Hagskýrslur - Hagtöluárbækur - 01.01.1984, Blaðsíða 122
VI-5 (frh ). Vergar þáttatekjur f iðnaði 1973-80.
1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980
31-39 Iðnaður alls 115, 05 170,49 226, 08 319, 34 461, 87 709, 21 1164,89 1863,22
Verg landsframleiðsla, þáttatekjur alls/gross domestic product (factor income) total 775 1091 1527 2141 3053 4716 6990 11498
Translation of text lines (applies also to table VI-2):
31: Manufacturing of food and beverages except fish processing (in table VI-2 also except
slaughtering and meat processing). 201:Slaughtering and meat processing. 202: Mariufacture of
dairy products. 205: Canning of sea foods. 206: Manufacture of bread and cakes.207:Manufacture
ofbiscuits. 208: Manufacture of chocolate and other sweets. 209: Other. 213: Manufacture of
beer and soft drinks.
32: Manufacture of textiles, apparel, footwear etc. Tanneries. 231: Spinning, weaving and
finishing of textiles. 232: Manufacture of knitwear. 233: Manufacture of fishing nets etc. 241:
Manufacture of footwear. 243: Manufacture of wearing apparel. 244: Manufacture of made-up
textile goods except wearing apparel. 291: Tanneries, leather finishing plants and manufacture of
fur products except wearing apparel. 293: Manufacture of leather products exceptwearingapparel.
33: Manufacture of wood products. 252: Manufacture of wooden and cork products.259:Manu-
facture of wooden products, n.e.s. 261,262: Manufacture of furniture and fixtures.
34: Manufacture of paper products. Printing and publishing. 272: Manufacture of paper and
paperboard products. 281: Printing. 282: Photo-engraving. 263: Book-binding. 284: Publishing
of books, newspapers etc.
35: Manufacture of chemicals and plastic products. 311: Basic industrial chemicals, incl.
fertilizers. 315: Manufacture of paints, varnishes, lacquers and glues. 319: Manufactureof soap
and detergents. 329: Manufacture of asphalt and tar paper. 398: Manufacture of plastic products,
36: Manufacture of mineral products. 332: Manufacture of glass products. 333: Manufacture
of pottery and earthenware. 334: Manufacture of cement. 335: Stone quarrying, gravel and sand
pits. 339: Manufacture of concrete, of mineral products n. e.s.
37: Manufacture of aluminium and ferro-silicon. 341: Manufacture of ferro-silicon. 342:
Manufacture of aluminium.
38: Manufacture of metal products, machinery repairing, ship building and repairing. 350:
Manufacture of metal products and machinery and repairing. 381: Ship building and ship repair-
39: Other manufacturing, repairing n.e.s. 386: Aircraft repairing. 391: Manufacture and
repairs of scientific and measuring instruments. 394: Manufacture of jewellery and related article^
etc. 395: Manufacture and repairs of musical instruments. 397: Manufacture of broomsand brush-
es. 399: Manufacturing, n.e.s.
31-39: Manufacturing total.
Framh. frá bls. 102
VI-1 (frh.). Framleiðsla nokkurra i ðnaðarvörutegunda 1940- 82 1 ).
?msar vörur/miscellaneous | Eining | 1940 | 1950 | 1960 | 1970 1980 1982
Tvöfalt gler/double-walled insulating glass m2 5695 36681 114226 113755
Þakpappi/roofing board 325 200 580 315
Þang- o’g þaramjöl/seaweed meal.... " - - - 2250 3304
Flugeldár o. þ.h./fireworks 11 129 66 58
Leirmunir/ceramic products " , . , ... ... 49 111 87
Rennilásar/zip fasteners 2) - - - 134 17,1 11,4
/;=) Áætluð tala að öllu eða einhverju leyti. 1) f þessari töflu merkir ... ýmist, að upplýsing-
ar séu ekki fyrir hendi um framleiðslu og hraefnanotkun eða að framleiðsla hafi engin venð/in this
table, ... means either "not available" or "no production". 2) Magnseining: 1970 þús.stk,1980og
1982 tonn.