Reykjavík Grapevine - sep. 2019, Blaðsíða 25

Reykjavík Grapevine - sep. 2019, Blaðsíða 25
Presenting the fringe The group has now put out an open-call for submissions through their Face- book page, which they hope will reach beyond their friend group to people who have never exhibited before, queer and trans folk, refugees, people of for- eign origin, and generally anyone on the fringe. “As a white Icelandic female, I have more possibilities of showing my work than a refugee,” says Antonía. “In Ice- land, I feel, if you are talented in art people praise you, but if you’re on the fringe, it’s almost taboo to show in a gallery or do something official. So I would love to see more diversity in art galleries.” “I would really love to see more di- versity,” echoes Sunna. “Not just to be like PC or whatever. It’s just genuinely an interest.” However the three do feel like they currently lack direct contact to the groups with whom they hope to collaborate. “We don’t have a lot of contact in marginalized or smaller groups, but I really hope we can start working with someone who does, who is interested in art and wants to reach out,” says An- tonía. “I want to get the information. I want to get more people involved who have interesting ideas. Flæði is very much an artist collaboration space.” Fertilising ground Their hope is that people who are oth- erwise shy about their work and do not feel like they have a place to shine will take the leap to apply, as they feel it could be a good stepping-stone and help artists break through the ini- tial anxiety of their first exhibition. The anxiety factor will also be great- ly reduced by the fact that they plan to make every opening a very social event, including music, drinks, and a lively atmosphere. They will hold their openings on Thursday nights, to avoid turning into all-nighters that would disturb their neighbours. Luckily, they are smack dab between two main bar streets that should pick up the spill- over. At this early stage, the three are very grateful for the overwhelmingly good reception they’re getting. “There’s been so much excitement for this space to open and there have been many people reaching out offering help and to loan us equipment,” says Sunna. “There’s obviously excitement for this kind of concept, which is really good. Also, people just walking by have been excit- ed. It’s just so nice that the community is taking interest.” Hopefully, they will reach far be- yond and the community will grow and flow. Whiskey Cocktails, Whiskey Fligths, Whiskey Shots, Whiskey School, Happy Hour, Draft Beer & Exterior Patio 25The Reykjavík GrapevineIssue 14— 2019 “It would be such a pity if it would just be our friends showcasing. I love my friends, but that’s not why we’re doing it.” Good tunes, good art, good vibes
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Reykjavík Grapevine

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