Archaeologia Islandica - 01.01.2015, Blaðsíða 77

Archaeologia Islandica - 01.01.2015, Blaðsíða 77
An Interview With Gordon Childe: Iceland, 1956 archaeology with Nazism under Kossinna, and his disappointment with Soviet archae- ology due to its dogmatic allegiance to a Marx-Engels model of prehistory. Childes career began in Australian left- wing politics, as is well known, and it even seems from the interview that Childe was more interested in contemporary political events in Iceland than with its archaeology. Childe may have even come away with a favourable impression of the political cli- mate in Iceland, as in a letter to the Eng- lish archaeologist O.G.S. Crawford in 1957, he compares value standards in Iceland to those in the Soviet Union, as those of an “educated proletariat”, clearly meant in a positive sense (Childe to O. G. S. Craw- ford, 26/8/57; Crawford Papers, Bodleian Library, Oxford, box 67, fl40; published in Irving 1995, 46). It is likely such an impression came largely through Björn Þorsteinsson who interviewed Childe; however Icelandic politics was particularly complex at this time due to disagreements about the role of Iceland in the cold war. NATO membership in 1949, followed by the establishment of a military airbase in Keflavík in 1951, created great political ten- sion between the left and right in Iceland. But even within the left-wing, there were disagreements about allegiance to the So- viet Union, a rift played out in many west European countries during the 1950s. The interview was taken a month after general elections in Iceland where a new election pact, the People’s Alliance - a merger of the Socialist party and a splinter from the So- cial Democrats - made gains and ushered in a new left-leaning coalition which had taken office two days before the interview was published. Reading the interview now, nearly 60 years later, there is certainly nothing new here one learns about Childe. The language it was written in feels somewhat archaic to a modern Icelander (but this has not been captured well in translation) and of course some of the issues raised such as the interviewer’s characterization of hu- man progress or Childe’s misogynous re- marks about women do not sit well with a modern reader. On the other hand, Childe is much more explicit about his Marxist foundations and his favouring of histori- cal materialism than he generally was in his own, published work. His only ever explicit text which links Marxism to prehistory was never published in his lifetime (Childe 1979) and this interview is a rare glimpse of Childe talking freely about such matters. This is in large part, probably due to both the interviewer and the paper in which the interview was to be published. Childe lived through a period where Marxism, Socialism and Communism were increasingly regarded as socially unaccep- table political positions; Childe himself was even put on a blacklist of undesirables by none other than the writer George Orwell for the Information Research Department 75
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Archaeologia Islandica

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