Archaeologia Islandica - 01.01.2015, Blaðsíða 66

Archaeologia Islandica - 01.01.2015, Blaðsíða 66
Scott Riddell variation within this span) and some ani- mals appear to have occasionally lingered into the early summer months (Kristjáns- son 1980, 329-62). Of particular note is a 19th century account that describes packs of pregnant harp seals gathering in Eyja- fjörður prior to swimming for the whelp- ing ice; the “kæpahlaup” (lit. birth-run) (Kristjánsson 1980, 333). It is also worth noting that harp seals have been observed in the past occasionally frequenting the estuary of Kúðafljót and sandy beaches in southern Iceland (Fig. 3) (Kristjánsson 1980, 364; Hauksson & Bogason 1997). Harp seal surveys in the Greenland & Iceland Seas (1980-2005) A survey conducted between 1981 and 1984 found 62 vagrant harp seals in Ice- landic waters, mainly in the north (Fig. 3) (Hauksson 1986). An annual increase in seal numbers was observed during the survey with 60% of animals less than a year old. No direct correlation was made be- tween harp seal and sea ice incidence for this period. However it was remarked that harp seal abundance was at its greatest dur- ing years of heavy pack ice in line with per- ceived historical patterns (Hauksson 1986). A further survey conducted between 1989 and 1994 found 183 vagrant harp seals in Icelandic waters of which 63% were found in the north (Fig. 3) (Hauksson & Bogason 1997). Ninety five were either pups or less than one year old with a further 52 less than two years old (animals were aged ac- cording to cementum growth layers in the canine tooth). The number of harp seals registered for this period is almost three times that of the previous survey and this was seen as a reflection of an ongoing in- crease in harp seal numbers in Icelandic waters. Another key finding of the 1989- 1994 survey was that the increase in harp seals could not be correlated with the sea ice record for the north coast of Iceland for the same period. Instead, the increase was linked to an increase in the harp seal population in the Greenland Sea (Hauks- son & Bogason 1997). Similar surges in the numbers of young harp seals observed in Norwegian waters occurred in the 1990s, linked to an increase in the harp seal popu- lation of the Barents Sea (Haug et al. 1996). Twentieth century variations in harp seal populations across their range in the North Atlantic have been correlated with decadal fluctuations in the air and water circulation system known as the North Atlantic Oscil- lation (NAO) and the consequential availa- bility of sea ice in whelping areas (Johnston et al. 2012). While there is variation between the two Icelandic datasets with regard to spe- cific months, the general pattern suggests that harp seals are absent in Icelandic wa- ters in the autumn and reach their great- est numbers during the winter into spring/ summer. This demographic is also apparent around Greenland’s eastern shores (Kapel 64
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Archaeologia Islandica

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