Archaeologia Islandica - 01.01.2009, Page 7

Archaeologia Islandica - 01.01.2009, Page 7
Contents Editorial Gavin Lucas Articles Adolf Friðriksson / Social and symbolic Landscapes in Late Iron Age Iceland........9 Þóra Pétursdóttir / Icelandic Viking Age graves: Lack in material - lack of interpretation?.................................................................22 Richard E. Hughes and Gavin M. Lucas / Geochemical Identification of the Source for Obsidian Artifacts from the Viking Settlement at Hofstaðir in Mývatnssveit, Northeastem Iceland.............................................................41 Elizabeth Pierce / Walrus Hunting and the Ivory Trade in early Iceland.............55 Heather B. Trigg, Douglas J. Bolender, Katharine M. Johnson, Marisa D. Patalano, andJohn M. Steinberg / Note on barley found in dung in the lowest levels of the farm mound midden at Reynistaður, Skagatjörður Iceland..........................64 Notes for Contributors..............................................................73 Editorial Board 75


Archaeologia Islandica

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