of the expiration
active obligated service.
The White Falcon
CAPT Lloyd H. Thomas
Commanding Officer
CDR A.N. Kline
Public Affairs Officer
J01 Bill Wedertz
Editorial Adviser
J02 Chuck Nason<>.......Editor
QM2 John Getker........Writer
0T3 Ken Burrows...Illustrator
AN Don LaChapelle.....Writer
SN Sol Kruger.........Writer
AN Rob Wagner...Photographer
The White Falcon is pub-
lished bi-weekly on Wednesday
and Friday in accordance with
NAVEXOS P-35, revised July
1958, for free distribution
to personnel of the Naval
Station, Keflavik. It isi
printed at the naval station!
printing plant from appro-
priated and non-appropriated