Gistiskýrslur - 01.04.2003, Page 43

Gistiskýrslur - 01.04.2003, Page 43
Gistiskýrslur 2002 41 Tafla 4. Gistinætur á hótelum og gistiheimilum eftir landsvæðum og ríkisfangi gesta 2002 (frh.) Table 4. Overnight stays at hotels and guesthouses by region and citizenship of guests 2002 (cont.) Landið Höfuð- borgar- svæði Vestur- Vest- Norður- land Norður- land Austur- Suður- allt Capital Suðumes land firðir vestra eystra land land Total region Southwest West Westfjords Northwest Northeast East South Þar af Thereof Danmörk Denmark 11.335 4.649 167 1.047 118 246 2.226 1.172 1.710 Svíþjóð Sweden 8.494 4.555 65 533 128 201 825 541 1.646 Noregur Norway 6.736 4.270 77 307 36 159 693 506 688 Finnland Finland 2.902 2.098 8 141 21 14 151 102 367 Bretland U.K. 24.733 12.766 381 2.750 207 259 3.498 2.286 2.586 Irland Ireland 800 332 2 69 20 3 106 104 164 Þýskaland Germany 57.714 17.882 1.193 4.051 1.104 2.388 11.265 8.555 11.276 Holland Netherlands 11.087 3.453 222 683 143 521 2.049 2.122 1.894 Belgía Belgium 2.796 777 30 156 40 61 468 450 814 Frakkland France 24.923 7.911 119 2.540 520 894 4.299 3.759 4.881 Sviss Switzerland 11.587 4.010 152 697 645 571 2.342 1.905 1.265 Austurríki Austria 3.513 1.535 59 174 43 50 575 530 547 Italía Italy 12.244 3.319 604 1.037 125 592 2.207 2.632 1.728 Spánn Spain 4.785 1.525 382 307 79 55 1.133 761 543 Onnur Evrópul. Other Eur. countr. 4.127 2.275 108 236 48 65 479 448 468 Bandaríkin U.S.A. 17.702 8.907 1.410 639 281 604 2.238 1.349 2.274 Kanada Canada 1.882 1.363 26 34 10 169 103 63 114 Japan Japan 2.456 1.569 93 8 29 28 430 138 161 Lönd áður ótalin Other countries 13.002 3.463 322 665 38 449 3.982 1.967 2.116 Agúst August 239.328 92.645 6.029 16.590 6.933 7.638 39.602 30.909 38.982 Island Iceland 39.458 5.179 864 4.770 4.094 2.420 8.483 6.002 7.646 Otlendingar Foreigners 199.870 87.466 5.165 11.820 2.839 5.218 31.119 24.907 31.336 Þar af Thereof Danmörk Denmark 8.345 4.523 98 284 31 147 1.553 331 1.378 Svíþjóð Sweden 10.322 8.109 55 201 27 124 335 315 1.156 Noregur Norway 7.960 5.984 216 97 39 112 389 223 900 Finnland Finland 2.354 1.971 2 28 14 12 53 89 185 Bretland U.K. 24.654 13.194 765 1.783 273 171 3.525 2.212 2.731 írland Ireland 570 339 - 7 - - 33 101 90 Þýskaland Germany 43.642 14.664 1.150 2.519 935 1.365 7.576 7.033 8.400 Holland Netherlands 8.263 2.561 132 492 120 422 1.615 1.496 1.425 Belgía Belgium 1.549 509 28 65 18 23 163 161 582 Frakkland France 20.506 6.059 108 1.591 393 624 3.771 3.067 4.893 Sviss Switzerland 6.928 2.797 64 368 281 229 1.300 1.213 676 Austurríki Austria 2.726 978 20 209 61 27 480 357 594 Italía Italy 19.405 5.775 541 1.607 365 1.005 3.663 3.898 2.551 Spánn Spain 6.164 1.858 174 485 63 161 1.468 1.389 566 Önnur Evrópul. Other Eur. countr. 5.690 2.877 181 340 27 101 830 621 713 Bandaríkin U.S.A. 15.983 8.724 1.341 1.041 123 306 1.482 1.057 1.909 Kanada Canada 1.534 1.253 62 14 3 50 52 16 84 Japan Japan 2.064 1.412 127 13 15 7 310 75 105 Lönd áður ótalin Other countries 11.211 3.879 101 676 51 332 2.521 1.253 2.398 September September 95.310 54.858 3.841 4.201 1.438 1.589 9.370 7.703 12.310 ísland Iceland 20.607 6.185 817 1.961 1.159 812 2.205 3.268 4.200 Utlendingar Foreigners 74.703 48.673 3.024 2.240 279 777 7.165 4.435 8.110 Þar af Thereof Danmörk Denmark 7.915 4.831 191 153 36 19 2.349 119 217 Svíþjóð Sweden 6.167 4.909 70 57 6 22 196 106 801 Noregur Norway 7.244 6.185 191 53 21 9 229 83 473 Finnland Finland 1.857 1.646 1 26 8 2 102 39 33 Bretland U.K. 10.286 7.310 109 546 2 22 848 600 849 Irland Ireland 243 168 - 8 - - 51 - 16 Þýskaland Germany 7.832 4.077 250 268 48 251 766 962 1.210 Holland Netherlands 3.051 1.778 86 101 8 97 370 299 312



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