Reykjavík Grapevine - 15.07.2016, Blaðsíða 57

Reykjavík Grapevine - 15.07.2016, Blaðsíða 57
 Hverfisgata 12 · 101 Reykjavík Tel. +354 552 15 22 · Lífið er saltfiskur #109 Dill is a Nordic restaurant with its focus on Iceland, the pure nature and all the good things coming from it. It does not matter if it’s the ingredients or the old traditions, we try to hold firmly on to both. There are not many things that make us happier than giving life to old traditions and forgotten ingredients with modern technique and our creative mind as a weapon. 1 0 1 Ó Ð I N S T O R G R E Y K J A V Í K Í S L A N D S N A P S B I S T R O . I S s n a p s b i s t r o @ s n a p s b i s t r o . i s + 3 5 4 5 1 1 6 6 7 7 F R E N C H O N I O N S O U P I c e l a n d i c Í s b ú i c h e e s e , c r o û t o n s 2 . 3 0 0 . k r M O U L E S M A R I N I È R E S s t e a m e d m u s s e l s f r o m B r e i ð a f j ö r ð u r 2 . 1 0 0 . k r F I S H O F T H E D A Y c h e f ´ s s p e c i a l 3 . 6 0 0 . k r E s t . 2 0 1 2R e y k j a v i k Restaurants Find the best food in Iceland! Download our free dining app, CRAVING on the Apple and Android stores We Should Do Lunch Sometime! But Where? Lunch is an interesting concept for a country that doesn’t eat break- fast. As a tourist you’ve probably noticed that there are not a lot of food options downtown in the ear- ly morning other than baked goods and black coffee. When I have guests visiting me, I tell them to make breakfast at their Airbnb or hotel room, which can be done am- bitiously with eggs and caviar or la- zily with skyr and apple slices. For lunch, however, you have three op- tions: the slow and social, the quick and easy or the planned picnic. The slow and social is for the day after an excursion or for set- tling in on your first day. The place to go is Ostabúðin (it won the “Best Lunch Place” in our Best Of Reykja- vík special issue, which you can find stacked next to this issue down- town). It’s a simple lunch done well, with fresh fish and baked-that-day bread. They also have a gourmet boutique, so you can grab a few items to take with you. As an alter- native, I recommend Jómfrúin. It’s a traditional Danish-style lunch spot complete with chilled aquavit. It’s the type of lunch that usually leads to a nap or a downward spiral into a night of manic frenzy. The quick and easy is when you need to grab something and go. Perhaps you’re on your way to a whale watching tour or looking for a bite to eat before heading out into the countryside. For this I recom- mend Bæjarins Beztu, the hot dog stand. It’s familiar enough to be comforting, but unique enough to get you excited for the adventures of the day ahead. It’s also inexpen- sive, which in Reykjavík is saying something. For the vegetarians, try the Block Burger veggie burger. It’s quick, relatively cheap and deli- cious. You can also get fancy soda pop, which I assume adults enjoy. The planned picnic is the holy grail of lunches. It depends on a series of factors: the weather, the weather and, of course, the weather. On the few days the Gods decide to stop pissing down on us, us Reykjavíkians like to bask in the glorious 14°C sunshine. The two popular spots are in front of parlia- ment or beside the pond in front of the National Art Gallery. You can stock up at Bónus (the “Best Gro- cery Store” 2016) or, my favourite, grab a bucket of chicken from KFC. All you need then is a blanket and warm beer from Vínbuðin, the li- quor store. There, that’s it. That’s all I’ve got. I can’t choose what type of lunch you need. I can only give sug- gestions. You can try to mix and match, a block burger for a picnic, eat your groceries next to the hot dog stand, or bring some KFC into Ostabúðin, but I wouldn’t recom- mend it. SHARE: Words YORK UNDERWOOD Photo ART BICNICK
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Reykjavík Grapevine

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