Reykjavík Grapevine - 06.05.2016, Page 44
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Art Emerging
“It can be so powerful when people come
together. It helps to activate creativity, and create
an important dialogue in the community.”
Space Exploration
44The Reykjavík GrapevineIssue 5 — 2016
Ekkisens is a small art gallery hid-
den away in the basement of a nor-
mal-looking downtown house on
Bergstaðastræti. After crossing the
lawn, a discreet doorway leads to a
small series of rooms that still bear
the marks of their former use as an
apartment. But in its current life,
it has evolved into a well-regarded
creative space focussing on work by
young Icelandic artists.
Its founder and director is Frey-
ja Eilíf, who emerged from the
chrysalis of Iceland’s Art Academy
in 2014, brimming with energy for
new projects. “I had been scouting
around for somewhere to organise
an exhibition,” says Freyja. “I re-
alised that the apartment had been
empty since my grandfather passed
away. I made an agreement with
my family to finish sorting through
all of his things—and to use it for
one exhibition.”
That first show included several
of Freyja’s close friends, who were
aware of the circumstances. “They
all knew the story,” says Freyja. “My
grandfather’s bed was still there, and
all the kitchen appliances, so we re-
sponded to the space in a site-specif-
ic way. That was one of my favourite
exhibitions—it really captured the
spirit and history of the place.”
Experimental and
30 events later, Ekkisens now runs a
continuous exhibition programme,
providing a much-needed avenue
for young Icelandic artists to road-
test their ideas. “In my opinion,
there aren’t enough art spaces that
are experimental and spontaneous,
and open for a group of artists to
show work,” says Freyja. “The es-
tablished galleries seem to exhibit
the same artists on a loop, rather
than taking chances on new artists.
It’s important for the audience too,
I think. If I were in the audience, I
think I’d want more galleries like
Ekkisens.” She pauses, smiling.
“And for them to be well funded!”
Running the gallery also pro-
vides participants with a chance to
get hands-on experience of organ-
ising exhibitions. “Ekkisens is art-
ist-run,” says Freyja, “so the artists
are the curators and supervisors.
There’s no capital. Nobody is being
paid. It’s nice to realise what forces
are behind it—it’s so much work,
but people still do it, driven by pas-
sion and belief.”
Gender play
The approach has yielded some
impressive results. “We did a show
called 'Gender Play' last autumn cu-
rated by Heiðrún Gréta Viktorsdót-
tir and Sigríður Þóra Óðinsdóttir,
which then travelled to City Hall
and Tjarnabíó and became quite
notorious,” says Freyja.
“The arts are often aimed more
towards a solo career, but I’m fond
of these more collaborative shows,”
she continues. “It can be so power-
ful when people come together. It
helps to activate creativity and cre-
ates an important dialogue in the
community. Instead of competing,
it’s a group effort. That’s what Ekki-
sens is about—making a space where
artists can do what they want."
In 2016, Ekkisens will once again
broaden the collaboration, cross-
ing borders to include like-minded
organisations outside of Iceland.
“This year we have our first in-
ternational collaborations,” says
Freyja, “with art spaces in Tal-
linn, Leicester and Berlin. It’s re-
ally important for Icelandic artists
to leave the island, get out of this
small scene, keep growing and keep
learning. It’s nutrition, for artists.”
Freyja Eilif (right) with
current Ekkisens artists Auður Lóa
Guðnadóttir and Una Sigtryggsdóttir