Hagskýrslur - Hagtöluárbækur - 01.01.1984, Blaðsíða 73
Mortality table based on r e g i st r a t i on s 1976- 80,
Aldursskeiðmilli afmælisdaga/ age internalbetween two exact ages Dánarlikur miðað við þúsund (0/00) Eftirlifendur af 100000 fæddum Meða lævi ólifuð, ár
Karlar Konur Karlar Konur Karlar Konur
1 2 3 4 5 6
0 og 5 ára/years 12, 31 9,22 100000 100000 73, 5 79, 5
0~og 1 árs ' 8, 90 7,75 100000 100000 73, 5 79, 5
1 " 2 ára 1,13 0,49 99110 99225 73,2 79,1
2 " 3 " 0,94 0,50 98998 99176 72,3 78, 2
3 "4 " 0, 83 0,19 98905 99126 71,3 77, 2
4 ”5 " 0, 55 0,29 98823 99107 70,4 76,2
5 og 10 ára 10 "15 " 2,99 0,90 98769 99078 69,4 75, 3
2,21 0, 87 98474 98989 64,6 70, 3
15 "20 " 6, 52 1,28 98256 98903 59, 8 65,4
20 "25 " 6, 57 1,73 97615 98776 55,1 60, 5
25 "30 " 5,28 1,72 96974 98605 50, 5 55, 6
30 "35 " 6,15 3,13 96462 98435 45,7 50, 7
35 "40 " 9,46 4,55 95869 98127 41,0 45, 8
40 "45 " 17, 01 8,13 94962 97681 36,4 41, 0
45 " 50 " 21,45 10,10 93347 96887 32, 0 36, 3
50 " 55 " 32,25 19,20 91345 95908 27,6 31, 7
55 " 60 " 48, 10 30,00 88399 94 067 23,4 27, 2
60 "65 " 81,93 45, 01 84147 91245 19, 5 23, 0
65 "70 ” 111,06 75,11 77253 87138 16, 0 18, 9
70 "75 " 177,01 105,49 68673 80593 12,7 15, 3
75 ” 80 " 258, 33 166, 87 56517 72 091 9,8 11, 8
80 " 85 " 379,18 308,25 41917 60061 7,4 8, 6
85 " 90 " 538, 52 463,02 26023 41547 5,3 6, 3
90 " 95 " 709, 30 606,41 12009 22310 3,7 4, 6
95 ára og upp úr/and over • • 3491 8781 2,6 3,2
Headings: 1-2: Mortality of age group, per thousand. 3-4: Survivors of 100000 bom. 5-6: Av-
erage expected lifetime. 1, 3, 5: Males. 2,4, 6: Females.
11-51 (frh.af bls.53). Dánir af hverjum 100000 fbúum 1951-70 eftir
dánarorsök skv. B-skrá dánarmeina 1955.
Translation of causes of death
B1 Tuberculosis of respiratory system
B2 Tuberculosis, other forms
B3 Syphilis and its sequelae
B7 Scarlet fever and streptococcal sore
B8 Diphtheria
B9 Whooping cough
B10 Meningococcal infections
B12 Acute poliomyelitis
B14 Measles
B17 All other diseases classified as infective
and parasitic
B18 Malignant neoplasms, including neo-
plasms oflymphatic and haematopoietic
B19 Benign neoplasms and neoplasms of un-
specified nature
B20 Diabetes mellitus
B21 Anaemias
B22 Vascular lesions affecting central ner-
vous system
B23 Non-meningococcal meningitis
B24 Rheumatic fever
B25 Chronic rheumatic heart disease
B26 Arteriosclerotic and degenerative heart
B27 Other diseases of heart
B28 Hypertension with heart disease
B29 Hypertension without mention of heart
B30 Influenza disease
B31 Pneumonia
B32 Bronchitis
B33 Ulcer of stomach and duodenum
B34 Appendcitis
B35 Intestinal obstruction and hernia
B36 Gastritis,duodenitis,enteritis,and colitis,
except diarrhoea of the newbom
B37 Cirrhosis of liver
B38 Nephritis and nephrosis
B39 Hyperplasia of prostate
B40 Deliveries and complications of pregn-
ancy, childbirth, and the puerperium
B41 Congenital malformations
B42 Birth injuries, postnatal asphyxia and
B43 Infections of the newbom
B44 Other diseases peculiar to early infancy,
and immaturity unqualified
B45 Senility without mention ofpsychosis.ill
-defined and unknown causes
B46 All other diseases
BE47 Motor vehicle accidents
BE48 All other accidents
BE49 Suicide and self-inflicted injury
BE50 Homicide and operations of war