Archaeologia Islandica - 01.01.2015, Blaðsíða 68

Archaeologia Islandica - 01.01.2015, Blaðsíða 68
Scott Riddell 2, NISP 21) (McGovern 2009). At Gásir, harp seals (Fig. 2, NISP 5) also arise after 1300 although there are no data available for earlier periods for this site by which to make a comparison (Harrison et al. 2008a). However, the seal assemblages dat- ed to 871-1200 from Skuggi (NISP 47) and Oddstaðir (NISP 10) in Hörgardalur (the Gásir hinterland, Fig. 1) do not contain any harp seal remains (Harrison 2010 & 2012). Proximity to the sea may be a factor but it has not precluded the presence of harp seal bone from other inland sites with post- 1300 assemblages (Fig. 1) e.g. Hofstaðir, Skútustaðir and Skriðuklaustur (Hicks & Harrison 2008; McGovern 2009; Hamilton- Dyer 2010). Furthermore, harp seal bone is also absent from early, and relatively large, seal bone assemblages from coastal sites around Iceland (Fig. 1) e.g. Gjögur (1160- 1400) NISP 72 (Krivogorskaya et al. 2005), Vatnsfjörður (900-1000) NISP 22 (Páls- dóttir et al. 2008) and Miðbær (1250-1400) NISP 43 (Amorosi, 1996, 982-988). To date, it is only at Siglunes in northern Ice- land where a single harp seal bone has been found that pre-dates 1300 (Harrison 2014). Otherwise, the 14th century appears to wit- ness a real change in harp seal distribution and/or migratory habits (Fig. 2). This could suggest either a population increase in the Greenland Sea or a change in the range or migratory patterns of capelin (Haug et al. 1996; Hauksson & Bogason 1997; Folkow et al. 2004). The former may simply be linked to the NAO while the latter may be a genu- ine signal of climate change and the onset of the LIA (Rose 2005; Johnston et al. 2012; Miller et al. 2012). Capelin is known to re- spond rapidly to changes in sea tempera- ture in the North Atlantic and the greater the change in sea temperatures, the greater the population displacement. As such, it is considered an indicator of climate induced change to seasonal sea temperatures. As a “keystone” species within the North At- lantic marine ecosystem, its behaviour has a direct impact upon those animals which feed upon it i.e. marine mammals such as harp seals (Rose 2005). According to the written sources, the presence of harp seals in Icelandic waters sustained a particular hunt in Norður Þing- eyjarsýsla, documented from 1605 into the 20th century (Guðmundsson 1944, 164-67; Kristjánsson 1980, 360-63). However, the key surmise that arises from the persis- tence of the cull and the regulatory frame- work surrounding the harp seal netting tradition in Norður Þingeyjarsýsla is that it depended upon a predictable, regular, movement of harp seals into Icelandic wa- ters irrespective of sea ice. An accumulated knowledge of harp seal movements and behaviour allowed sealers to place their nets with confidence of hunting success at known locations on an annual basis. Sea ice was known to impair the effectiveness of seal netting in the north but is otherwise never mentioned with regard to the capture 66
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Archaeologia Islandica

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