Gistiskýrslur - 01.04.2003, Page 74

Gistiskýrslur - 01.04.2003, Page 74
72 Gistiskýrslur 2002 Tafla 21. Heildarfjöldi gestakoma eftir landsvæðum og ríkisfangi gesta 2002 Table 21. Total number ofarrivals by region and citizenship of guests 2002 Höfuð- borgar- Norður- Norður- Landið svæði Vestur- Vest- land land Austur- Suður- allt Capital Suðumes land firðir vestra eystra land land Total region Southwest West Westfjords Northwest Northeast East South Allt árið Whole year 1.090.719 308.052 32.215 84.836 32.757 48.697 191.226 159.675 233.261 Island lceland 386.086 41.459 8.368 44.687 22.839 22.168 82.021 59.389 105.155 Utlendingar Foreigners 704.633 266.593 23.847 40.149 9.918 26.529 109.205 100.286 128.106 Þar af Thereof Danmörk Denmark 40.126 18.842 1.114 2.402 348 1.188 6.418 3.568 6.246 Svíþjóð Sweden 32.285 20.611 522 1.107 136 804 2.253 2.090 4.762 Noregur Norway 28.701 19.911 829 869 161 544 2.021 1.687 2.679 Finnland Finland 8.613 5.785 96 458 60 174 583 476 981 Bretland U.K. 79.646 44.303 2.103 4.863 671 900 7.838 8.500 10.468 Irland Ireland 2.826 1.331 47 138 68 85 251 378 528 Þýskaland Germany 149.202 35.573 4.970 9.264 3.131 7.725 29.367 27.472 31.700 Holland Netherlands 38.943 9.878 1.172 2.130 385 2.131 7.038 7.784 8.425 Belgía Belgium 9.044 2.467 219 462 144 317 1.596 1.346 2.493 Frakkland France 88.279 22.118 1.190 6.538 1.492 3.990 15.170 14.542 23.239 Sviss Switzerland 26.142 6.738 422 1.554 1.111 1.375 5.141 5.101 4.700 Austurríki Austria 12.048 3.213 123 719 165 545 2.925 1.996 2.362 Italía Italy 41.385 9.299 1.658 3.244 606 2.397 8.081 8.692 7.408 Spánn Spain 16.886 4.793 679 1.115 214 633 3.875 3.003 2.574 Önnur Evrópulönd Other Eur. countries 19.189 7.863 816 1.026 117 652 2.396 2.901 3.418 Bandaríkin U.S.A. 63.529 34.212 5.818 2.490 759 1.620 5.464 4.947 8.219 Kanada Canada 5.813 3.403 241 140 68 278 582 508 593 Japan Japan 7.048 3.586 821 49 52 67 966 394 1.113 Lönd áður ótalin Other countries 34.928 12.667 1.007 1.581 230 1.104 7.240 4.901 6.198 Janúar-apríl January-April 109.793 65.907 5.683 4.799 1.389 1.385 11.737 4.491 14.402 Island Iceland 49.111 15.035 2.850 3.730 1.202 1.215 10.237 3.438 11.404 Utlendingar Foreigners 60.682 50.872 2.833 1.069 187 170 1.500 1.053 2.998 Þar af Thereof Danmörk Denmark 5.189 4.503 201 75 18 11 92 17 272 Svíþjóð Sweden 6.327 5.986 75 13 - - 43 16 194 Noregur Norway 5.800 5.480 60 24 - 1 73 58 104 Finnland Finland 1.669 1.500 16 33 1 53 18 10 38 Bretland U.K. 12.464 10.676 355 297 8 16 259 267 586 Irland Ireland 382 363 5 - - - 12 _ 2 Þýskaland Germany 4.933 3.858 210 143 4 39 195 112 372 Holland Netherlands 2.295 1.744 78 42 3 2 32 174 220 Belgía Belgium 753 663 9 33 - - 14 8 26 Frakkland France 3.181 2.418 39 127 46 16 115 157 263 Sviss Switzerland 606 375 6 19 1 4 24 22 155 Austurríki Austria 677 558 7 - - - 49 47 16 Italía Italy 466 327 41 10 - - 16 29 43 Spánn Spain 384 340 20 2 - - 5 16 1 Önnur Evrópulönd Other Eur. countries 1.096 897 105 12 2 25 16 39 Bandaríkin U.S.A. 10.801 8.699 1.258 172 21 22 307 87 235 Kanada Canada 436 393 11 1 6 4 16 - 5 Japan Japan 969 540 232 3 2 2 65 3 122 Lönd áður ótalin Other countries 2.254 1.552 105 63 75 - 140 14 305 Maí-ágúst May-August 838.824 170.188 19.919 73.110 29.148 44.445 164.511 144.878 192.625 Island Iceland 280.716 12.007 3.044 36.277 19.712 18.973 63.156 50.803 76.744 Utlendingar Foreigners 558.108 158.181 16.875 36.833 9.436 25.472 101.355 94.075 115.881 Þar af Thereof Danmörk Denmark 27.016 9.019 681 2.175 300 1.149 4.714 3.440 5.538



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