Hagskýrslur um utanríkisverslun - 1959, Qupperneq 117
Verzlunarskýrslur 1958
Tafla IV B (frh.). Útfluttar vörur árið 1958, eftir vörutegundum.
12 3
Tonn 1000 kr. Meðalverð
411-02 Feiti og olíur úr dýraríkinu animal oils, fals and greases,
excluding lard .................................................
a. Tylgi slearin .....................................
b. Mör og tólg sheep fat and tallow ..................
5 Efnavörur ............................................
56 Tilhúinn áburður...................................
Fertilizers, manufactured
561 Tilbúinn áburður fertilizers, manufactured..................
561-01 Köfnunarefnisáburður nitrogenous fertilizers.............
59 Sprengiefni og ýmsar efnavörur ....................
Explosives and miscellaneous chemical matcrials and
599 Ýmsar efnavörur miscellaneous chemical materials and
products ...............................................
599-04 Ostaefni, albúmín, lím og steiningarefni casein, albumen,
gelatin, glue and dressings ............................
a. Ostaefni casein .....................................
6 Unnar vörur aðallega flokkaðar eftir
efni ............................................
Manufactured goods classified chiefly by
61 Leður, leðurvörur ót. a. og verkuð loðskinn ...
Leather, leather manufactures, n. e. s., and dressed
611 Leður leather...........................................
611-01 Leður og skinn leather...............................
a. Fiskroð sútuð fish skins, tanned.................
613 Loðskinn verkuð furs, dressed or dressed-and-dyed ...
613-01 Loðskinn unnin, en ósaumuð furs, dressed or dressed-and-
dyed, not made up into articles of clothing ................
a. Gærur sútaðar sheep skins, tanned .... 841 stk.
b. Gærusneplar sútaðir snips of sheep skins, tanned ....
65 Garn, álnavara, vcfnaðarmunir o. þ. h..........
Textile yarn, fabrics, made-up articles and related
651 Garn og tvinni yarn and thread..........................
651-02 Gam úr ull og hári yarn of ivool and hair............
a. Ullarband wool yarn .............................
653 Almenn álnavara úr öðru en baðmull textile fa-
brics of standard type (not including narroiv and special
fabrics), other than cotton fabrics ................
653-02 Ullarvefnaður wollen and ivorsted fabrics (including fa-
brics of fine hair).................................
655 Sérstæðar vefnaðarvörur special textile fabrics and
related products............................................
2,5 82
1,1 78
0,0 1
0,0 1
0,0 1
1,1 77
1,1 77
1,1 77
0,1 4
1) Hvert >tk.