The White Falcon

The White Falcon - 15.12.1978, Page 5

The White Falcon - 15.12.1978, Page 5
December 15. 197B White Falcon Page 5 Gardur lighthouses A sight worth venturing to By JOSA Paula Onstott Just a fifteen mile drive due north (past the golf course) traveling paved and dirt roads, vou will find the small coastal town of Gardur. Not only are you taken with the dramatic coast, sky and ocean, but dominating the picturesque scene are two light- houses. One is very old and looks somewhat like a weathered castle, the other is modern and taller. They both stand their ground by the coast quietly and proudly. These lighthouses watch over a nearby reef which has been responsible for the catastrophes of many ships. You can see where the reef lurks out into the deep sea where its water churns and crashes in large waves, creating a white foamy ocean battlefield. Since the construction of the lighthouses, no shipwrecks have occured there. The older lighthouse (adjoining and lower right pictures) was built at the ^fcginning of the century and used an oil lamp for Bps warning light. The newer lighthouse (picture below) was constructed in the 1950’s and uses elec- tric power to warn ships of their peril. You are not able to enter these landmarks but be- ing able to walk around, view and feel it all, is different, interesting and breathtaking.


The White Falcon

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