Hagskýrslur um kosningar - 01.01.1952, Page 6

Hagskýrslur um kosningar - 01.01.1952, Page 6
Contents. Introduction. Page. 1. The Presidential Election 1952 ................................................... 5 2. Number of Registercd Electors ............... 3. Participation in the Presidential Election . 4. Voters Casting Voles outside their Districts .................................... 10 5. Votes bg Letter ................................................................. 10 6. Blank and void ballots .......................................................... 11 7. The Outcome of the Presidential Election ....................................... 11 Tables. I. Number of Registered Electors and Voters. Summarg by Constituencies ... 13 II. Number of Registered Electors and Voters by Subdistricts ....................... 15 111. The Outcome of the Presidential Election on June 29th 1952 .................... 20 M 05


Hagskýrslur um kosningar

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