Hagskýrslur um utanríkisverslun - 1983, Qupperneq 29
Verslunarskýrslur 1982
skýrslum 1981. — Þriðja vélasamstæða Hrauneyjafossvirkjunar (í Tungnaá) var
tekin í notkun 1. des. 1982, og var henni þar með lokið, að undanskildum minni
háttar frágangi. Á árinu var hafinn undirbúningur Blönduvirkjunar — Lands-
virkjun varð 1. okt. 1982 framkvæmdaraðili hennar. Unnið var áfram að Sultar-
tangastíflu á ármótum Þjórsár og Tungnaár, og er ætlunin að ljúka henni haustið
1983. Þá var og á árinu 1982 unnið að Kvíslaveitu, sem samkvæmt áætlun á að
ljúka 1986.
Meðlögum nr. 21 10. apríl 1974 varríkisstjórninni heimilað aðfela væntanlegri
Norðurlandsvirkjun eða öðrum aðila að reisa og reka jarðgufuaflsstöð við Kröflu
eða austanvert Námafjall í Suður-Þingeyjarsýslu, með allt að 55 megawatta afli. í
kjölfar þessara laga voru sumarið 1974 hafnar könnunarboranir við Kröflu, og
1975 hófst bygging mannvirkja þar. Innflutningur til þessarar nýju stórvirkjunar
hófst á árinu 1975. Var þar aðallega um að ræða timbur og járn og var sá
innflutningur ekki tekinn saman sérstaklega af Hagstofunni. En frá og með janúar
1976 hefur innflutningur til Kröfluvirkjunar verið gerður upp mánaðarlega á
sama hátt og það, sem flutt er inn af hliðstæðum aðilum. — Framkvæmdum við
Kröfluvirkjun lauk í febrúar 1978, er fyrri vélasamstæða hennar varð gangfær.
Var hún starfrækt fram í júlí 1978, en aðeins með 7—8 M W afli vegna erfiðleika á
gufuöflun. Gufuaflsstöðin var ekki starfrækt frekar 1978. Á árinu 1979 var hún
starfrækt frá janúarlokum til júníbyrjunar, og aftur frá júlílokum og árið út, með
5. yfirlit á bls. 24*—26* 5th summary on p. 24*—26*:
Translation ofheadings: 1: USSR. 2: other East-European countries. 3: EEC countries. 4: EFTA countries. 5: USA. 6: all othcr
countries. 7: total. 8: percentages.
Translation of textlines: 01: non-durable consumption goods. 01—01: food, beverages and tobacco. 01—02: clothing, textile
materials. Headgear. 01—03: footwear. 01—04: cleaning materials, materials for personal carc and drugs. 01—05: spare parts (for cars,
domestic appliances, car tyres). 01—06: other non-durablegoods (mainlv personal equipment). 01—07: other non-durable goods for
household use n.e.s. 01—09: non-durable goods for public consumption. 01—10: returned goods etc. 02: durable consumption
goods.02—11: cutlery, crockery and glassware. Pots, pans etc. 02—12: domestic appliances (excl. electric cookers.). 02—13: furniture,
lamps etc. 02—14: durablepersonal equipment (e.g. watches), sports equipment etc. 02—15: durable goods for public consumption. 03:
passenger cars etc. 03—16: passenger cars, new and used (excl. station wagons). 03—17: jeeps. 03—18: motorcycles and bicycles. 04:
other transport equipment. 04—19: publicservice vehicles.ambulances, fireengines etc. (excl. cement mixers). 04—20: station wagons,
trucks and delivery cars. 05: other machines and tools. 05—21: machines and tools for building work (incl. land reclamation work).
05—22: machines for use in electricity works (excl. construction work). 05—23: office machinery, computors, machinery used in
laboratories, hospitals, etc. 05—24: agricultural machinery (incl. tractors). 05—25: machines for use in fish processing. 05—26:
machines and implements used in fishing (incl. navigation aids). 05—27: machincs used for the production of investment goods (e.g. in
machine shops, ship construction, Cement Works). 05—28: machines used for the production of consumption goods. 05—29: machines
and equipment for the chemical industry (incl. the Fertilizer Plant). 05—30: machinery n.e.s. 06: other investment goods. 06—31:
investment goodsfor agriculture (incl. mink for breeding). 06—32: investment goods used in construction industries. Cookers. 06—36:
other investment goods (e.g. for use in telecommunication services, but excl. machinery). 06—37: other investment goods n.e.s. 07: raw
materials for the production of consumption goods. 07—01: raw materials for the production of food, drink and tobacco (incl. some
wrapping). 07—02: clothing materials, leather and other goods for the production of clothing, footwear, headgear and bags. 07—04:
raw materials for the production of detergents, soaps and drugs. 07—06: raw materials for the production of other non-durable
consumption goods. 07—13: raw materials for the production of furniture (incl. ready-madedoors and furniture woods). 07—14: raw
materials for the production of personal equipment and other durables. 07—15: other raw materials, e.g. linen for the production of bed
clothes. 08: building materials and raw materials for use in the construction industry. 08—32: building materials (incl. pipes, fíttings,
window panes, linoleum etc.) 08—35: raw materials for use in building and construction (cement, wood to be used in building
operations). 09: raw materials for the production of investment goods. 09—41: raw materials for use in ship building. 09—42: raw
materials for use in machine building. 09—43: raw materials for use in the metal industry and other industries pruducing scmi-finished
goods. 10: raw materials and auxiliary material, for use in aluminium smelter and ferro-silicon factory. 10—44: raw materials and
auxiliary material for use in aluminium smelter. 10—45: raw materials and auxiliary material for use in ferro-silicon factory. 10—49:
auxiliary material n.e.s. (mainlycarbon anodes). 11—00: production goods to be used in agriculture. 12: production goods to be used in
fishing- and other vessels. 12—51: fishing nets and fishing gear. 12—52: other. 13: production goods used in fish processing plants.
13—61: salt, 13—62: boxes, paper, etc. for packaging. 13—63: knives and other small implements. 14: other production goods n.e.s.
Materialsused in: 14—71:theplasticsindustry. 14—72:thechemical industry. 14—73: theproduction of paint. 14—74: the production
of textile goods and footwear. 14—75: other industry. 14—76: repair shops. 14—77: other branches (excl. industry). 15: fuel and
lubricants. 15—81: gasoline (excl. aviation gasoline). 15—82: aviation gasoline. 15—83: jet propulsion fuel. 15—84:gasoils. 15—88:
fuel oils n.e.s. 15—85: lubricating oils. 15—86: othcr fuels (coal, butane gas, electricity etc.) 15—87: non-refined oils. 16: ships and
aircraft. 16—90: coastguard vessels. 16—91: fishing vessels. 16—92: merchant vessels. 16—93: vessels for pleasure or sports. 16—94:
tugs, dredgers and other special purpose vessels. 16—95: other ships and boats. 16—98: aircraft (incl. gliders). 16—99: balloons,
parachutes and spare parts for aircraft.