Archaeologia Islandica - 01.01.2009, Page 68

Archaeologia Islandica - 01.01.2009, Page 68
Heather B. Trigg et al. toric H3/H4 tephras (Sigurgeirsson 2001). The east profíle is the only one with the later (upper) grainy black tephra that is either the Hekla 1300 AD or the Hekla 1766 tephra. The cultural layers in both profiles are immediately on top of a mottled organic layer with small amounts of the dark green landnám tephra (see also Hallsdóttir 1987). The LNL was on top of a mixed aeolian deposit with substantial amounts of the H3/H4 tephra (Buckland, Dugmore and Edwards 1997), which overlay river sand and silt. The bottom cultural layers of both profiles are dominated by gray and black ash, while the middle layers are dominated by mixed turf. The upper layers are domi- nated by reddish peat ash. In 2007 the exposed midden deposits at Reynistaður from the southern profile were sampled for macrobotanical Figure 2. Map showing both Reynistaður pro- file locations. Figure 3. Photo of southern profile at Reynistaður. 66


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