Reykjavík Grapevine - 14.03.2014, Síða 50

Reykjavík Grapevine - 14.03.2014, Síða 50
DesignTalks The signature event of DesignMarch, a day-long seminar, centres this year on designers role as visionaries and strategists. Our world today faces multiple global issues that could use the designer's innate ability to detect opportunities and to invent and cre- ate alternatives. Curator Hlín Helga Guðlaugsdóttir underlines “the design- ers’ responsibility to rethink instead of repair broken systems, institutions, healthcare, governments.” Speakers include Mikael Schiller of Acne Studios, Robert Wong of Google Creative Lab, Marco Steinberg, Kathryn Firth and Calvin Klein. Best of all, at 7,900 ISK, the tickets are a bargain. March 27, 9:00-16:00, Harpa. Tickets available via Spark Design Space With a consistently superb exhibition calendar and a beautifully curated store with a broad selection of the best of Icelandic design, Spark Design Space should be on your itinerary regardless of when you visit. This DesignMarch, Spark exhibits ‘Designs from Nowhere,’ a group exhibition by local and inter- national designers that explores the possibilities for design and small scale production in East Iceland, using local materials and resources. It is curated by Pete Collard of the London Design Museum and among the partaking designers is the rising star Þórunn Ár- nadóttir, whose PyroPet is Grapevine's Best Product of 2013. Klapparstígur 33 Design From Greenland And The Faroe Islands Not that there wouldn’t be enough to explore in terms of Icelandic design alone, our neighbours Greenland and the Faroe Islands will for the first time be present at DesignMarch too. Design store Kraum showcases a dozen or so Faroese design labels, while the Green- landic design label Inuk Design exhibits its products at Epal. Yet another ex- ample of the growing West Nordic col- laboration is the amazing work by the Nordic House together with the pho- tographer duo Cooper & Gorfer on ‘The Weather Diaries,’ a curator’s cut poster exhibition and book telling the stories of Icelandic, Faroese and Greenlandic fashion via dark, mystic and romantic images mixing photography, illustration and 18th Century painting. Kraum, Aðalstraeti 10 Epal, both at Harpa and Skeifan Nordic House, Sturlugata 5 Order To Effect With a limited amount of raw materials available on this barren island, local designers have often looked into their food cupboards for materials and inspi- ration. This latest undertaking by Auður Ösp Guðmundsdóttir and her team pushes the field further from products towards service design. Set in Icelan- dair Hotel Reykjavík Natura, Order To Effect is an entirely new and innovative way to eat out: you order your dishes based on the desired effect on your body. For a starter, some more energy; for a main, improved quality of sleep with lowered blood pressure on the side; and for dessert, perhaps a little boost to my immune system, please! Nauthóltsvegur 52, reservations at +354 444 4050 Female – Form – Creation In an interesting opening that blurs the line between art and design, Icelandic artist superstar Ragnar Kjartansson teams up with the Icelandic Association of Ceramic Artists for a performance that gives praise to their working process. If you saw Ragnar’s exhibit ‘The Visitors,’ most recently exhibited at Kling & Bang in Reykjavík, you are probably already a believer, but if not, this is a great opportunity to see some- thing new, experimental and previously unseen. This is what DesignMarch is at its best—a laboratory for entirely new experiments that bring together talented people from various different creative fields. March 29, 13:00-17:00, Víkin, Grandagarður 8 PS: It is impossible to pick only five things from the massive programme. You should also see the latest Staka pieces. You should see the Rendez-wood? exhibit by students from the design school of this treeless island. You should also eat DesignMarchipan and tweet with the hashtag #yofreckles, and… See the complete programme on the next page, online at and download the DesignMarch app for iPhone and Android. Words by Sari Peltonen Don’t Miss These! 49 Crymogea, Barónsstígur 27, 101 Reykjavík Glacial Dishware Design studio Postulína presents Jökla (Glacial) , new handmade porcelain tableware inspired by the magical and versatile Icelandic gla- ciers. During DesignMarch, it will be matched with photographer Vigfús Birgisson’s otherworldly landscapes. Opening Thursday March 27 at 8:30 pm. 50 Hlemmur Square, Laugavegur 105, 105 Reykjavík Series X by Mót Benches for both indoor and outdoor use that were originally de- signed as part of a project to revive forgotten picnic spots in Reykjavik. Designed by design studio Mót, Series X premiers a new addition to its collection during DesignMarch. Opening Thursday March 27 at 6 pm. Chicago – Beijing – Reykjavik The tallest building in the USA, retail and office building in Paris, museums in China and a cultural house in Inner Mongolia – the exhibition offers a glimpse at the works by architect Björn Stefán Hallsson. Opening Thursday March 27 at 5.30 pm. 51 Höfðatorg (20th floor), Katrínartún 2, 105 Reykjavík Book launch and exhibition by PK Arkitektar A new monograph celebrating the work of Icelandic architect Pálmar Kristmundsson will be feted on the 20th floor of the Höfðatorg tower, accompanied by an exhibition of design and architecture by PK Arkitektar. Food Couture Health food restaurant Happ com- missioned design studio Attikatti to design a special menu emphasizing healthy, high quality ingredients and amazing appearance. These special “couture” dishes will only be avail- able during DesignMarch so feast your eyes, your tastebuds and good conscience while you can. 52 Fosshótel Lind, Rauðarárstígur 18, 105 Reykjavík Rendez-wood? Fosshótel Lind, Rauðarárstígur 18, 105 Reykjavík Third year students in product design at Iceland’s Academy of the Arts exhibit a collection of projects that explore the current value and potential uses of the Icelandic wood, a rare commodity in the near tree- less land. 53 Skipholt 33 (back entrance), 105 Reykjavík S33 The S33 Creative collective cel- ebrate DesignMarch with a big party. Drinks, live music, a DJ, a wheel of fortune and lots of joy to spread around. The S33 creatives open their studios and workspaces on Friday March 28 from 5–8 pm. 54 Bolholt 4, 105 Reykjavík The Designer's Toys New children’s toys, lamps, handbags and all kinds of items by Geislar Design. More than a hundred of the company’s designs from the past two years will be on display. Designer Guðjón Örn Lárus- son will introduce three dimensional printing on Thursday March 27 from 6–10 pm. 55 Icelandair Hótel Reykjavík Natura, Nauthólsvegur 52, 101 Reykjavík Your Perfect Day Your Perfect Day design stores at hotels Icelandair Reykjavik Natura and Hilton Reykjavik Nordica pres- ent new additions to their selection. You’ll also find an ocean inspired Pop Up market at Reykjavik Marina hotel Order Effect Satt, Icelandair Hotel Reykjavik Natura Strengthen your brain, bones or heart. At this restaurant, guests will be able to order their preferred health effects from a dish. Chefs, designers and nutritionists have collaborated on this unforgettable meal, presented as a visual reminder of the fact that our bodies need care and fuel with great food that is both delicious, healthy and made from the best ingredients. The price for a three course meal with appetizers is 7.900 kr. Please note that this restaurant is only open on DesignMarch. Call (+354) 444 4050 for reserva- tions. 56 Reykjavik City Theatre, Listabraut 3, 103 Reykjavík The Curious Incident of the Design- ers Fourteen graphic designers create posters for the play The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night- Time, a production set to premiere in Reykjavik City Theatre in March. The exhibition is a collabora- tion between the theatre and The Association of Icelandic Graphic Designers. Opening Monday March 24 from 4–6 pm. 57 Epal, Skeifan 6, 108 Reykjavík The Countless Colours of Icelan- dic Design Design store Epal presents the most interesting Icelandic design by a diverse group of designers. Since 1975, the store has strived to enhance understanding and respect for design in Iceland by choosing a selection of outstanding quality for their stores. Opening Wednesday March 27 5–7 pm. 58 Gerðuberg, Gerðuberg 3–5, 111 Reykjavík Tint Textile designers María Valsdóttir, Sæunn Þorsteinsdóttir and Þóra Björk Schram bring out the vast world of textile design in children’s clothing, delicate jewellery and colourful gift cards, using different colours, patterns, form and fabric. Opening Friday March 28 at 4 pm. 59 Hönnunarsafn Íslands, Garðatorg 1, 210 Garðabæ Are you ready, Madam President? An exhibition of clothing and ac- cessories from the presidency of Madam Vigdís Finnbogadóttir, the first democratically elected female head of state whose clothing had to adhere to protocols and traditions not necessarily intended for women. Kosmos – Dögg Guðmundsdóttir Designer Dögg Guðmundsdóttir is one of many Icelandic design- ers currently working with foreign production companies. Her designs are influenced by Icelandic national treasures, bringing together the diversity of the Icelandic landscape and traditional craftsmanship in an innovative way. Opening Wednesday March 26 at 6 pm. 60 Hafnarborg, Strandgata 34, 220 Hafnarfjörður Fancy – Cake in the Sun An exhibition of selected prints from 1957 to 1993 by Dieter Roth, one of contemporary art’s pioneers. Originally from Switzerland, Roth lived and worked in Iceland for many years, leaving a mark on an entire generation of up-and-coming artists. Opening Saturday March 22 at 3 pm. Hafnarborg, Strandgata 34, 220 Hafnarfjörður ShopShow A travelling exhibition of Nordic contemporary design that highlights the interplay of production and consumerism with an emphasis on the product’s traceability. Among participants are Icelandic designer teams Hugdetta and Vík Prjónsdót- tir. Opening Saturday March 22 at 3 pm. 61 Seltjarnarnes Library, Eiðistorg 11, 170 Seltjarnarnes Our Hometown An exhibition of graphic designer and visual artist Elsa Nielsen‘s photographs of suburban peninsula Seltjarnarnes, known for its large villas and stunning ocean views. Nielsen layers series of digital photographs to create a new take on her home town. Opening Thursday March 27 at 5 pm. 62 Keflavik International Airport, 235 Reykjanesbær Guide to Icelandic Design The vast flora of Icelandic design is reflected in the shops and restaurants at Keflavik International airport. A sort of window into Icelandic design, the airport gives you a chance to enjoy as well as shop for a good price. Be sure to arrive on time to enjoy this display of the local design jewels.


Reykjavík Grapevine

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