Reykjavík Grapevine - 12.04.2019, Blaðsíða 54

Reykjavík Grapevine - 12.04.2019, Blaðsíða 54
48 The Reykjavík Grapevine Issue 05— 2019 WAR OF THE NERDS American Career Politician Gets Permabanned From EVE Online Inside information a bridge too far for developers Words: Andie Fontaine Photo: Brisc Rubal Brian Schoeneman, a law yer and career politician working as a lobbyist in Virginia, U.S., also served on the Council of Stellar Management (CSM), the elected representative body of the EVE Online universe, under the name Brisc Rubal. That is, until he was perma- banned from the game and was unseated from the CSM for, in the developers’ words, “sharing confi- dential information with a mem- ber of his alliance that was later used by another alliance member to conduct illicit in-game trans- actions.” Treachery and subterfuge are the bread and butter of EVE Online, but the CSM is not like the rest of the game. This closed body operates in direct commu- nication with EVE Online de- velopers, and agree to a binding non-disclosure agreement. Other members of CSM tipped off the developers about Rubal’s alleged insider information dealings. For the record, Schoeneman/ Rubal denies all the allegations made against him, taking to Red- dit (naturally) to air his side of the story. He stated in part, “I will fight these false allegations, re- store my reputation and seek all avenues for recourse available to me for these reckless actions.” Kotaku points out that Schoen- eman/Rubal has referenced his meatspace political career as a campaign point for why he should serve on the CSM on many occa- sions. He even made a campaign video that we could describe here in print, but it honestly must be seen to be believed. Put this paper down now and search for “Elect Brisc Rubal to CSM” on YouTube. We’ll wait. Schoeneman/Rubal is appeal- ing the ban decision. Two other players, who received Rubal’s in- side information, were given one- year bans for making use of the intel Rubal gave them. However, due to the sensitive and confiden- tial nature of the scandal, players not in the loop may never know what really happened. CITY SHOT by Art Bicnick WELL, YOU ASKED Double Duvet Dilemmas Words: Sam Daniels Why oh why do double duvets exist and how do couples manage to sleep while sharing one? I mean, come on, sufficiently tucking a duvet between your legs and being able to stretch out one leg from underneath EQUALLY ON BOTH sides is a must! Ok so f irst of a l l, I am on your side. Sharing a double duvet with another human being is the WORST! But question ing their ex istence completely? Clearly, you have never enjoyed t urn ing yourself into a human burrito in the snug warmth of a double duvet! Is the sea a sentient being? I reached out to the sea for a comment on this but all I got back was a small wave… If the earth is flat where the hell is everything? The Earth IS f lat… but you have to remember it is still a disk and every thing you know and love is where it always was. Where is the disk you ask? It sits on the back of four giant elephants. Where are the elephants? They ride on a giant turtle flying through space! What gender is the turtle? Nobody knows. How do you apply to the BDSM scene? Asking for a friend. Your “friend” will, of course, need to go to the Þjóðskrá Íslands registry office and complete the relevant appl icat ion for m s. You r wh ips, chains, and leather suit will arrive in the mail 3-6 months later along with your new BDSM identity card. Alternatively, you could make sure to be seen very publically reading '50 Shades of Grey' and hope that someone takes you under their wing. Send your unsolvable (UNTIL NOW) problems to or tweet us at @rvkgrapevine. Techno-krat doing his thing. Youth gone wrong... “Your first and last stop”
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Reykjavík Grapevine

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