The White Falcon


The White Falcon - 10.12.1971, Síða 5

The White Falcon - 10.12.1971, Síða 5
A Word to the Wives by Dorothy Byrne We women have put ourselves in an odd spot. Can 1: L i you picture the the American Express Bank, meet- ing for a monthly luncheon simply because their wives work to- gether? Of course not! Men would laugh at the prospect and go about their business elsewhere. Yet, we women have allowed ourselves to be banded into all sorts of auxiliaries from the Am- erican Legion Auxiliary to the General Electric Wives Club, to the ladies auxiliaries of the Moose, the Junior Chamber of Com- merce or the hometown fire de- partment. Therefore, it is no surprise that the military estab- lishment is endowed with a vast array of wives clubs and groups. We do exist. What, then, is our purpose? Ladies, let us put our clubs under the eye of the microscope. Let us see what is myth and what is fantasy. As good housewives, let us put our house in order. If nything is amiss,let's not sweep it under the rug. Count our assets: First, no one would deny how wonderfully delicious it is to have the support and comfort of other wives whose husbands are deployed. When a woman is sitting alone on the California coast, her husband is on the other side of the Pacific and her family is in Ohio, a close happy wive's group can be like a supporting family. Second, you need to meet new friends when you arrive at a new duty station. At the wives club, you will find other new arrivals who are looking for friends, too. Third, wives clubs provide all sorts of classes and activities from cake decorating to discus- sion groups. A good organization can offer you many ways to dis- cover your hidden creative tal- ents. This is especially import- ant in overseas bases as it is not as easy to find our way about in the local community as it would be at home. Fourth, wives clubs are phil- nthropic. They provide books or libraries, scholarships, food baskets, aid to orphanages and husbands of the ladies who work at lollypops for dispensaries. If the group is small, sometimes the amount is small, but surely the effort is laudable. Fifth, wives clubs support the nurseries, thrift shops, family service centers and other activi- ties which some feel should be command sponsored. Until the government can be convinced to provide the money,the wives clubs will fill the void. Do we have liabilities? Look at the charge sheet. Do we participate because we enjoy our clubs? Some people feel you must attend all wives luncheons, coffees and meetings or you will hinder your husband's career. Is that true? Try logic. Do you really believe that the men on the Joint Chiefs of staff got where they are today because their wives faithfully attended 240 monthly luncheons, 240 mon- thly coffees, 480 twice monthly bridge sessions and a vast mara- thon of other functions in their first 20 years? Husbands, this idea is the biggest insult to you! Alas, you have not been promoted because of your know- ledge of warfare, logistics, sub- marines, airplanes or your spec- ialties. Your wife won it for you because she makes the neatest brownie in town. How sad! Ladies, do you really believe that the military wants you to leave your unhappy toddler screa- ming at the nursery or sick at home with the fever? Go home to your sick child and skip a few luncheons until Junior can be alone without your feeling guilty and don't blame your guilty feel- ings on the military. You will only end up complain- ing at your poor husband. We need more women at home in the home. Look at the growth of the juvenile dilinquency and drug problems. Be yourself and stay home. Be an anchor and not a jellyfish. Your husband will do (See WIVES, Page 4) FORUM is a new weekly column introduced to the White Falcon by Dorothy Byrne, "A Word To The Wives." It is an Inquiring re- porter-photographer column to re- lay different points of view on current questions facing military personnel and dependents. Be ready, though, because you may be the next person asked for your opinion. QUESTION: Do you believe single and married personnel should re- ceive the same amount of pay and allowances? Do you favor paying a military man or woman strictly for the work he or she does, ra- ther than for the number of de- pendents he has? WHERE ASKED: Navy Exchange LOB- BY. FULLERTON MRS. GILLETTE • Maj. James Fullerton, 57th F.I.S., married: "I am in favor of the way it is set up right now. I do think there are ine- quities, but I don't think that's the way to solve the problem." • Cheryl Gillette, housewife: "I think the married personnel should get a little bit more be- cause they have a few more expen- ses. I never really thought too much about it. I do think that the barracks should be improved a lot. RODDY MRS. BUTLER • CSSN Gary Roddy, VP-56, mar- ried: "I think there should be two different pays, one for sin- gle and one for married. I think (See FORUM, Page 8) WHITE FALCON 5


The White Falcon

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