Landshagir - 15.01.1991, Blaðsíða 102
Tafla 6.1. Magnvísitölur vergra þáttatekna í iðnaði 1973-1988 (1980 = 100)
Table 6.1.Volume indices of gross factor income in manufacturing 1973-1988 (1980 = 100)
L 1973 1974 | 1975 1976 | 1977 | 1978 1979 | 1980 1981 I
3 Iðnaður alls 67,35 67,71 67,46 74,87 85,03 86,38 92,45 100,00 103,37
30 Fiskiðnaður 53,67 55,20 57,45 64,97 75,15 76,45 86,56 100,00 106,39
31 Matvælaiðnaður annar en fiskiðnaður 82,82 83,59 82,59 86,76 95,53 99,60 102,45 100,00 101,95
201 Slátrun og kjötiðnaður 94,86 89,91 96,99 101,45 102,72 108,24 107,37 100,00 106,81
202 Mjólkuriðnaður 96,19 99,90 97,75 95,99 103,81 108,41 105,96 100,00 95,90
205 Niðursuða, niðurlagning o.fl. 70,05 68,12 58,28 58,86 80,48 82,28 81,88 100,00 102,73
206 Brauð- og kökugerð 66,38 64,36 71,99 78,40 88,12 86,25 95,25 100,00 99,21
207 Kexgerð 99,71 99,14 95,42 104,77 155,25 181,20 168,89 100,00 138,20
208 Sælgætisgerð 03,43 98,24 92,76 108,81 114,66 128,94 136,09 100,00 116,00
209 Annar matvælaiðnaður 90,30 90,68 96,06 97,69 95,39 96,54 101,06 100,00 104,92
213 Öl- og gosdrykkjagerð 69,94 76,55 68,17 76,76 84,59 92,23 96,11 100,00 103,40
32 Vefjariðn., skó- og fatagerð, sútun o.fl 70,30 69,44 72,91 82,05 88,89 85,99 90,99 100,00 95,86
231 Ullarþvottur, spuni og vefnaður 77,11 65,48 62,54 77,36 89,81 81,30 83,36 100,00 101,50
232 Prjónavöruframleiðsla 50,06 54,11 62,34 66,65 93,27 69,26 88,28 100,00 80,00
233 Veiðarfæraiðnaður 37,61 45,06 45,70 55,58 66,68 79,52 92,32 100,00 108,66
241 Skógerð önnur en gúmskógerð 98,94 82,88 66,09 66,69 76,87 64,04 71,91 100,00 81,00
243 Fatagerð 88,47 90,28 90,83 96,82 99,46 96,64 90,74 100,00 93,50
244 Framleiðsla á öðrum vefnaðarvörum 09,93 124,45 109,17 94,65 106,88 104,59 94,65 100,00 122,20
291 Sútun og önnur verkun skinna 75,26 68,18 94,43 107,18 84,23 93,58 105,67 100,00 89,50
293 Leðurvörugerð 83,53 110,47 117,65 134,12 137,41 128,71 128,71 100,00 80,70
33 Trjávöruiðnaður 62,62 71,50 64,53 69,54 80,71 104,78 95,59 100,00 98,37
252-259 Ýmis trjávöruiðnaður 03,52 135,57 167,79 312,25 183,22 112,42 105,54 100,00 97,28
261 Húsgagnagerð, innréttingasmíði o.fl. 61,21 70,86 63,49 67,11 79,68 104,70 95,49 100,00 98,38
34 Pappírsiðnaður 81,08 78,18 81,73 90,60 109,43 105,44 98,91 100,00 101,89
272 Pappa- og pappírsvörugerð 03,43 84,91 65,88 84,91 84,72 97,43 107,97 100,00 84,92
281-284 Prentun blaðaútgáfa o.fl. 78,83 77,50 83,33 91,17 111,92 106,25 98,00 100,00 103,60
35 Efnaiðnaður 82,66 85,34 82,17 90,45 93,82 93,96 100,85 100,00 97,20
311 Kemískur undirstöðuiðnaður 97,58 94,24 92,94 100,09 103,90 99,44 104,28 100,00 96,50
315 Málningar-, lakk- og límgerð 84,80 103,11 86,36 91,45 87,31 100,52 98,96 100,00 98,30
319 Sápu- og þvottaefnagerð 83,05 89,12 90,66 95,83 96,46 102,09 104,53 100,00 101,10
329 Asfalt- og tjörupappagerð 33,35 14,02 47,37 65,80 32,45 98,25 92,99 100,00 109,50
398 Plastvöruiðnaður ót.a. 68,49 70,80 68,21 79,54 86,22 83,90 97,07 100,00 96,00
36 Steinefnaiðnaður 93,75 101,54 87,89 92,25 92,26 83,99 86,53 100,00 87,07
332 Gleriðnaður, þ.m.t. speglagerð 80,48 83,40 85,98 88,13 97,76 93,29 99,23 100,00 93,50
333 Leirsmíði, postulínsiðnaður 05,86 131,77 117,23 136,11 132,71 148,77 100,94 100,00 100,70
334 Sementsgerð 01,72 114,15 123,00 110,33 106,64 103,81 99,14 100,00 88,50
335 Grjót-, malar- og sandnám 92,63 98,79 75,93 85,12 85,04 73,35 80,11 100,00 84,10
339 Steinsteypugerð og annar steinefnaiðnaður 92,63 98,79 75,93 85,12 85,04 73,35 80,11 100,00 85,20
37 Ál- og kísiljárnframleiðsla 85,17 81,71 70,51 77,91 84,53 87,85 92,51 100,00 103,05
341 Kísiljámframleiðsla - - - - - 60,00 100,00 118,50
342 Álframleiðsla 97,58 93,62 80,78 89,26 96,85 100,65 97,25 100,00 100,80
38 Málmsmíði, vélaviðg., skipasmíðar og -viðg. 71,82 66,31 69,26 78,26 92,16 88,24 97,74 100,00 108,16
350 Málmsmíði, vélaviðgerðir 67,33 64,16 66,01 70,03 85,21 78,81 99,87 100,00 105,47
381 Skipasmíði, skipaviðgerðir 83,26 71,78 77,52 99,22 109,84 112,25 92,33 100,00 115,00
39 Ýmis iðnaður og viðgerðir 46,98 47,20 48,54 56,62 76,38 73,46 99,34 100,00 114,60
386 Flugvélaviðgerðir 36,97 40,93 38,11 47,45 72,98 69,32 106,14 100,00 115,53
391 Smíði og viðgerðir mælitækja 39,12 37,22 46,40 51,60 46,59 40,79 61,39 100,00 112,18
394 Skartvörugerð, góðmálmsmíði 25,38 93,85 128,21 122,44 151,54 147,56 137,18 100,00 106,82
395 Smíði og viðgerðir hljóðfæra 39,32 37,41 56,09 54,18 46,66 84,07 87,89 100,00 114,29
397 Burstagerð o.fl. 04,28 121,77 73,80 81,11 117,56 101,62 119,63 100,00 115,93
399 Iðnaður ót.a. 42,09 36,11 50,71 64,10 67,80 74,80 71,91 100,00 116,16
Heimild: Þjóðhagsstofnun Source: National Economic Institute.
1982 1983 | 1984 1985 j 1986 1987 1988
99,52 93,27 99,92 100,80 105,82 114,18 105,60
94,30 79,87 85,28 82,66 90,80 95,56 83,78
110,22 110,72 126,07 130,76 136,30 142,55 141,51
110,42 104,08 111,37 124,32 133,70 139,86 121,09
95,40 95,40 99,80 105,20 109,70 109,70 105,68
120,85 104,99 171,89 161,40 156,63 147,43 152,06
116,42 117,89 130,99 131,35 137,98 150,29 149,95
135,60 145,60 133,90 128,30 128,20 91,80 85,50
126,50 132,60 134,40 147,50 148,60 156,40 154,99
111,77 130,32 147,79 162,08 172,75 188,67 193,87
108,90 106,40 119,60 128,10 140,60 156,30 156,02
95,40 90,84 96,55 106,65 94,99 95,71 75,90
100,80 94,10 91,70 95,40 75,90 85,10 59,70
78,70 90,70 106,90 103,80 99,50 104,50 74,24
102,52 92,32 87,77 99,02 109,94 135,37 127,73
134,40 136,40 144,20 156,70 140,00 126,00 77,80
90,90 87,80 93,40 112,60 92,60 68,70 55,07
103,00 91,20 92,50 88,50 80,80 84,74 94,66
99,50 83,30 110,20 124,20 103,30 109,40 75,01
86,20 103,20 100,90 111,90 130,80 115,07 131,00
103,01 87,91 95,16 96,21 92,50 112,11 107,99
136,20 131,28 139,96 151,39 164,46 166,01 186,49
102,68 87,48 94,71 95,66 91,78 111,57 107,20
104,87 115,53 113,72 122,09 139,28 141,43 142,01
96,84 108,74 101,43 113,65 132,52 141,27 142,59
105,68 116,21 114,96 122,94 139,96 141,45 141,95
99,95 108,88 130,15 134,82 135,41 144,35 142,63
96,90 122,20 143,40 138,30 127,30 129,20 132,80
104,00 98,30 110,00 113,40 113,20 111,20 110,27
109,40 115,70 110,20 108,40 117,70 117,00 111,50
54,30 88,80 109,50 71,60 95,20 117,90 110,14
98,60 97,70 131,50 148,30 156,60 178,80 173,28
92,45 94,30 97,50 90,67 90,17 109,69 111,99
99,70 92,80 91,20 94,60 103,30 114,70 114,98
79,80 95,60 107,30 84,60 96,90 124,10 101,01
97,50 92,20 87,20 89,20 87,60 96,40 97,36
65,10 111,60 143,30 94,20 73,90 86,31 102,26
95,40 91,90 92,90 90,20 91,60 117,40 119,38
108,43 113,26 122,36 114,92 120,89 127,00 129,43
145,70 175,40 207,20 213,90 236,80 213,40 246,58
103,00 104,20 110,00 100,50 104,00 114,41 112,36
102,30 93,34 97,92 102,51 110,62 129,70 113,05
97,03 91,74 102,72 105,42 111,34 130,45 116,06
115,70 97,40 85,70 95,10 108,80 127,80 105,38
101,78 124,42 128,19 134,02 127,63 149,07 149,95
88,48 112,81 113,22 113,79 95,54 109,87 113,80
124,37 131,30 135,11 143,43 167,83 204,79 230,36
116,46 93,78 107,28 123,16 147,13 172,76 171,59
85,71 85,71 71,43 71,43 85,71 100,00 100,00
131,87 136,73 141,58 171,63 187,61 220,77 173,22
132,31 197,70 215,06 232,41 231,02 268,93 247,27
Manufacturing, total
Fish processing
Manufacture offood and beverages excl. fish processing
Slaughtering and meat processing
Manufacture ofdairy products
Canning and smoking offish and other seafoods
Manufacture ofbakery products
Manufacture ofbiscuits
Manufacture ofcocoa, chocolate and sugar confectionery
Manufacture of margarine, coffee etc.
Manufacture ofmalt, soft drinks and tobacco products
Manufacture of textiles, wearing apparel and
leather products
Spinning, weaving and finishing of textiles
Knitting mills
Manufacture of cordage, ropes and nets
Manufacture offootwear
Manufacture ofwearing apparel
Manufacture ofmade-up textile goods, except wearing apparel
Tanning, leather finishing
Manufacture of leather products
Manufacture ofwood and wood products incl. furniture
Misc. manufacture ofwood and cork not elsewhere classified
Manufacture offurniture and fixtures
Manufacture ofpaper and paper products; printing and publishing
Manufacture of articles ofpulp paper and paperboard
Printing, publishing of newspapers, books etc.
Manufacture of chemicals and plastic products
Basic industrial chemicals, incl. fertilizers
Manufacture ofpaints, varnishes and lacquers
Manufacture of soap and detergents
Manufacture ofasphalt and tarred paper
Manufacture ofplastic products not elsewhere classified
Manufacture of non-metallic mineral products
Manufacture of glass and glass products
Manufacture ofpottery, china and earthenware
Manufacture ofcement
Stone quarrying, gravel and sand pits
Manufacture ofconcrete and other non-metallic mineral products
Manufacture ofaluminium and ferro-silicon
Manufacture of ferro-silicon
Manufacture of aluminium
Manufacture offabricated metal products, machinery and equipm.
Manufacture of metal products and machinery and repairing
Shipbuilding and repairing
Other manufacturing industries
Aircraft maintenance
Manufacture and repair ofscientific and measuring intruments
Manufacture ofjewellery and related articles
Manufacture and repair of musical intruments
Manufacture ofbrooms and brushes
Other manufacturing not elsewhere classified
7 — Landshagir