Hagskýrslur um utanríkisverslun - 1991, Blaðsíða 119
Verslunarskýrslur 1990
Tafla IV. Magn og verðmæti útfluttrar vöru eftir löndum og vöruflokkum (Hagstofuflokkun) árið 1990 (frh.)
Tahle IV. Quantity and value of exports by countríes of destination and by commodities (Icelandic classiftcation) in 1990 (cont.)
Kanada Canada Nígería Nigería Japan Japan Taívan Taiwan Ástralía Australia
Tonn Fob-verð Tonn Fob-verð Tonn Fob-verð Tonn Fob-verð Tonn Fob-verð
Tons Fob-value Tons Fob-value Tons Fob-value Tons Fob-value Tons Fob-value
820 _ _ - - - _ - - - -
825 48,7 10.317 - - - _ - - 9,0 2.839
830 835 0,1 161 - - - - 0,0 21 -
840 845 850 855 17,6 9.761 — - 4,4 4.390 : : 2,7 1.745
74,2 25.309 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
860 0,1 476 - - 11,7 53.054 - - 0,0 90
865 3,6 3.795 - - 0,9 5.295 - - - -
870 0,4 522 - - 1,4 2.253 - - - -
880 - - - - 26.610,7 946.153 - - - -
885 440,7 48.867 - - - _ - - - -
890 1,9 17.397 - - - _ - - 2,3 13.402
895 3,3 19.335 - - - _ - - - -
899 11,9 11.283 - 1,4 277 0,0 440 0,9 1.803
910 920 930 940 75,5 8.952 - - 2,8 19.334 0,0 69 0,0 67
0,0 274 - - 0,0 380 0,0 40 0,0 67
945 950 990 75,5 8.678 - - 2,8 18.955 0,0 29 - -
Alls 783,7 286.744 5.456,2 588.676 61.620,8 5.545.571 5.409,0 879.692 200,4 69.386
Verslunarskýrslur 1990
1 17
N-Sjáland New Zealand Önnur lönd Other countr. Alls total
Tonn Fob-verð Tonn Fob-verð Tonn Fob-verð
Tons Fob-value Tons Fob-value Tons Fob-value
- - - - 2,4 1.605 Pigment, paint, vamishes etc 820
1,9 511 14,1 4.568 586,1 155.209 Fish tubs, trawl-floating balls and netrings 825
- - 3,1 7.771 441,9 963.408 Tanned or dressed skins 830
- - - - 0,0 2 Clothing and articles of furskin 835
- - 15,5 2.280 588,4 74.366 Packing containers of paperboard 840
- - 5,3 4.022 102,8 81.379 Wool tops and wool yam 845
- - - - 16,2 23.521 Woolen fabrics 850
- - 5,8 2.681 543,1 192.645 Fishing lines, cables and nets etc 855
- - 7,1 14.094 335,2 616.030 Knitted clothing, mainly of wool 860
- - 0,1 151 34,8 70.849 Other garments 865
- - - - 53,8 72.165 Woolen blankets 870
- - - - 67.149,5 2.430.413 Ferro-silicon 880
- - - - 86.392,1 9.587.065 Aluminium 885
0,6 7.535 0,3 3.910 16,5 188.727 Electronic weighing machinery 890
0,4 436 22,0 5.808 109,6 209.654 Fish processing machinery 895
0,8 2.564 25,7 17.045 21.777,7 1.937.303 Other manufacturing products 899
0,0 7 3.925,2 201.965 52.681,1 2.079.919 Other commodities
- - - - 5.497,6 84.164 Metal scrap 910
0,0 7 0,0 140 0,1 57.224 Postage stamps 920
- - 3.896,0 195.905 5.598,7 569.782 Used ships 930
- - - - 28.178,9 56.817 Pumice stone 940
- - - - 57,6 606 Pumice for stonewash 945
- - - - 62,8 642.099 Aircraft and parts thereof 950
- - 29,2 5.920 13.285,5 669.227 Miscellaneous 990
3,8 11.053 9.254,3 586.195 876.105,0 92.625.062 Total