Archaeologia Islandica - 01.01.2009, Page 72

Archaeologia Islandica - 01.01.2009, Page 72
Heather B. Trigg et al. ple of Reynistaður may have grazed their livestock on sedges and perhaps allowed them to forage on harvested fields. Conclusion We believe that level 11 at the Reynistaður farm mound midden is very early in the settlement sequence, soon after 871 AD and well before 1000 AD. Barley in charred animal dung at such a time sug- gests that the inhabitants were growing barley and, after it was harvested, letting the animals graze on the fíeld. It is likely, based on the total seed assemblage that the animals were also grazing on wet- lands at the same time, not surprising given Reynistaður’s location at the ijord bottom. If this is the correct interpreta- tion, it implies that the complete Scandinavian agro-pastoral package was put into practice at Reynistaður soon after it was settled. Acknowledgments This material is based upon work sup- ported by the US National Science Foundation under BCS grants 0107413, 0453892, and 0731371. Additional fund- ing was provided by the Wenner-Gren Fund for Anthropological Research. Additional support came from the Commune ofSkagaljörðurandlcelandair. The work was done in conjunction with Byggðasafn Skagfírðinga, the Hólaskóli, and the Hólar Research Project. The SASS project operated under permits granted by Þjóðminjasafn Islands & Fornleifavemd ríkisins. Tephrachrono- logy was conducted by Magnús A. Sigurgeirsson. We wish to thank the gen- erous owners of Reynistaður: Sigurlaug Guðmundsdóttir and Helgi Jóhann Sigurðsson Any opinions, fíndings, and conclusions or recommendations 0.5 cm Figure 6. Photo of dung recoveredfrom flota- tion sample of Layer 11. expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the any of the sponsors or sup- porters of this work. Reports and the raw data for this study can be obtained from References Buckland, Paul C, Andrew J Dugmore and Kevin .1 Edwards (1997) Bronze Age myths? volcanic activity and human response in the Mediterranean and North Atlantic regions. Antiquity 71:581-. Buckland, Paul C, Andrew J Dugmore, D. W Perry, D Savory and Guðrún Sveinbjarnardóttir (1990) Holt in Eyjafjallasveit, lceland: a paleoeco- logical study of the impact of Landnám. Acta Archaeologica 61:252-271. Derreumaux, Marie (2005) How to detect foder and litter? A case study from the Roamn site “Le Marias de Dourges,” France. Vegetation History and Archaeobotany 14:373-385. Grönvold, Karl, N Oskarsson, S. J Johnsen, H. B Clausen, C. U Hammer, G Bond and E Bard (1995) Ash lay- ers from Iceland in the Greenland 70


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