Reykjavík Grapevine - 12.08.2016, Blaðsíða 72

Reykjavík Grapevine - 12.08.2016, Blaðsíða 72
LÓABORATORIUM Don't Ask Nanna About Icelandic Lullabies By NANNA DÍS ÁRNADÓTTIR Hey Nanna, What’s up with these Icelandic lul- labies? They are creepy as fuck, my mother-in-law translated one that she was singing for my baby the other day and honestly it does not seem child-appropriate. Something about a mother drowning a baby before elop- ing? Can I get my mother-in-law to stop or should I just let it slide? - Helicopter Mom? Hey Helicopter Mom? It’s important for a child to develop a healthy sense of fear of their parents and the power they hold over their life, as well as a wariness of the devastatingly cruel world they’ve been born into. I think you should thank your mother- in-law for teaching your loinfruit about how the world works, and anyway, you can use it as a weapon later. See your kid about to do something you don’t approve of? Just hum a few notes, raise your brow, allow their minds to wander to the image of a mother mur- dering her own child before jetting off to make sweet sweet renegade love. It’s good that they know they are a burden and that they live at your mercy. - Nanna Hi Nanna, My son BROKE my Iceland souvenir mug! It was my favourite and it had an Eyjafjallajökull pun on it, anyway, I’m so sad! Do you know if I can get an- other one? How should I punish him? - Broken Mug Hi Broken Mug, THROW THE CHILD INTO EYJAFJAL- LAJÖKULL AND SING “SOFÐU UNGA ÁSTIN MÍN” AS HIS LIMP BODY LAYS IN THE MOLTEN CRATER! - Nanna DON'T ASK NANNA MONSTER OF THE MONTH NEWS The Reykjavík Grapevine Issue 10 — 2016 70 A nissi is a dwarf elf, according to foreign folklore. They are wise, good-looking, somewhat reminis- cent of light elves and unlike com- mon ghosts. They are benevolent, but playful and mischievous. They are short in stature, with particular- ly short legs, as is usual with dwarfs. Seafarers generally believe in the existence of the nissi and tell tales of them. Icelandic seamen usually describe them as being the size of fully-grown men, which is under- standable as they tend not to dis- tinguish between them and ship ghosts. Some describe these Icelan- dic nissi as being protectors of ves- sels and men, as is most often the Hugleikur Dagson's drawings re- flect the dark underbelly of the Ice- landic character. It's not necesarily his intention, but his vast popular- ity proves that his work resonates deeply with the population. Next month he'll be making an addition to his large and growing catalog of books, with a compendium of his Pop Hits frames. Here are a couple of examples. Nissi Dwarf Elf New Book From Iceland's Fav Cartoonist case, despite their occasional mis- chievousness. Their protectiveness can also be construed as concern for their own wellbeing. They fear risking their life at sea and abandon doomed ships, as they can foretell their fate. [...] Regardless of whether the nissi are kin to fairies, elves or ghosts, they are usually benevolent and joyful and friends to seafarers. They guide them in their fishing, warn them of impending dangers and predict changes in the weather. Their merriment and laughter is a sign of an impending storm, its force in proportion to the intensity of their laughter. If they appear sol- emn and mournful, they predict misfortune or death on board. Their abandoning a ship, however, is a sure sign of the ship being doomed to destruction. Sigfús Sigfússon, Íslen- zkar þjóðsögur og sagnir III, p. 294. "Monster of the Month" is a spin off of 'The Museum of Hidden Beings', by artist Arngrímur Sigurðsson. He delved into Iceland´s mythological history, taking creature encounters from across the centuries and bringing them to life through painting in an act of cre- ative cryptozoology. Find the book at bookstores, or order it online at TVEIR HRAFNAR listhús, Art Gallery Baldursgata 12 101 Reykjavík (at the corner of Baldursgata and Nönnugata, facing Þrír Frakkar Restaurant) Phone: +354 552 8822 +354 863 6860 +354 863 6885 Opening hours: Thu-Fri 12pm - 5pm, Sat 1pm - 4pm and by appointment +354 863 6860 TVEIR HRAFNAR listhús, Art Gallery offers a range of artwork by contemporary Icelandic artists represented by the gallery, se- lected works by acclaimed artists and past Icelandic masters. Represented artists: GUÐBJÖRG LIND JÓNSDÓTTIR HALLGRÍMUR HELGASON HÚBERT NÓI JÓHANNESSON JÓN ÓSKAR ÓLI G. JÓHANNSSON STEINUNN THÓRARINSDÓTTIR Also works by: HADDA FJÓLA REYKDAL HULDA HÁKON NÍNA TRYGGVADÓTTIR KRISTJÁN DAVÍÐSSON – among others “Awesome experience”
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Reykjavík Grapevine

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