
Jökull - 01.12.1987, Side 11

Jökull - 01.12.1987, Side 11
Fig. 3. Anomaly map of mercury in soil and radon in soil air in the Hrafntin- nusker area. Contours show values above background. Shaded areas in- dicte >3 and >4 times background val- ues for mercury and radon, respective- ly. For mercury background values range from 33.9 to 46.8 ppb. Squares indicate hot springs/fumaroles. — Kort sem sýnir kvikasilfur og radon íjarðvegi a svœði við Hrafntinnusker. Línur af- marka svœði sem hafa hœrri gildi en nemur bakgrunni. Bakgrunnsgildi fyrir kvikasilfur liggja á bilinu 33.9-46.8 Ppb. Ferningar tákna hveri og gufu- augu. N RADON er compositional features of the sodium-chloride waters are similar to those of geothermal waters in basaltic terrain. Fumarole steam at Torfajökull contains generally 0.2-0.4% total gas by volume. C02 is always the dom- inant gas constituent (>70%) but H2S and H2 amount to 2-8% and 0-10%, respectively. The gas compositions are comparable with those found in some other high- temperature fields in Iceland located in basaltic forma- tions indicating that the same secondary mineral as- semblages control the gas compositions despite the dif- ference in rock composition. The chemical composition of hot springs at Land- mannalaugar indicates subsurface temperatures as high as 265°C (Arnórsson 1985). Gas chemistry indicates even higher temperatures (>300°C) for this and other parts of the geothermal field. Helium isotope ratios as high as 23.4 times atmo- spheric have been observed in fumarole steam at Torfa- jökull (Poreda et al. 1984). These high ratios are taken to 9
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