Reykjavík Grapevine - 15.07.2016, Blaðsíða 16

Reykjavík Grapevine - 15.07.2016, Blaðsíða 16
The Reykjavík Grapevine Issue 10 — 2016 16 Kristín Þórunn Tómasdóttir and To- shiki Toma are two Lutheran minis- ters who made headlines earlier this month when they opened Laugar- neskirkja to asylum seekers wanting sanctuary from deportation. Video and photos of police entering the church and dragging an Iraqi teen- ager out have added a new dimension to Iceland’s ongoing argument about asylum seekers, and made these two ministers the focus of both praise and criticism. Here they explain how their faith led them to taking direct action. Can you give our readers some context in terms of what church asylum is? Kristín: The concept of church asylum is an old one. It was actually in laws that were established in the Middle Ages, and was based on the idea that people could seek shelter and protec- tion from authorities—there was little to no central authority in those days, and no police, so a lot of people were caught in conflicts between warring chieftains. Now, there’s no such thing as church sanctuary as a part of Ice- landic law. But the idea is there, as well as the idea that some places we hold more sacred than others. So this idea of church asylum was one of the inspi- rations to do this. Actually, in the wave of this mi- grant crisis, the idea of church asy- lum has been re-invoked. We have ex- amples around us, in countries such as Norway and Sweden, where this sanctuary has been respected, and ex- amples where it has not. Toshiki: It is very interesting to con- sider these examples from Sweden and Norway. There have been instances where the police go into the church and make arrests. In other places, the sanctuary of the church is very well re- spected. Kristín: There’s this interesting ten- sion within the Christian faith, in that one tends to be very conservative, and the church supports everything the authorities do. But you also have this tendency within Christianity that holds the church should be prophetic, fight injustice and stand with those who are marginalised. In this case, I thought that clergy all over would see this action as a very clear example of how we can support and stick up for the marginalised. Obviously I was wrong; people are debating this, even within the church. It’s good to remember cer- tain key passages from the Bible, such as the story of the Good Samaritan. He didn’t ask about age, or religion, or social status—he just helped. This is a very integral part of Christianity. We’ve been seeing a lot more deportations lately. What was the impetus that made you two decide, “OK, enough, we have to do something?” Toshiki: Well, one thing I must make clear here is that the idea of using church sanctuary came from the asy- lum seekers themselves. They asked if the church could protect them, having learned from examples they’ve seen elsewhere in Europe; in particular, where the Catholic church is involved. So they got the idea that maybe we could provide the same kind of protec- tion for them. We thought about it and decided, why not? Honestly, neither Kristín nor I think church sanctuary should function in the same way it did in the Middle Ages. We had to adjust the concept to fit a modern setting. I didn’t completely expect that the po- lice would stop at the church doors and go back. Kristín: I was not surprised that things went down like they did. And to continue on Toshiki’s point of re- interpreting church sanctuary in a modern context, I think it’s very in- teresting for us as a society to discuss what we hold holy. My idea is that we hold holy the concept of human rights. This is a discussion we need to have: what is the status of human rights in our society, and how far are we willing to go to protect it? That’s an important question, and one I’m sure you asked yourselves. How did you decide how far you were willing to go? Toshiki: We discussed it very careful- ly, and decided we would not do any- thing against the law. And we didn’t. It was very peaceful. We never used vio- lence. We didn’t resist the police when they came in. We let the police know where these boys were, that we were having a prayer meeting for them, and to not go to their homes [to arrest them] but to come here. So you had to let the police know where these boys were, because otherwise you could get charged with hiding a fugitive? Toshiki: Yes, exactly. I can show you the message if you like! So the church was open, and we never stopped the police or told them not to come in. We just explained why we were doing this, and asked them to show respect. But the police came in anyway to take the boys outside. Of course, the boys were not willing to cooperate. They didn’t fight back, but they didn’t leave will- ingly, either. Once outside the church, there hap- pened what I would call unnecessary violence, which was done by the police. They have to take responsibility for that. There is a certain irony in seeing people who have long defended and cited the national church in their arguments against immigration now leaving the church for helping foreigners. Kristín: It is bizarre. I think they’re not used to having a national church that thinks differently. Toshiki: There are some people who are trying to make the story that we did something against the law. Which is not true. But I think they’re inten- tionally pushing this narrative. Which is even more bizarre, because we have the entire arrest on video, it’s public, and anyone who wants can see that no one broke any laws here. Toshiki: I think maybe we pushed some taboo button. I think for some people, the national church was like a tamed dog: always following them, feeding us by hand, and maybe we bit that hand. Where do you see this going? Is the church going to provide more protection for asylum seekers in the future? Do you think things need to be escalated a little bit? Kristín: I think this was an escalation. Obviously, we did not manage to stop the deportation with these means, so I’m not seeing us doing this exact same thing again. But I hope that this has stirred the waters enough to make people realise that something can be done, and something should be done. Toshiki: The police are not actually the ones we’re fighting against. It’s the whole process—from Immigration to the Appeals Board to the Ministry. The decision-makers. The police are just executing their orders. We’re not breaking the law. Would you break the law to prevent someone from being sent to certain death in another country? Kristín: I think so, yes, because my faith inspires me to do so. To love life, and to love your neighbour above all. Toshiki: I think so, too. Within that context, yes. Kristín: One of the essential compo- nents of Lutheran Christianity is that we don’t have to agree on all things. We can and we do disagree. We can vary in our approaches. Not Just The Lord’s Work: Meet The Lutheran Ministers Who Stood Up For Asylum Seekers INTERVIEW Words PAUL FONTAINE Photo ART BICNICK Share this article: GPV.IS/GOD10
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Reykjavík Grapevine

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