Reykjavík Grapevine - sep. 2019, Blaðsíða 12

Reykjavík Grapevine - sep. 2019, Blaðsíða 12
For years, Iceland has been under inter- national and domestic pressure to take government action to address what experts have persistently pointed to as abundant symptoms of human traffick- ing. Now, rescuing victims may soon be more practical, as the Ministry of Justice will head meetings this month to organise national efforts against the control and exploitation of individuals. In Iceland? The United States’ Trafficking in Persons Report revealed in June that domestic and foreign victims are being exploited in Iceland, specifically via labour trafficking, sex trafficking, and forced begging. This data was derived from local sources who continually see cases matching human trafficking criteria, but are unable to make any headway towards convictions due to Iceland’s current system to combat traf- ficking, or lack thereof. Local human trafficking is rarely discussed publicly in Iceland, largely due to misconceptions of what the crime actually looks like in our commu- nities. Public awareness is one of many components that should be organised under a National Action Plan To Combat Trafficking in Persons. This plan would set strategic prioritisations to combat trafficking nationally, and include who will take care of what, how, and with what funding. There is currently no such plan after the last (generally criti- cised) plan expired in 2016. “The worst thing about trafficking in Iceland—the reason there is no real progress—is because no one has been made responsible for taking specific measures in the fight against traffick- ing,” explains Drífa Snædal. As the pres- ident of the Icelandic Confederation of Labour, and former director of the Women's Shelter, she has encountered numerous cases of trafficking through- out her career. It is this regular expo- sure to the problem that has made Drífa a passionate advocate for an action plan to assign such responsibilities. A Failing Structure The current lack of an action plan to combat trafficking is not only a viola- tion of international law; it is also cost- ing current victims their freedom. “Trafficking cases we have identi- fied are being lost,” says Drífa. “We have failed to take care of these victims properly.” Even when someone is iden- tified as a victim of trafficking, Drífa explains that a variety of different parties must organise to allocate food, lodging, legal aid, and medical and psychological services. Collaborating across organisations and ministries while simultaneously working to build a solid legal case has proven unsuc- cessful. “Good work is being done,” Drifa assures, “but it has been taking far too long to actually help victims.” Victims often leave Iceland before any real justice can be achieved, and risk re-victimization when lacking proper rehabilitative intervention. “Trafficking is like drugs,” Drífa explains, “You get the statistics out of the issue based on the resources you put in.” Currently, those statistics leave us with only one successful human traf- ficking conviction, which was made in 2010. Progression Towards Real Change Drífa is optimistic about the commit- tee's meeting this month to develop an implementable action plan. “I feel there has been a change in the politi- cal attitude,” she said, noting that the committee was a commitment from a “Government's Focus of Action” policy released in March. Left-Green Party MP Andrés Ingi Jónsson also said he is optimistic, but cautiously so. “Not having an Action Plan for so long gave the impression that combating trafficking wasn't a very high priority,” he explains. “Hope- fully the new plan will be followed by concrete action and maybe—most importantly—the allocation of neces- sary resources” Drífa’s first recommendation, as a committee member, will be to assign a national coordinator to optimize victim assistance and provide much needed oversight. The results of the committee meetings will determine the national capabilities to combat trafficking and, ultimately, victims’ chances for escape. Words: Logan Sigurðsson Photo: Art Bicnick 12 The Reykjavík Grapevine Issue 14— 2019News WHALES, PUFFINS & REYKJAVÍK May 10:00, 12:00 14:00 June 10:00, 12:00 14:00, 16:00 20:00 July & August 09:00, 10:00, 11:00 12:00, 13:00, 14:00 15:00, 16:00, 20:00 Price: 21.990 ISK #WHALESAFARI • #THEULTIMATEWHALEWATCHING • #CLOSERTONATURE +354 497 0000 • INFO@WHALESAFARI.IS • WHALESAFARI.IS “AMAZING EXPERIENCE 10/10, WOULD BOOK AGAIN!” “THE COOLEST EXPERIENCE IN ICELAND!!” “WE WOULD HIGHLY RECOMMEND THIS TOUR. DEFINITELY A 5 STAR COMPANY” 2018 CERTIFCATE of EXCELLENCE P R E M I U M WHALE WATCHING TOURS CLASSIC PUFFIN PREMIUM PUFFIN EASY FAMILY TOUR UP CLOSE AND PERSONAL 1ST OF MAY - 15TH OF AUGUST 08:00, 10:00, 12:00 & 14:00 PRICE ISK: 7-15 YEARS: 3250 ISK 0-6 YEARS: FREE6.500 1ST OF MAY - 31ST OF MAY 1ST OF JUNE - 20TH OF AUGUST MINIMUM HEIGHT & AGE: 145 CM / 10 YEARS 9:00, 13:00 & 17:00 9.30, 10.30, 11.30, 12.30, 13.30, 14.30, 15.30, 16.30 & 17.30 PRICE ISK: 9.990 #PUFFINTOURS #MRPUFFIN /REYKJAVIKBIRDWATCHING WWW.PUFFINTOURS.IS +354 497 2000 INFO@MRPUFFIN.IS PUFFIN & BIRDWATCHING UP TO 13 DAILY DEPARTURES FROM REYKJAVIK OLD HARBOUR Hope For Victims Escaping Trafficking in Iceland The new human trafficking comittee will start meetings this month "We have failed to take care of these victims properly."
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Reykjavík Grapevine

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