Archaeologia Islandica - 01.01.2015, Blaðsíða 10

Archaeologia Islandica - 01.01.2015, Blaðsíða 10
Orri Vésteinsson fellow modernists it seemed more impor- tant to react to their insistence that ‘Ice- land has no prehistory’ (‘ísland hefur enga forsögu - the title of an interview with Kristján Eldjárn published in Tímarit Máls og menningar 27(4), 352-65 in 1966) and claim that indeed the pre-1100 phase of Icelandic history was prehistoric. As one of those who not so long ago felt that it was ex- tremely important to emphasise the prehis- toric nature of the earliest phase, seeing it essentially as a reservation for the practice of “real” archaeology, I am no longer con- vinced about the significance of this. It is logical to a degree: there are no contempo- rary written sources about Icelandic histo- ry from before 1100 while they increase in volume thereafter. If the end of prehistory and the beginning of history has to be put somewhere it should therefore be placed around 1100 in the Icelandic case. But this is really only a technicality. Archaeology has changed and progressed since the time of Gordon Childe and Icelandic archaeol- ogy has changed and progressed by leaps and bounds. Looking through this and the previous 10 volumes of Archaeologia islandica it is obvious that the divides that once existed - between prehistory and his- tory and between prehistoric and historical archaeology are no longer as profound as they were when Björn Þorsteinsson inter- viewed Gordon Childe in 1956. Ihe papers of this volume demonstrate methodological breadth and a diversity of interests and topics that would have been unimaginable in 1956. None deal primar- ily with the prehistoric part of Iceland’s past but all employ approaches familiar to prehistoric archaeologists while at the same time making judicious use of writ- ten sources. The archaeologists contribut- ing to this volume are all confident in their handling of historical evidence and in all cases such evidence is an integral part of the argumentation. Yet the concerns being addressed are not those of traditional his- torical scholarship, but questions of wholly archaeological nature. Even this distinction now seems unnecessary and I think it is possible to declare that a point of synthesis has been reached: the worries of Icelandic archaeologists of the 1980s and 1990s that “real” archaeology could not be practiced on a past brimming with texts have turned out to be unfounded. There can be no sus- picion that the authors of the papers in this volume are serving as the hand-maidens of some historical housemasters. What has in fact happened is that real archaeological discourses have been developed and vigor- ous debates are on-going exploring aspects of the past which historians and prehisto- rians of the 1950s would have been hard- pressed to imagine. These debates are not hampered or di- luted by the historical evidence; on the con- trary such evidence is widening the debate and making it richer. In this volume Joris Coolen and 8
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Archaeologia Islandica

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