Reykjavík Grapevine - sep. 2019, Blaðsíða 23

Reykjavík Grapevine - sep. 2019, Blaðsíða 23
 Bring Your Own Drill Toolraiser 2019 is the DIY fest you’ve been waiting fore The DIY, or rather DIT, scene in Reyk- javík is booming, and one of its pillars is the Reykjavík Tool Library. On Au- gust 18th, the collective space will hold its annual fundraiser-cum-festival, Toolraiser, which will feature six local bands rocking out for drills, donations, and a whole lotta fun. A bit of a whim “I started the Tool Library last year on a bit of a whim,” founder Anna Caro- lina Worthington de Matos says with a laugh. A warm, friendly, and outgoing Brazil transplant, Anna’s love for the scene is infectious. “I basically got very sick and didn’t have anything to do, so I started the Tool Library and when I left the hospital I actually had the money for it, so I had to do it.” She’s being modest—in reality, the amount of work Anna has put into the DIY space is immeasurable. From her hospital bed, she ran a wildly success- ful crowdfunding campaign to launch the library, raising al- most €9,500. “The concept is a circ u lar economy,” explains Anna. “That mea n s by sha r i ng things, most people can afford tools with- out having to pay a lot of money for one or an- other. What’s the point of buying a 25,000 ISK drill when you only need it for five minutes?” She smiles, clearly full of pride in what she’s accomplished. The Library has been active for almost a year, with- Toolraiser taking place on its birthday. A bit of a party But the point of Toolraiser goes far be- yond helping the Library financially. “The point is to create a community, and what better way than to have a bit of a party?” Anna says with a grin. “So we have a gig and the entrance fee is a tool per person.” Attendees can also give donations, a portion of which will be given to the all-ages music venue R6013. Currently the Toolraiser lineup fea- tures Drungi, Dead Bird Lady, Sinah, MSEA, Nornagal, and Soffín. “It’s really nice to get a lot of support from the bands,” says Anna. “We are in a com- munity and we support each other. if we can support local people, that’s the point of it all.” The fundraiser will also feature a food share table, where you can bring a dish and share your noms with oth- ers. If that’s not enough, they’ll also be screenprinting Toolraiser t-shirts onsite. A bit of an expanse The money raised by Toolraiser will aid the Tool Library’s upcoming expan- sion. “At the moment, we are expand- ing to a sharing depot, so you’ll be able to borrow tents and extra beds, tables, chairs, GoPros, and more,” explains Anna. The Tool Library also plans on adding a DIY centre, so you’ll be able to borrow tools and have the space to do your own projects. “We are also going to be offering a lot of workshops,” she adds. “Most of them are upcycling or com- munity driven.” She grins. “Generally speaking, we keep our costs low, as long as we are paying rent, we don’t care much.” Words: Hannah Jane Cohen Photo: Dominika Milek Words: Alexander Le Sage de Fontenay Photo: Art Bicnick CULTURE NEWS ELECTRIC DREAMS Find today's events in Iceland! Download our free listings app - APPENING on the Apple and Android stores The show is BYOT: Bring your own tool. From Bedroom To Berghain Meet Dynkur, a skilled beat-maker offering intricate blends of sounds and textures that challenge the eardrums Dynkur is a powerful and majestic waterfall in South-Iceland. In Eng- lish, “dynkur” means an impact, a thump or a bang—making it a great name for the techno project of one Þórður Arnarson. For the past two decades he has lived and worked in Reykjavík, London and Berlin as a musician, DJ, sound-engineer and instrument-creator. Dynkur’s debut EP ‘Tschüssi’ was released by FALK in April. Not long ago, Þórður was the type of bedroom-producer who mainly tinkered with music, rather than re- leasing it. “Three or four years ago Festival August 18th at 17:00 at the Reykjavik Tool Library, which is at Eyjaslóð 3. Music Follow Dynkur’s Soundcloud at soundcloud. com/dynkur for live mixes and mixtapes. Follow him on Facebook at dynkurmusic/ for news and upcoming gigs. Purchase his debut 12” EP ‘Tschüssi’ on Bandcamp at falkworld. album/tsch-ssi. I decided to challenge myself and start playing live shows and releas- ing stuff,” he explains. “I believe that everyone needs to have a creative outlet in their lives. It is not about getting famous or earning money; it’s about creating and sharing with the world.” Þórður’s first formative musi- cal experiences were listening to records and creating mixtapes. “I was fascinated with the sounds and baffled with how they were made,” he says. “As a teenager, I started DJing and saw people dance to the music I selected, which gave me im- mense pleasure.” Berlin’s techno-scene is a big in- fluence on the Dynkur sound. “I was about to move back to Iceland with my family and wanted ‘Tschüssi’ to encapsulate my influences and moods,” he explains. “Being at Berghain last Easter and hearing my track played was a pivotal mo- ment for me, as Berghain has been a huge influence on my sound.” Keep your eyes and ears peeled for Dynkur in the near-future as he is set to perform at September’s Extreme Chill Festival and more. “I’m working on the next Dynkur EP and a series of ambient/yoga tapes coming out on my label, Dynjandi,” he says. “Remixes I made for Rex Pis- tols will also be out soon and I have other collaborations and remixes in the pipes as well!” Please Today, Satan Bianca Del Rio: It’s Jester Joke! August 19th - 20:30 - Harpa - 5,500-23,500 ISK “Beauty fades, but dumb is forever.” So said the queen of crass, Miss Bianca Del Rio, who will finally make her long-awaited appearance at Harpa this Pride. So don your best clown makeup and leave your sunnies at home, for there will be shade as far as the eye can see. No one is safe...especially not Valentina. HJC We Love Alcohol Menningarnótt 2019 August 24th - Reykjavík Menningarnótt, the only day getting drunk and passing out in the streets of Reykjavík is not only acceptable, but encouraged, will grace us with its potent presence on August 24th. The party will kick off with the Reykjavík Marathon in the wee hours and end with whatever drunk food you decide to scarf down at 5:00 AM. Also, many museums will be free, so even you ‘intellectuals’ can have fun. HJC Spice Up Your Rhymes GRL PWR / JóiPé x Króli / Úlfur Úlfur August 17th - 21:00 - Gamla Bíó - 2,900 ISK For those obsessed with both Icelandic rap and the Spice Girls, God has really blessed you this week. Taking the stage at this ridiculously fun concert will be veteran hip-hoppers Úlfur Úlfur, the undisputed kings of Icelandic rap JóiPé & Króli, and the Spice Girl cover band GRL PWR. Only in Iceland would they tell you want you want, what you really really want over some sick beats. HJC “The point is to create a com- munity, and what better way than to have a bit of a party?”
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Reykjavík Grapevine

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