Landshagir - 15.01.1991, Síða 195

Landshagir - 15.01.1991, Síða 195
188 Þjóðhagsreikningar Tafla 14.3. Ráðstöfunaruppgjör og framleiðsluuppgjör þjóðhagsreikninga 1980-1989 Table 14.3. Expenditure on GDP and cost components ofGDP 1980-1989 Verðlag hvers árs, millj. kr. 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 Ráðstöfunaruppgjör 1. Einkaneysla 8.846 14.327 22.939 39.418 53.886 2. Samneysla 2.546 4.039 6.644 11.559 14.056 3. Fjármunamyndun 3.927 5.929 9.251 14.127 18.356 4. Birgðabreytingar 80 253 913 -1.070 786 5. Þjóðarútgjöld alls (Verðmætaráðstöfun) 15.399 24.548 39.747 64.034 87.084 6. Útflutningur vöru og þjónustu 5.746 8.724 12.714 27.078 34.295 7. Frádr.: Innflutn. vöru og þjónustu 5.648 8.936 14.329 25.275 33.871 8. Verg landsframleiðsla 15.497 24.336 38.132 65.837 87.508 9. Vergar þáttatekjur frá útlöndum, nettó -411 -811 -1.495 -3.066 -4.554 10. Viðskiptajöfnuður (10=6-7+9) -313 -1.023 -3.110 -1.263 -4.130 11. Verg þjóðarframleiðsla 15.086 23.525 36.637 62.771 82.954 12. Obeinir skattar 3.520 5.778 9.202 14.486 20.062 13. Framleiðslustyrkir 490 762 1.392 2.204 2.389 14. Vergar innlendar þáttatekjur (14=8-12+13) 12.467 19.320 30.322 53.555 69.835 Framleiðsluupggjör 15. Laun og tengd gjöld 7.746 12.036 18.839 29.545 38.430 16. Rekstrarafgangur 1.725 2.685 3.394 8.631 11.970 17. Bókfærðar afskriftir 1.890 2.920 5.157 9.952 14.351 18. Vergar innlendar þáttatekjur (18=15+16+17) 11.360 17.642 27.389 48.128 64.751 19. Obeinir skattar 3.520 5.778 9.202 14.486 20.062 20. Framleiðslustyrkir 490 762 1.392 2.204 2.389 21. Mismunur uppgjörsaðferða 1.107 1.678 2.933 5.427 5.084 22. Verg landsframleiðsla (22=18+19-20+21) 15.497 24.336 38.132 65.837 87.508 23. Mismunur uppgjörsaðferða, sem % af VLF 7,1 6,9 7,7 8,2 5,8 24. Einkaneysla sem % af launum 114,2 119,0 121,8 133,4 140,2 25. Laun sem % af vergum þáttatekjum 68,2 68,2 68,8 61,4 59,4 11 Bráðabirgðatölur Provisional data. Heimild: Þjóðhagsstofnun Source: National Economic Institute Tafla 14.4. Samhengi helstu þjóðhagsstærða 1980-1989 Table 14.4. Relations among national accounting aggregates 1980-1989 Verðlag hvers árs, millj. kr. 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1. Verg landsframleiðsla 15.497 24.336 38.132 65.837 87.508 2. Þáttatekjur frá útlöndum, nettó -411 -811 -1.495 -3.066 -4.554 2.1 Þáttatekjur frá útlöndum 67 163 349 378 497 2.2 Þáttatekjur til útlanda 478 974 1.844 3.444 5.051 3. Verg þjóðarframleiðsla (3=1+2) 15.086 23.525 36.637 62.771 82.954 4. Afskriftir af þjóðarauðsmati 1.810 2.871 4.742 8.724 10.691 5. Þjóðartekjur (5=3-4) 13.276 20.654 31.895 54.047 72.263 6. Tilfærslur nettó, frá útlöndum, aðrar en þáttatekjur og fjármagnstilfærslur -5 -12 -18 -32 -43 7. Ráðstöfunartekjur þjóðarinnar (7=5+6) 13.271 20.642 31.877 54.015 72.220 8. Einka- og samneysla 11.392 18.366 29.583 50.977 67.942 9. Hreinn spamaður (9=7-8) 1.879 2.276 2.294 3.038 4.278 10. Viðskiptajöfnuður að viðb. tölul. 6 -318 -1.035 -3.128 -1.295 -4.173 11. Hrein fjármunamyndun (11=9-10) 2.197 3.311 5.422 4.333 8.451 12. Hreinn spamaður sem % af þjóðartekjum 14,2 11,0 7,2 5,6 5,9 13. Vergur spamaður sem % af þjóðartekjum 27,8 24,9 22,1 21,8 20,7 14. Vergur spamaður sem % af VLF 23,8 21,1 18,5 17,9 17,1 11 Bráðabirgðatölur Provisional data Heimild: Þjóðhagsstofnun Source: National Economic Institute. Þjóðhagsreikningar 189 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989í> [ Million ÍSK at current prices Expenditure on GDP 74.705 96.933 131.712 158.200 176.254 1. Private final consumption expenditure 20.136 27.291 36.791 47.468 56.369 2. Government final consumption expenditure 24.460 29.684 41.042 48.032 55.510 3. Gross fixed capital formation -978 -2.094 -416 1.850 -655 4. lncrease in stocks 118.323 151.814 209.129 255.550 287.478 5. National expenditure, total 49.819 63.125 73.466 84.131 108.968 6. Export ofgoods and services 49.051 56.342 74.496 85.042 100.366 7. Less: Import of goods and services 119.091 158.597 208.099 254.639 296.080 8. Gross domestic product -5.584 -6.229 -6.203 -8.333 -13.217 9. Net factor income from the rest of the worid -4.816 554 -7.233 -9.244 -4.615 10. Balance of goods and services (10=6-7+9) 113.507 152.368 201.896 246.306 282.863 11. Gross national product 26.341 33.964 46.314 58.875 69.269 12. Indirect taxes 3.491 4.228 4.783 7.808 10.560 13. Subsidies 96.241 128.861 166.568 203.572 237.371 14. Gross domestic factor income (14=8-12+13) Cost components ofGDP 56.409 74.583 110.975 136.958 151.500 15. Compensation ofemployees (wages) 14.021 20.051 23.009 30.368 38.250 16. Operating surplus 17.849 22.304 26.966 31.270 39.500 17. Consumption offixed capital 88.279 116.937 160.950 198.596 229.250 18. Gross domesticfactor income (18=15+16+17) 26.341 33.964 46.314 58.875 69.269 19. Indirect taxes 3.491 4.228 4.783 7.808 10.560 20. Subsidies 7.962 11.924 5.618 4.976 8.121 21. Statistical discrepancy 119.091 158.597 208.099 254.639 296.080 22. Gross domestic product (22=18+19-20+21) 6,7 7,5 2,7 2,0 2,7 23. Statistical discrepancy as per cent ofGDP 132,4 130,0 118,7 115,5 116,3 24. Private consumption as per cent ofwages 63,9 63,8 68,9 69,0 66,1 25. Wages as per cent ofgross dom.factor income 85 1986 1987 1988 1989" Million ISK at current prices 119.091 158.597 208.099 254.639 296.080 1. Gross domestic product -5.584 -6.229 -6.203 -8.333 -13.217 2. Netfactor income from the rest ofthe world 671 813 1.078 1.128 1.870 2.1 Factor income from the rest ofthe world 6.255 7.042 7.281 9.461 15.087 2.2 Factor income paid to the rest of the world 113.507 152.368 201.896 246.306 282.863 3. Gross national product (3=1+2) 14.502 18.425 22.030 27.067 33.473 4. Consumption offixed capital 99.005 133.943 179.866 219.239 249.390 5. National income (5=3-4) 6. Net current transfers from the rest ofthe -47 -72 -66 -80 -228 world 98.958 ' 133.871 179.800 219.159 249.162 7. National disposable income (7=5+6) 94.841 124.224 168.503 205.668 232.623 8. Final consumption 4.117 9.647 11.297 13.491 16.539 9. Net saving (9=7-8) -4.863 482 -7.299 -9.324 -4.843 10. Balance of goods and services plus item 6 8.980 9.165 18.596 22.815 21.382 11. Net capital formation (11=9-10) 4,2 7,2 6,3 6,2 6,6 12. Net saving as % of national income 18,8 21,0 18,5 18,5 20,1 13. Gross saving as % ofnational income 15,6 17,7 16,0 15,9 16,9 14. Gross saving as % ofGDP
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